Imatges de pàgina

RÜDIGER (CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH). Handbuch der rechnenden Astronomie; 1er Band; Praktische Anweisung zur Berechnung und Verzeichnung des Sonnen- und Mondfinsternisse vornehmlich in Rücksicht auf die des Jahres 1797; 2er Band; zur Berechnung ebener und sphärischer Dreiecke durch Aufgaben aus des Astronomie erläutert; 3er Band; zur Berechnung des mit hadleyischen Spiegel-sextanten angestellten Beobachtungen am Himmel; astronomische Anzeige und Beschreibung der grossen Sonnenfinsternis welche sich den 11 Feb. 1804 ereignen wird, auch der selbiger vorausgehenden Mondfinsternis für den Meridian von Leipzig, als Supplement zu desselben rechnender Astronomie ; 4 vols. 8° Leipzig, 1802-1804. RUMKER (CHARLES). Preliminary catalogue of fixed stars, intended for a prospectus of a catalogue of the stars of the southern hemisphere included within the Tropic of Capricorn, now reducing from the observations made in the Observatory at Paramatta. 4° Hamburg, 1832. RUSSELL (JAMES). Directions for sailing into Arsakina Sound and clearing the Eastern reefs [and for Port Litche]. 4o London, 1804. RUTLEDGE (Sir JAMES). Nouvelle théorie astronomique pour servir à la détermination des longitudes. 4° Londres, 1788.

RUMOUSKI (STEPHANUS). Brevis expositio observationum occasione transitus Veneris per Solem in urbe Selenginsk anno 1761 institutarum. 4° Petropoli, 1762. (Two copies.)


ABINE (EDWARD). An account of experiments to determine the figure of the Earth, &c. See Sabine (E.). An account, &c. 4o 1825. (Miscellaneous.)

SACROBOSCO or SACROBUSTO (JOHANNES de). See Anonymous. Sphera mundi cum tribus commentis. fol. 1499.

See Clavius (C.). Commentarius. 4o 1581.

Annotationi sopra la lettione della spera, con una nuova e fedele tradutione di detta spera, una spera teologica, una Platonica, una inuenzione per fabbricare le dodici case celesti senza calculo; autore Mauro Fiorentino. 4° Firenze, 1550.

Libellus de Sphæra; accessit ejusdem computus ecclesiasticus; cum præfatione P. Melanthonis. 80 Vitebergæ, 1563.

Sphæra mundi: Sphæræ mundi compendium......unà cum additionibus nonnullis......contraque Cremonensia in planetarum theoricas delyramenta Joannis de Monteregio non Georgii Purbachii in eorumdem motus planetarum accuratiss. theoricæ. 4° Venetiis, 1490.

-Trattato della sphera, nel qual si dimostrano ed insegnano i principii della astrologia, tradotto per A. Brucioli con nuove annotationi. 40 Venetia, 1543.

SAGE (G. L. le). See Le Sage (G. L.).

SAIA (NONIO MARCELLO). Ragionamenti sopra la celeste sfera; con un breve trattato de la compositione de la sfera materiale. 8° Parigi, 1552. SAINT-DAVID'S (SAMUEL HORSLEY), Bishop of. See Horsley (S.), Bishop of St. David's.

SAINT-MARTIN (J.). Notice sur le Zodiaque de Denderah. 8o

Paris, 1822.

SALMASIUS (CLAUDIUS). See Censorinus Grammaticus. De die natali. 8° 1695.


See Romanus Sambriocensis.

SAMINIATUS (FEDERICUS). Tabulæ astronomicæ. 4° Antverpiæ, 1599. SAMUEL Aniensis. Temporum usque ad suam ætatem ratio; opus ab J. Zohrabo diligenter exscriptum et emendatum; J. Zohrabus et A. Maius, nunc primum coniunctis curis Latinitate donatum notisque illustratum, ediderunt. 4° Mediolani, 1818.

SANCHEZ CERQUERO (JOSEPH). Almanaque nàutico y efemérides astronómicas para el año de 1830-1834, calculadas para el Observatorio Real de marina de la ciudad de San Fernando; 10 vols. 8° Madrid, 1827-1836.

See Cerquero (José Sanchez). Observaciones, &c. fol. San Fernando, 1835.

