Imatges de pàgina

FRANK (JOSEPH). Reise nach Paris, London, und einen Theile des übrigen Englands und Schottlands, in Beziehung auf Spitäler, Versorgungshäuser, übrige Armen-Institute, Medizinische Lehrenstalten und Gefängnisse; 2 vols. 8° Wien, 1804 & 1816.

Vol. 1st belongs to 1st edition, and the other to the 2nd.

FRANKLIN (Sir JOHN). Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar Sea in 1819-1822. 8° London, 1823.

Narrative of a second expedition to the shores of the Polar Sea in 1825-1827, including an account of the progress of a detachment to the eastward by J. Richardson. 4° London, 1828.

FRÈRE (JEAN le). Recueil de propres noms modernes de la géographie. See Miscellaneous. Anonymous. Dictionnaire François, Latin, &c. fol.


FREYCINET (LOUIS C. DESAULES de). See Péron (F.) et Freycinet (L.). Voyage, &c. 4° 1807, &c.

Voyage autour du monde exécuté pendant les années 1817-1820; Historique, vol. 1er en 2 part. 4o Paris, 1825-1828.

Zoologie; par Quoy et Gaymard; 2 pts. 4° Paris, 1824.
Botanique; par Charles Gaudichaud. 4° Paris, 1826.

FUNNELL (WILLIAM). A voyage round the world, containing an ac-
count of Capt. Dampier's expedition into the South-Seas in 1703 and
1704, with a description of several islands in the Atlantick Ocean, the
Brazilian coast, the passage round Cape Horn and the coasts of Chili,
Peru, and Mexico; together with the author's voyage from Amapalla
to East-India, his arrival at Amboyna; with a description of Batavia,
the Cape of Good Hope, &c. 8° London, 1707.
FURNEAUX (TOBIAS). Narrative of his proceedings in the Adventure.
See Cook (J.). A voyage towards the South Pole and round the world.
4.o 1777.


GALE (ROBERT). See Gale (T.). Antonini iter Britanniarum. 4o


GALE (THOMAS). Antonini iter Britanniarum, commentariis illustratum ; opus posthumum revisit, auxit, edidit R. G. [Gale]; accessit anonymi Ravennatis Britanniæ Chorographia. 4° Londini, 1709. GARNETT (T.). Observations on a tour through the Highlands and part of the Western Isles of Scotland, particularly Staffa and Icolmkill; to which are added a description of the fall of the Clyde, of the country round Moffat, and an analysis of its mineral waters; 2 vols. 4° London, 1800.

GAUDIN (JACQUES). Voyage en Corse; [to which is added by the same] Discours de réception à l'Académie de Lyon tendant à prouver que vu le progrès des lumières dans les principales villes de province, les arts peuvent y réussir comme dans la capitale. 8° Paris, 1787. GELL (Sir WILLIAM). The itinerary of Greece, with a commentary on Pausanias and Strabo. 4° London, 1810.

Itinerary of the Morea. 12° London, 1817.

GENTIL de la GALAISIÈRE (GUILL. HYAC. Jos. le). See Legentil de la Galaisière (G. H. J.).

GILBERT (THOMAS). Voyage from New South Wales to Canton in 1788. 4° London, 1789.

GIRALDUS (SIL.). Itinerarium Cambriæ, &c.
Britannica historiæ, libri vi. 8o 1585.

See Virunnius (P.).

GOLBERRY (SILV. MEINRAD XAVIER). Fragmens d'un voyage en

Afrique fait pendant 1785-1787, dans les contrées occidentales de ce continent; 2 vols. 8° Paris, an x-1802.

GOLOWNIN (W.). A narrative of my captivity in Japan during the years 1811, 1812, and 1813, with observations on the country and the people; to which is added an account of voyages to the coasts of Japan and of the negotiations for the release of the author, by Capt. Rikord; 2 vols. 8° London, 1818.

