Another helpful and attractive book, from D. C. Heath and Company, is a STUDY OF PERSONALITY. Its exact title is STUDY AND PERSONALITY, A TEXTBOOK IN EDUCATIONAL GUIDANCE. By Richard L. Sandwick. With a Foreword by Lotus D. Coffman, President of the University of Minnesota. Price $1.12. This book may well be studied by parents in the home, as well as by classes in the school. Some of the chapters are as follows: The Purpose and Value of Education, The Importance of Right Attitude, Dispatching School Work on Schedule Time, Making the Best Use of the Memory, The Habit of Concentration of Attention, Conserving Energy for Study, Creating Thinking, etc. We all need such a book, whether in or out of school. RHYME AND STORY. A second reader. Published by Little, Brown and Company. By Etta Austin Blaisdell. Illustrations by Clara Atwood Fitts. This is a most attractive reader. Its illustrations are excellently drawn and are highly colored. The subjects are those that always delight children. Other children, their games and sports, the things about them in the natural world, the flowers, birds, animals, and so on! What more could be asked for? THE PROBLEM OF INDIAN ADMINISTRATION. This is a report of a survey made at the request of Hon. Hubert Work, Secretary of the Interior, and submitted to him February 21, 1928. The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Md. A book of nearly 900 pages. Certainly a valuable volume for research work on the subject. MILTON ON EDUCATION. This is No. XII in the "Cornell Studies in English." It treats, at length, in the Introduction and Notes by Oliver Morley Ainsworth, Associate Professor of English in Beloit College, of Milton's "Tractate of Education," which has been referred to recently in several numbers of EDUCATION. Paper covers, nearly 400 pages. Yale University Press, New Haven. London: Humphrey Milford; Oxford University Press. THE VICAR OF WAKEFIELD. Oliver Goldsmith. Another number of Macmillans' The Modern Readers' Series. It is edited with an Introduction and Notes, by Frederic Newton Raymond (University of Kansas). AMERICAN INQUISITORS. By Walter Lippman. Price $1.25. The Macmillan Co. An examination of the position of the public-school teacher in a period of conflict between fundamentalism and modernism in religion and between traditionalism and science in the field of history. In The American Library Association's series entitled "Reading with a Purpose," we have ADVENTURES IN FLOWER GARDENING. By Sydney B. Matchell. Paper 35 cents. SHORT PLAYS FROM GREAT STORIES. By Roland English Hartley and Caroline Marguerite Power. The Macmillan Company. It contains eighteen plays, and there are suggestions, notes on production and on the Little Theatre, and a bibliography. THE ADMINISTRATION OF AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Arthur S. Gist. Charles Scribner's Sons. Written as a companion to the author's "Elementary School Supervision." Treats of Administration Problems, The Community, Organization of the Office, Supplies and Equipment, Personnel Problems, Extra-classroom Activities, The School Plant and Its Care, The Use of Educational Experts, The Platoon School, CrossSections of the School, Types of Efficiency. POINTS OF STYLE. By George Carver. Thomas Nelson and Sons, New York City. An admirable little book that can be read through in a half hour, and appealed to for a lifetime. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FOR NEWFOUNDLAND for 1924-1925. Published at St. Johns, Newfoundland. W. S. Monroe, Minister of Education. 191 pages. Paper covers. INTELLIGENCE TESTS, Their Significance for School and Society. Walter Fenno Dearborn, M.D., Ph.D. Houghton Mifflin Company. Intelligence tests have come to stay. They have value, and the up-todate schools and teachers are aware of the fact. On every side there is an inquiry about them, and for them. The author states in his preface that "the procedures developed in testing of intelligence and the findings which have been made with the aid of the tests are sufficiently novel and definitive, and compared with the older methods and results, to warrant a canvassing of their significance and implications." Multitudes of schools and teachers are experimenting with them. The results will decide the questions that naturally arise. Such books as this-written intelligently and covering what is known about the subject today-are pioneers; there will be many followers; and by and by we shall find our scientific principles that will make learning and intelligence stable and definite. We are now, in a measure, groping. JUNIOR CITIZENS IN ACTION. By Walter R. Hepner and Frances K. Hepner. Houghton Mifflin Company. $0.92. This is a "Social Civics Reader for the Intermediate Grades," and it is admirably adapted to give the pupil a good foundation for citizenship. It opens engagingly, with a story of Edward Bok's boyhood. Every chapter is interesting and there is nothing of the goody-goody foolishness that so often spoils books for the "kids." We commend this reader to all elementary schools. They will not be disappointed in it. MY PROGRESS BOOK IN READING, No. 1. An Individual Record of Important Reading Abilities. By Eleanor M. Johnson (York, Pa.). Looseleaf Education, Inc. (1123 Broadway, New York City, N. Y.). Illustrated, paper covers. For beginners