SANGRUS (ALOYSIUS). Systema Newtonis de fluxu maris confutatur, 8° Neapoli, 1762.

SANTINI (GIOVANNI). Elementi del pianeta Vesta. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1811. 8°

Opposizione di Giunone, 1810. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1814. 8°

Opposizione di Urano, 1810. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.;

an. 1814.

Osservazioni. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1826. 8° Elementi di astronomia, con le applicazioni alla geografia, nautica, gnomonica, e cronologia; 2 vols. 8° Padova, 1830.

SANTOS e SOUSA (JOSÉ VICTORINO). Nova theoria do universo. 4o Rio de Janeiro, 1827.

SARAZINUS (JOANNES). Horographum catholicum, seu universale quo omnia horologia sciotherica in quacunque superficie data facilitate incredibili describuntur. 4° Parisiis, 1630.

SARGUES (GERARD de). Universal way of dyalling; by D. King. 4o London, 1659.

SARMENTO (JACOB de CASTRO). Theorica verdadeira das mares conforme a philosophia do Cav. I. Newton; a que se ajunta huma relaçam da vida deste philosopho, e a demonstraçam de que a Lua se retem no seu orbe pela força de gravidade. 4° Londres, 1737. SAUMAISE (CLAUDE). See Salmasius (C.).

SAVERIEN (ALEXANDRE). L'art de mesurer sur mer le sillage du vaisseau; avec une idée de l'état d'armement des vaisseaux de France. Paris, 1750.

Nouvelle théorie de la manoeuvre des vaisseaux. 8o Paris, 1745. SCALIGERUS (JOSEPH JUSTUS). See Censorinus Grammaticus. De die natali. 8° 1695.

See Manilius (M.). Astronomicon libri quinque. 8° 1590.

4o 1679.

Castigationes et notæ in M. Manilii astronomicon. 4o Lugduni Batavorum, 1590.

De æquinoctiorum anticipatione diatriba. 4° Lutetiæ Parisiorum, 1613.

Opus de emendatione temporum, addita veterum Græcorum fragmenta selecta, quibus loci aliquot obscurissimi chronologiæ sacræ, et Bibliorum illustrantur, cum notis ejusdem; 2 pts. in 1 vol. fol. Genevæ, 1629. SCEVOLINI (DOMENICO). Discorso nel quale con le autorità così de' Gentili come de' Cattolici si dimostra l'astrologia giudiciaria esser verissima et utilissima. 4° Venetia, 1565.

SCHAUBACH (JOANNES CONRADUS). See Eratosthenes Cyrenæus. Catasterismi. 8° 1795.

SCHAUBACH (JOANNES CONRADUS). Geschichte der griechischen Astronomie bis auf Eratosthenes. 8° Göttingen, 1802.

SCHEINER (CHRISTOPHORUS). See Locher (J. G.) Disquisitiones mathematicæ, &c. 4° 1614.

— Solis elliptici phænomenon illustratum. See Scheiner (C.). Refractiones cœlestes. 4° 1617. (Optics.)

Rosa Ursina, sive Sol ex admirando facularum et macularum suarum phænomeno varius. fol. Bracciani, 1630.

Sol ellipticus; hoc est novum et perpetuum Solis contrahi soliti phenomenon. 4° Augusta Vindolicorum, 1615.

SCHENMARK (NICOLAUS). See Frolin (A.). Dissertatio astronomica de Mercurio in Sole. 4° [1754.]

See Nenzelius (N.). Dissertatio astronomica de situ locorum geographico. 4o [1755.] SCHICKARDUS (GUILIELMUs). Astroscopium. See Cellarius (C.). Elementa astronomiæ. 8° 1705.

SCHÖN (JOHANN). Grundriss der gesammten theoretischen Astronomie; mit einem Anhange über den Kalender; nebst vorausgeschickter Theorie der Kegelschnitte und einer Curven höherer Ordnung. 8° Nürnberg,


SCHÖNERUS (JOANNES). In viginti octo mansiones Lunæ......collectanea. See Mamfredus (H.). De medicis et infirmis collectanea. 8° 1530. (Anatomy.)

Equatorii astronomici omnium ferme uranicarum theorematum explanatorii canones. 4° Nuremberg, 1522.

Horarii cylindrini canones. 8o [Banberga, 1515.]