GOUVEA (ANT. de). Jornada do Arcebispo de Goa, Dom Frey Aleixo de Menexes, Primaz da India Oriental quando foy as Serras do Malauar; dase noticia de muytas cousas notaueis da India. fol. Coimbra, 1606. GRAAF (NICOLAS de). Voyages aux Indes Orientales et en d'autres lieux de l'Asie, avec une rélation curieuse de la ville de Batavia. Amsterdam, 1719. GRANGER (TOURTECHOT). A journey through Egypt. See Riedesel (J. H.). Travels through Sicily. 8° 1773.


GRANT (JAMES). The narrative of a voyage of discovery performed in His Majesty's vessel the Lady Nelson, with sliding keels, to NewSouth-Wales; to which is prefixed an account of the origin of sliding keels. 4° London, 1803.


St. Petersburgh; a journal of travels to and from that capital, through Flanders, the Rhenish Provinces, Prussia, Russia, Poland, Silesia, Saxony, the federated States of Germany and France; 2 vols. 8° London, 1829.

GRIFFITHS (J.). Travels in Europe, Asia Minor, and Arabia. 4o London, 1805.

GRISELINI (FRANCESCO). Lettere odeporiche ove i suoi viaggi e le di lui osservazioni spettanti all'istoria naturale, &c. si descrivono; tom. 1. 4° Milano, 1780.

GROSE (JOHN HENRY). A voyage to the East Indies, containing accounts of Mogul, Decan, Bengal, Angria, the Morattoes and Tanjoreans; of the Mahometan, Gentoo and Parsee religions; with reflections on the trade of India [and] the history of the war with the French from 1754 to 1763; to which is added a journey from Aleppo to Busserat over the desert, by Charmichael; 3 pts. in 2 vols. 8° London, 1772.

GUALANDRIS (ANGELO). Lettere odeporiche. 8° Venezia, 1780. GUIGNES (CHR. LOUIS JOS. de). Voyages à Peking, Manille et l'Ile de France faits dans l'intervalle des années 1784 à 1801; 3 vols. 8° Paris, 1808.

Atlas. fol. Paris, 1808.

GUTHRIE (MARIA). A tour performed in the year 1756-1796 through the Taurida or Crimea. 4° London, 1802.


HAKLUYT (RICHARD). The principal navigations, voyages, and discoveries of the English nation; 4 pts. in 3 vols. fol. London, 1598

1600. HALL (BASIL). Account of a voyage of discovery to the west coast of Corea and the great Loo-Choo island; with an appendix containing charts, and various hydrographical and scientific notices; and a vocabulary of the Loo-Choo language by H. J. Clifford; 3 pts. in 1 vol. 4o London, 1818.

12o London, 1820.

Extracts from a journal written on the coasts of Chili, Peru and Mexico in 1820, 1821 and 1822; 2 vols. 8° Edinburgh, 1824.

HALL (BASIL). Travels in North America in 1827 and 1828; 3 vols. 12o Edinburgh, 1829.

HAYES de COURMESUIN (LOUIS). See Deshayes (L. de C.). HAYTON Armeno. See Ramusio (G. B.). Delle navigationi, &c.;

vol. II. fol. 1583. HASSELQUIST (FRED.). Iter Palæstinum, eller Resa til Heliga Landet förråttad ifrån Ar 1749 til 1752; utgifven af C. Linnæus. 8° Stockholm, 1757.

Voyages and travels in the Levant, in 1749, 1750, 1751, 1752; containing observations in natural history, particularly on the Holy Land and the natural history of the Scriptures; published by C. Linnæus. 8° London, 1766.

HEARNE (SAMUEL). A journey from Prince of Wales' fort in Hudson Bay to the Northern Ocean, in the years 1769-1772. 4o London, 1795.

HELMS (ANTON. ZACHARIAS). Tagebuch einer Reise durch Peru, von Buenos-Ayres an dem grossen Plataflusse, über Potosi nach Lima. 8o Dresden, 1798.