in the art of reading. The con tents is simplified and progressive. THE TEACHING OF HOME ECONOMICS. Clara M. Brown and Alice H. Haley. $2.00. Houghton Mifflin Company. A new book that gets at the foundations of the subject of Home Economics, stating the aims and the justification of this subject. Those who are expecting to become teachers of home economics should certainly become familiar with the volume. While it emphasizes the theory and philosophy of home economics, it also presents the practical details. Its mastery will give confidence and enthusiasm. It deals with a subject that has made a place for itself in the curriculum and that wins favor in the homes of the nations. HAWAII AND THE PHILIPPINES. Frank F. Bunker, Ph. D. 136 illustrations. J. B. Lipincott Company. A well made book of over 200 pages, excellent illustrations; and about things and people that will interest the boys and girls and teach friendliness and broad-mindedness. The Editor of EDUCATION, who writes this review notice, taught for two years in the Hawaiian Islands; and he can vouch for the impression that this book makes and the verity of its statements. The sea-sports, the wonders of the volcanoes, the picturesque valleys, the ferns, the trees loaded with oranges, the acres covered with sugar cane, etc., are pleasant in the reality or in the pictured pages of this book. GRAMMAR IN ACTION. J. C. Tressler. D. C. Heath and Company. $1.50. Here, at last, is a grammar that is not "dry." This book aims to help pupils to write and speak correctly, to extract thought from the printed page, to construct effective sentences. There are sections, from I, The Simple Sentence, through Analysis and Diagraming, Compound Sentences, Verbs, Sentence Sense, etc., through all the parts of speech, and so on. The pages are brightened with attractive pictures. We have but time merely to mention the following: CORRECT ENGLISH USAGE. A Study-and-Practice Book by Evalin Pribble, Department of English, State Teachers College, St. Cloud, Minn. Lyons and Carnahan, Chicago. CITIZENSHIP TRAINING IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. By Ellie Marcus Marx, Henry Clay and James B. Hope Schools, Norfolk, Va. $1.30. D. C. Heath and Company. THE NEW SCHOOLS OF RUSSIA. Lucy L. W. Wilson. 50 cents, Vangard Press, N. Y., N. Y. And GREAT MOMENTS FROM GREAT STORIES. T. L. Doyle. Globe Book Company, New York. N. Y. $1. From the Macmillan Company: THE SONG OF THE INDIAN WARS. John G. Neihardt. One of The Modern Readers' Series. The author says that he worked for eleven years upon the Epic Cycle of the West; “however, as the reader will note, it is complete in itself, as are the two other parts of the Cycle already published, The Song of Three Friends and The Song of Hugh Glass." The book preserves the great race-mood of courage that was developed west of the Missouri River in the 19th century." It was an epic period in the history of America beginning with 1822 and ending in 1890. It reminds us of the days when we read Homer's Odyssey. By the same publishers: THE HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. By Charles A. Beard and William C. Bagley. Illustrations by George E. Richards. The use of this book in the classroom will prepare the students for American Citizenship. It shows in an interesting way what our civilization has built up, making us perhaps the greatest nation of the world; a thought that may be challenged; therefore we will amend the expression and substitute one of the greatest nations. We believe that any American, in or out of the classroom, would get inspiration by studying, or by superficially reading its splendid and fascinating pages. The illustrations, many of them in color, are admirable. Again by the Macmillan Company: SELECTED POEMS BY EDGAR ALLAN POE. Thomas Ollive Mabbott, Editor. It is one of The Modern Readers' Series. $1.28. A book that is immortal-and always thrilling, whether at home, on the cars, or in the schoolroom. KENILWORTH. By Sir Walter Scott, Bart. This, again, is one of the very beautiful and satisfactory Modern Readers' Series. It is edited by Eunice J. Cleveland, of the High School, Evanston, Illinois. Price 80 cents. THE DAWN OF AMERICAN HISTORY. By William L. Nida. Illustrations by Curtis Sprague. Macmillan Company; price $1.28. The illustrations are admirable as, in fact, are all the features of all the books sent out from the Macmillans. From D. Appleton and Company, New York, N. Y.: PLAIN GEOMETRY. By Joseph P. McCormack, who is Head of the Department of Mathematics in Theodore Roosevelt School, New York, N. Y. It is an outgrowth of the author's schoolroom teaching of the subject for ten years past; and therefore has been tested and not found wanting. 371 pages, and illustrated with pictures and diagrams that are essential and admirable. BROWN-ROBERTSON COLOR PRINTS BRING THE WEALTH OF THE MUSEUM TO THE CLASSROOM We now offer 250 individual subjects each printed in four-colors together with instructor's texts, which meet the demands of schools and colleges. The most important epochs of achievement both in painting and handcrafts are represented. The manifold uses of these prints will appeal to all teachers. Complete list, with specimen prints and particulars of our special introductory offers, will be sent free to teachers on request, |