ADVERTISEMENTS FRENCH AND ENGLISH COLORED POSTERS By Royal Academicians and other eminent artists CHEMIN DE FER DE PARIS A ORLÉANS The attractiveness of the European lithographed poster for schoolroom decoration is well known. Many teachers returning from summer travels in France and England, have brought back a few of these posters for their own schools. These posters are worthy of permanent preservation and we recommend that they be mounted on heavy wall-board, varnished, and framed without glass. We will be glad to quote prices on this work for customers who cannot get it done locally. 120 Boylston Street THE PALMER COMPANY Boston, Mass. vii viii ADVERTISEMENTS KEEP UP WITH EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS Introduction to Education By FRANK L. CLAPP, WAYLAND J. CHASE and CURTIS MERRIMAN, all of the Department of Education, University of Wisconsin This course gives the student a general perspective of education the world over, with special emphasis on the schools and the educational problems of the United States. $3.00. Way to Better Teaching in the Secondary School By E. CLARKE FONTAINE, Supervisor of High Schools, State of Maryland An intensely practical and unusually successful constructive criticism of teaching procedure. $1.60. The Business Administration of a School System By WARD G. REEDER, Associate Professor of School Administration, Ohio Dealing with such important problems as making the school budget, procuring Administration of Pupil Personnel By ARCH O, HECK, Associate Professor of School Administration, College of Education, Ohio State University Explaining the reasons for the various reports and records; bringing out the value they have when properly interpreted; and outlining devices for making convenient records. $2.40. Curriculum Making in An Elementary School By The Staff of the Elementary Division, Lincoln School, Teachers College, A valuable, practical, inspirational book in which the staff of the famous Lincoln Education in the United States By EDGAR W. KNIGHT, Professor of Education, University of North Carolina An up-to-date treatment which traces the fundamental principles of American education through the forces and facts of history which have influenced their development. BOSTON GINN AND COMPANY NEW YORK CHICAGO ATLANTA DALLAS COLUMBUS SAN FRANCISO ADVERTISEMENTS The Gregg Publishing Company Commercial Education Publishers Leading Titles Gregg Shorthand (Gregg) Gregg Speed Studies (Gregg) Rational Dictation (McNamara and Markett) Rational Typewriting (SoRelle) The Typist at Practice (Stuart) Typewriting Speed Studies (Hakes) Secretarial Studies (SoRelle and Gregg) Fundamentals of Business (Birch) Fundamentals of Business Practice (Birch) Applied Business English and Correspondence (Hagar and SoRelle) Words: Their Spelling, Pronunciation Definition, and Application (SoRelle and Kitt) Rational Bookkeeping and Accounting (Belding and Greene) Mathematics for the Accountant (Vinal) Business Organization and Administration (de Haas) An Introduction to Economics (Laing) Salesmanship and Business Efficiency (Knox) Personality: Studies in Personal Development (Spillman) Rational Arithmetic (Lord) Applied Business Calculation (Birch) Modern Junior Mathematics, Books I, II and III (Gugle) (For Junior High Schools) Texts for all Commercial Subjects And Prognostic, Diagnostic, and Achievement Tests Teacher's Keys, Manuals, and Handbooks for all basal texts Why Gregg Commercial Textbooks Lead Gregg texts have reached their present commanding position through years of research and investigation made with a view to finding the latest and best in commercial education. Gregg texts cover every phase of junior and senior high school commercial education. Every Gregg textbook is written on the firing line. Every page is tested in actual classrooms before it appears in print. Every principle set forth has been proved over and over again. Before selecting a commercial text, write us for a complete catalog of publications, or sample copy of books in which you are interested. THE GREGG PUBLISHING COMPANY New York Chicago Boston San Francisco Toronto London ix Send to any of the above addresses for Registration Form Free. SEE ALSO BACK COVER OF THIS MAGAZINE. The Westminster Teachers' Bureau Secures suitable teachers, officers and helpers for educational institutions-private, public and denominational—and assists trained, capable teachers and other workers to larger fields of service. The Bureau is in no sense a commercial organization. Service free to institutions and at three-fifths of usual charge to teachers. Henry H. Sweets, Manager 410 Urban Building Louisville, Ky. 70 Fifth Avenue The Pratt Teachers' Agency NEW YORK Receives calls at all seasons for college and normal graduates, specialists, and other teachers from colleges, public and private schools in all parts of the country. Advises parents about schools. WM. O. PRATT, Founder THE CORLEW TEACHERS' AGENCY GRACE M. ABBOTT, Manager 120 Boylston Street, Boston MEMBER OF NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS' AGENCIES THE CARY TEACHERS' AGENCY "THREE AGENCIES-ONE REGISTRATION" Our business is done by recommendation in answer to direct calls from employers GREAT AMERICAN TEACHERS AGENCY Successor to THE PENN EDUCATIONAL BUREAU Established 1880 205 North Seventh Street Allentown, Pa. P. O. Box 157 Member of National Association of Teachers' Agencies TEACHERS, WE PLACE YOU IN THE BETTER POSITIONS OUR ROCKY MT. TEACHERS' AGENCY FIELD BRANCH OFFICE ENTIRE 410 U. S. NATL. BANK BLDG. WILLIAM RUFFER, PH. D., MGR. DENVER, COLO. Largest Teachers Agency in the West. We Enroll Only Normal and College Graduates Photo copies made from original, 25 for $1.50, Copyrighted Booklet, "How To Apply and Secure Promotion, with Laws of Certification of Western States, etc., etc., free to members, 50c to non-members. Every teacher needs it. Write today for enrollment card and information. ADVERTISEMENTS NATIONAL TEACHERS AGENCY, INC. Northampton D. H. COOK, Gen. Mgr. PHILADELPHIA, PENNA. Syracuse Pittsburgh Cincinnati GOOD TEACHERS AVAILABLE ALWAYS Memphis xi KELLOGG'S AGENCY recommends teachers and has filled hundreds of high grade positions (up to $5,000) with excellent teachers. Est. 1889. No charge to employers, none for registration. If you need a teacher for any desirable place or know where a teacher may be wanted, address, H. S. KELLOGG, 31 Union Square, New York. Schermerhorn Teachers' Agency Established 1855 366 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY BRANCH OFFICES CHAS. W. MULFORD, Prop. 1836 EUCLID AVE., CLEVELAND, Ohio A superior agency for superior people. We register only reliable candidates. Service free to school officials. MOUNTAIN STATES Efficient, Prompt, Outstanding in Personal Service. Enroll Now and avoid missing good opportunities in early openings. "How the Better Positions are Secured," with Laws of Certification and much valuable information. DENVER, COLORADO Free to those who enroll. Price 50c to others. S. S. PHILLIPS, Manager THE FICKETT TEACHERS' AGENCY EIGHT BEACON STREET College and High School Work our Specialty. Established 1885. Manual on Request. MEMBER OF NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS' AGENCIES MIDWEST TEACHERS BUREAU "Placing the right teacher in the right position from Kindergarten to University Coast to Coast." ENROLL NOW. N. B. LILEY, Prop. Kansas City, Kansas. ASSOCIATED TEACHERS' AGENCY "One of the Leading Teacher Placement Bureaus" Schools and teachers are invited to avail themselves of this MODERN, PERSONALIZED service. Write, 522 Fifth Aveuue (at 43rd Street) Murray Hill 9422, New York City. |