HENNEPIN (LOUIS). A discovery of a country in America, extending about 4000 miles between New France and New Mexico; with an account of the attempts of de la Salle upon the Mines of St. Barbe, &c.; the taking of Quebec by the English; with the advantages of a shorter cut to China and Japan; 2 vols. 8° London, 1698.

Déscription de la Louisiane. 12° Paris, 1683.

HERBERT (Sir THOMAS). Some years travels into divers parts of Africa and Asia the Great. fol. London, 1677.

HERPORT (ALBRECHT). Eine kurtze Ost-Indianische Reiss-Beschreibung. 8° Berne, 1669.

HINCKLEY (JOHN). See Link (H. F.). Travels. 8° 1801.

HEIDEN (FRANZ JANSZ. van der). Vervarelyke Schip-breuk van't OostIndisch jacht ter Schelling onder het Landa van Bengale. 4° Amsterdam, 1685.

HOLLAND (HENRY). Travels in the Ionian Isles, Albania, Thessaly, Macedonia, &c. during the years 1812 and 1813. 4° London, 1815. HOLMAN (JAMES). The narrative of a journey undertaken in 1819-1821 through France, Italy, Savoy, Switzerland, parts of Germany, Holland, and Netherlands. 80 London, 1825.

Travels through Russia, Siberia, Poland, Austria, Saxony, Prussia, Hanover, &c. during 1822, 1823 & 1824; 2 vols. 8° London, 1825. A Voyage round the world, including travels in Africa, Asia, Australasia, America, &c., from 1827-1832.; 4 vols. 8° London, 1834 and 1835.

HOLMES (SAMUEL). The journal of S. H. during his attendance as one of the guard on Lord Macartney's embassy to China and Tartary, 1792 -1793. 8° London, 1798.

HOOPER (GEORGE S.). Observations on the topography, climate and
prevalent diseases of the Island of Jersey. 8° London, 1837.
See Van-Braam Houckgeest

(A. E.).

HUMBOLDT (AL. de). See Kunth (C. S.). Synopsis plantarum. 8° 1822, &c. (Botany.)

Bericht über die Naturhistorischen Reisen der Herren Ehrenberg und Hemprich. 4o Berlin, 1826.

Voyage aux régions équinoxiales du nouveau continent fait en 1799,

1800-1804, par Al. de Humboldt et A. Bonpland; vol. I-XIII, pt. 1. 8°

Paris, 1816-1831.


IBN BN BATUTA. The travels of, translated from the abridged Arabic manuscript copies preserved in the library of Cambridge, with notes by S. Lee. 4° London, 1829.

IDÉS (EVERARD YSBRANTS). Three years travels from Moscow overland to China through Great Ustiga, Siriana, Permia, Sibiria, Daour, Great Tartary, &c.; to which is annexed an accurate description of China done originally by a Chinese author, printed in Dutch by the direction of Burgomaster Witzen, and now done into English. 40 London, 1706. IMLAY (GILBERT). A topographical description of the western territory of North-America. 8° London, 1797.

IRBY (CHARLES LEONARD) and MANGLES (J.). Travels in Egypt and Nubia, Syria and Asia Minor, during 1817 & 1818. 8° London, 1823. ISBRANT (EVERARD IDES). See Ides (E. Y.).


JACKSON (JAMES GREY). An account of the Empire of Morocco,

and the district of Suse, compiled from observations made during a residence and various journies through these countries; to which is added an account of Timbuctoo. 4° London, 1809.

JACKSON (JOHN). Journey from India towards England in 1797, through Curdistan, Diarbek, Armenia, Latolia, Romalia, Bulgaria, Wallachia, Transylvania, &c. 8° London, 1799.

JAMES (EDWIN). Account of an expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains: [to which are added] astronomical and meteorological records and vocabularies of the Indian languages by J. D. Graham ; 3 pts.; 2 vols. 8° Philadelphia, 1823.

JANNEQUIN (CLAUDE). Voyage de Lybie au royaume de Sénéga, le long du Niger. 8° Paris, 1643.