SCHOTTUS (GASPAR). See Kircherus (A.). Iter extaticum cœleste. 4°


SCHRÖDER (JOANNES FREDERICUS LUDOVICUS). Oratio de majoribus corporum cœlestium permutationibus quatenus ex iis progressum naturæ in his corporibus formandis suspicari licet. 8° Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1816.

SCHRÖDER (J. F. L.), Bemmelen (A. van), und HEŸNSBERGEN (C. van). Almanak ten dienste der Zeelieden voor het Jaar 1821. `8° Amsterdam, 1819.

SCHRÖTER (JOHANN HIERONYMUS). Aphroditographische Fragmente zur genauren Kentniss des Planeten Venus. 4° Helmstedt, 1796.

Beiträge zu den neusten astronomischen Endeckungen; herausgegeben von J. E. Bode. 8° Berlin, 1788.

Neuere Beyträge zur Erweiterung der Sternkunde; [also] Miscellen; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 8° Göttingen, 1798.

Neueste Beyträge zur Erweiterung der Sternkunde; 2 vols. 8° Göttingen, 1800.

Beobachtungen und Bemerkungen über den grossen Cometen von 1811. 8° Göttingen, 1815.

—. Kronographische Fragmente zur geauern Kenntniss des Planeten Saturn, seines Ringes und seiner Trabanten; 1 Th. 8° Göttinge, 1808.

No more has been published.

Lilienthalische Beobachtungen der neu entdeckten Planeten Ceres, Pallas, und Juno. 8° Göttingen, 1805.

Selenotopographische Fragmente zur genauern Kenntniss der Mondfläche ihrer erlittenen Veränderungen und Atmosphäre; 2 vols. 4° Göttingen, 1791 & 1802.


SCHUBERT (GOTTHILF HEINRICH). Neue Untersuchungen über die Verhältnisse der Grössen und Eccentricitaten der Weltkörper. Dresden, 1808.

Traité d'astronomie théorique; t. I, astron. sphérique; t. II, astron. rationelle; t. III, astron. physique; 3 vols. 4° St. Pétersbourg,


SCHULTZE (-). See Academies, &c. Academie Royale der Wissenschaften in Berlin. Recueil de tables astronomiques. 8° 1776. SCHULZE (G. L.) Darstellung des Weltsystems, ein Leitfaden für den Unterricht in der Astronomie auf Schulen. 8° Leipsig, 1811. SCHUMACHER (H. C.). See Anonymous. Auxiliary tables for Mr. Bessel's method, &c. 8°

Lettre à Mons'. L. Breguet sur une pendule astronomique. 4° Altona, 1829. (Two copies.)

Astronomische Abhandlungen; 3 pts. 4° Altona, 1823-1825.
Astronomische Hülfstafeln für 1820-26; 7 vols. 8° Copenhagen,


The title of the vol. for 1820 is Hulfstafeln zu Zeit- und Breitenbestimmungen.' It is the only one with a date.

Astronomische Nachrichten; vols. I-VIII. 4o Altona, 1823-31.
De latitudine speculæ Manhemiensis. 4° Hauniæ, 1816.

Ephemeris of the distances of the four planets, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, from the Moon's center, for 1822, 1823, 1825 and 1827; to which are annexed tables for finding the latitude by the Polar Star, for 1821, 1822, 1823, 1825, 1826, and 1827; 5 vols. 4° & 8° Copenhagen, 1820.

Distances of the Sun and the four planets, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, from the Moon, calculated according to Mr. Bessel's method, together with their places for every day in the year 1835; to which is added an ephemeris of the Moon calculated for every third hour of mean Greenwich time upon Damoiseau's tables, the culmination of the Moon for every day in 1835 for the Altona meridian, with auxiliary quantities to reduce it to other meridians, and tables for finding the latitude by the Polestar for 1835. 8° Copenhagen, 1834.

Distances of the Sun and the four planets, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn from the Moon, with their places for every day in the year 1836. Roy. 8° Copenhagen, 1835.

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Journal of observations made for ascertaining the time of the place in the Observatory which was erected at Helgoland for that purpose. 4o [Altona,] 1825.

Schreiben an den Herrn Doctor W. Olbers enthaltend eine Nachricht über der Apparat, desser er sich zur Messung der Basis bei Braack im Jahre 1820 bedient hat. 4o Altona, 1821.

