ii ADVERTISEMENTS A THE FOUNDATIONS OF By H. A. SPINDT and F. L. RYAN NEW up-to-date Civics text based on a new method of treatment. The question Why? is provoked at every turn. The system of checks and balances, its history and existing reasons, national conventions and presidential campaigns and their machinery, the election of senators and all characteristics of our national and local government are illustrated by striking historic examples, both recent and remote. Teachers Helps The Constitution is explained clause by clause. Bibliographies, questions, projects, dictionary of political terms, a brief sketch of the governments of Canada and Latin America. D. C. HEATH AND COMPANY BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO ATLANTA SAN FRANCISCO DALLAS LONDON Have you seen these new books for high schools? HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES BULLETIN BOARD Instead of naming the exact contents of the September number of EDUCATION at this time we prefer to mention several articles that we shall print in the early Autumn and Winter. Besides those mentioned, we can assure our readers that there will be many others as good as these.-The Modern Mind,-A Note on Adult Education; H. G. Good, Columbus, Ohio. The Secular Curriculum of the Roman Catholic Schools of Chicago; Rev. Robert E. O'Brien, Blue Island, Ill. A Character-Conduct Rating Scale for Students; Edwin J. Brown, Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas. What I Have Learned in Seven Years of Teaching High School History; Leland De Witt Baldwin, Pittsburgh, Pa. Some Functions of the Soliloquy in Elizabethan Plays; Hewit B. Vinnedge, Mayville, North Dakota. A Suggestive Plan for the Improvement of the Teaching of a Single Subject; James A. Boyd, Montpelier, Vermont. Supervision from the Standpoint of the Supervised; Melvin C. Hart, Birmingham, Michigan. High School Athletics; A. E. Holch, Peru, Nebraska. Self-Government in the Classroom; Carlos C. Crawford, Des Moines, Iowa. The Great Teacher; Principal of Cony High School, Augusta, Maine.-THE EDITOR OF EDUCATION. THE SEPTEMBER NUMBER OF "EDUCATION" WILL BE THE FIRST OF THE FIFTIETH YEAR AND VOLUME. THE BRYANT TEACHERS BUREAU, Inc. New York City 1759 Salmon Tower, 11 W. 42nd Street The Agency you will recommend to your friends. Albany Teachers' Agency Provides Schools of all grades with competent Teachers. Assists Teachers in obtaining positions. W. W. ANDREWS, President. F. WAYLAND BAILEY, Secretary. BURDETT COLLEGE BOSTON Courses of Executive Grade-Business Administration for young men; Secretarial for young women. Also specialized vocational courses in Office Management, Accounting, Commercial Teaching, Bookkeeping, Stenography. Large, able faculty. Graduates succeed in business. For illustrated catalogue, address, F. H. Burdett, President. Rooms 40 08, Spencer Trask Building 74 Chapel Street, Albany, N. Y. Magazine Subscriptions EITHER NEW or RENEWALS CAREFULLY AND PROMPTLY FILLED AT LOWEST CLUBBING RATES TRY OUR SERVICE THE PALMER COMPANY 120 Boylston St. Boston, Mass. BOOKS ON PHYSICAL TRAINING BY WILLIAM A. STECHER, M. P. E. DIRECTOR OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. Theory and Practice of Educational Gymnastics for Boys' and Girls' High Schools, net, $3.00 net, $2.50 . net, $1.35 net, $1.75 PATENTS Protect Your Idea! Write Freely, sending Data of your Invention, for full advice. Write for "Proof of Invention" folder mailed free. We give genuino personal service. Established-Experienced E. E. VROOMAN & CO. HANDBOOK AND GUIDEBOOKS FOR PARENTS PRIVATE SCHOOLS 13th Edition. 1280 pp. Illusts. 4000 schools. $6.00 SUMMER CAMPS 6th Edition. 830 pp. Illusts. 4000 camps. $5.00 ADVICE to PARENTS. School and Camp Catalogue Free. Experienced Staff for 15 Years Has Helped Parents. Information by letter without charge. Write fully PORTER SARGENT, 11 Beacon Street, Boston ADVERTISEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENT of an important series The Extra Curricular Library HAROLD D. MEYER, Editor Author of "Hand Book of Extra Curricular Activities" The Seven Basic Principles Are: Aid in evaluating these practices; and The Executive's Typewriter The Demountable was selected as the Official Typewriter by President Coolidge's Personal Committee for use in the 1928 Summer Capital in Wisconsin. Why did they select the Demountable? Because it is a development that is years ahead! "Writes Beautiful Business Letters," letters that receive the quickest and most attention from the pile on an Executive's desk. is the pioneer of many practical exclusive conveniences which make possible a better day's work done in an easier and better way. is recognized by all competent authorities as the finest writing machine made. does not Cost-It Pays. Educational Department Demountable Typewriter Co., Inc. Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, U. S. A. SIMMONS COLLEGE SUMMER SESSION OPEN TO MEN AND WOMEN JULY 1 TO AUGUST 9, 1929 SCHOOL OF HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS Children's Clothes, Dressmaking, Designing and Draping, Textiles and Selection, Principles of Cookery, Principles of Nutrition, Methods of Teaching Foods and Nutrition, Methods of Teaching Clothing and Textiles. SCHOOL OF SECRETARIAL STUDIES Methods of Teaching and Subject Matter: Accounts, Advertising, Business Organization and Management, Commercial Arithmetic, Commercial English and Correspondence, Commercial Geography, Commercial Law, Office Methods, Penmanship, Shorthand and Typewriting. SCHOOL OF LIBRARY SCIENCE Cataloguing and Subject Headings, Reference Work and Classification, Administration and a Librarian's Professional Reading. SCHOOL OF PUBLIC SOCIAL WORK Human Behavior, Medical Social Work, Psychiatric Social Work, Psychometrics, and School Problems and Their Social Relationships. SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING Courses for head nurses, supervisors, and instructors iu schools of nursing: Anatomy and Physiology, General Chemistry, Principles of Teaching, Teaching in Schools of Nursing, Nursing Procedures and Teaching Practice, and Supervision in Schools of Nursing. vi ADVERTISEMENTS FRENCH AND ENGLISH COLORED POSTERS By Royal Academicians and other eminent artists Our imported French and English Railway posters are being used in many schools for schoolroom decoration and as educational material of the Art, History, Literature and French rooms. Arrangements may be made for a loan exhibition of these beautiful colored posters. Write for free illustrated circular. THE PALMER COMPANY 120 Boylston Street Boston, Mass. |