Tables auxiliaires astronomiques pour l'année 1827 et 1829; 2 vols. 8° Copenhague.

. Tafeln zur reduction der in der Histoire céleste enthaltenen Beobachtungen. 8° Copenhagen, 1825.

Jahrbuch für 1836, mit Beiträgen von Berzelius, Bessel, Gauss, Moser, Olbers, und Paucker. 12° Stuttgart und Tübingen, 1836.

Viro excellentissimo O. Malling solennia quinquagenalia celebranti, felicitatem. Inest de latitudine Specula Hauniensis disquisitio. 4° Altona, 1827.

SCHWARTZ (C.G.). See Anonymous. Mémoire explicatif sur la sphère Caucassienne. 4o 1813.

SCHYRLEUS de RHEITA. See Rheita (A. M. S. de).

SCRIBONIUS (GUL. ADOLPH.). Isagoge sphærica. 8° Francofurti,


SEMLERUS (MARC. CHRIST.). Methodus inveniendæ longitudinis maritimæ. 8° Hala, 1723.

SEUR (THOMAS le). See Leseur (T.).

SEYFFER (CAROLUS FELIX). Bestimmung der Länge von Göttingen, Gotha, Danzig, Berlin, und Harefield in Middlesex, aus der Sonnenfinsterniss vom 5 September, 1793; mit Anzeige seiner mathematischen Vorlesungen. 40 Göttingen, 1794.

Super longitudine geographica speculæ astronomicæ regiæ, quæ Monachii est, ex triginta septem defectionibus Solis observatis, et ad calculos revocatis nunc primum definita, commentatio altera. 4o [Monachii, 1810.]

SFONDRATUS (PANDULPHUS). Causa æstus maris. 4o Ferrariæ, 1590. SHAKERLEY (JEREMY). The doctrine of the sphere, astronomicall chronology...with the calculation of the motions of the stars, &c. See Shakerley (J.). Tabulæ...the British tables, &c. 8° 1653. (Mathematics.) SHEPHERD (A.). Tables for correcting the apparent distance of the Moon and a star from the effects of refraction and parallax. 4o Cambridge, 1772.

SIMMS (FREDERICK W.). A treatise on the...instruments employed in... astronomy. See Simms (F. W.). A treatise on the principal mathematical instruments, &c. 8° 1834. (Mathematics.)

SIMONELLI (JACOBUS PHILIPPUS). Constructiones astronomica. See Briga (M. a). Scientia eclipsium. 4o 1747.

SIMOTTA (GEORGE). A theater of the planetary houres for all dayes of the yeare, wherein may be gathered from the earth under celestiall influences divers sorts of herbs &c. for the use of physick......the sunne rising, and to find the determinate houre of it, translated out of Greeke, and fitted to our calculation (by G. Baker). 4° London, 1631. SIMPSON (THOMAS). Essays on several subjects in [astronomy]. See Simpson (T.). Essays on several curious and useful subjects in mathematics. 40 1740. (Mathematics.)

— A demonstration of the figure which...any planet must acquire from its rotation; a general investigation of the attraction at the surfaces of bodies nearly spherical; a determination of the lengths of the several degrees of the meridian; an investigation of the height of tides in the ocean; a new theory of astronomical refractions. See Simpson (T.). Mathematical dissertations. 4° 1743. (Mathematics.)

Miscellaneous tracts on some subjects in...physical astronomy. See Simpson (T.). Miscellaneous tracts in mechanics, &c. 4o 1757. (Mechanics.)

SIZI or SITIUS (FRANCISCUS). Aavoia astronomica, optica, physica qua Syderei Nuncii rumor de quatuor planetis a G. Galilæo recens conspectis, vanus redditur. 4° Venetiis, 1611.

SLOP de CADENBERG (JOSEPHUS). Observationes siderum habitæ Pisis ab an. LXXIV ad an. LXXVIII [&] ab an. LXXVIII ad an. LXXXII vertentis sæculi xvIII; 2 vols. 4o Pisis, 1778-1789.

SMALL (ROBERT). An account of the astronomical discoveries of Kepler, including an historical review of the systems which had successively prevailed before his time. 8° London, 1804.

SMITH (JOHN). Choir Gaur; the grand orrery of the ancient Druids, commonly called Stonehenge, astronomically explained, and mathemati

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