JARS (GABRIEL). Voyages métallurgiques; ou recherches et observations sur les mines et forges de fer, la fabrication de l'acier, du fer-blanc et plusieurs mines de charbon de terre faites depuis 1757-1769 en Allemagne, Suède, Norwège, Angleterre et Ecosse, &c.; 3 vols. 4° Lyon & Paris, 1774; 1780 & 1781.

These vols. belong to distinct editions.

JARDINE (ALEXANDER). See Anonymous. Letters from Barbary, &c. 8° 1788.

JOMARD (EDME FR.). Société de Géographie. Rapport de la commission spéciale chargée de rendre compte du voyage d'A. Caillé à Tembouctou et dans l'intérieur de l'Afrique, 8° Paris, 1828.

- Voyage à l'Oasis de Syouah d'après les matériaux recueillis par Drovetti et F. Cailliaud pendant leurs voyages dans cette Oasis en 1819 et en 1820. fol. Paris, 1823.


BULLETIN des......voyages. See Journals, &c. Bulletin général, &c. 1823, &c. (Journals.)

JOURNAL des Sçavans. Extrait du Jour. des Sçav. du mois de Juin [et] du mois de Juillet 1762; Rélation abrégée [et] suite du voyage que M. Anquetil du Perron a fait dans l'Inde pour la recherche des ouvrages attribués à Zoroastre. Liste des MSS. qui dans l'Inde sont attribués à Zoroastre, et des ouvrages, qui ont rapport à la réligion des

JOURNALS (continued).

Parsses, déposés à la Bibliothèque du Roi le 15 Mars 1762; 2 pts. 4° [Paris.]

[Number XVIII] du 30 Aoust, 1677, [on the] Nouvelle rélation en forme de Journal d'un voyage fait en Egypte, par le P. Vansleb, R.D. en 1672 et 1673. 4o Paris, 1677.

NOUVELLES annales des voyages, contenant des rélations originales inédites, des voyages nouveaux, des mémoires sur l'origine, la langue, les mœurs, les arts et le commerce des peuples, et l'annonce de toutes les découvertes recherches et entreprises qui tendent à accélérer les progrès des sciences géographiques; publiées par MM. Eyriès, Larenaudière et Klaproth; vols. I-IV. 8° Paris, 1831.

JUAN y SANTACILIA (JORGE) y ULLOA (ANTONIO). Relacion històrica del viage a la Amèrica Meridional hecho de orden de S. Mag. para medir alcunos grados de Meridiano terrestre, y venir por ellos en conocimiento de la verdadera figura, y magnitud de la Tierra, con otras varias observaciones astronòmicas y phìsicas; 5 vols. 4° Madrid, 1748.


KEMPFERUS (ENGELBERTUS). Amoenitatum exoticarum politico

physico-medicarum fasciculi v, quibus continentur variæ relationes, observationes, et descriptiones rerum Persicarum et ulterioris Asiæ. 4° Lemgovia, 1712.

KALM (PETRUS). See Westman (Georgius A.). Itinera priscorum Scandianorum. 4o 1757.

Travels into North America, containing its natural history, and a circumstantial account of its plantations and agriculture in general; with the civil, ecclesiastical and commercial state of the country; translated by J. R. Forster; enriched with maps, several cuts, and some notes; 3 vols. 8° Warrington & London, 1770 & 1771.

KENRICK (WILLIAM). See Parkinson (S.). Journal of a voyage to the South Seas. 4° 1773.

KERCKHOVEN (JOHANNES van). Wijtloopig breede en waerachtige Beschrijvinge van de ongeluckige Voyage van 't schip Aernhem van Batavia. 4° Amsterdam, 1664.

KINDERSLEY (Mrs.). Letters from the island of Teneriffe, Brazil, the Cape of Good Hope, and the East Indies. 8° London, 1777. KING (JAMES). See Cook (J.). A voyage to the Pacific Ocean; 3 vols. 4o 1784.

KIPPIS (ANDREW). The life of Captain J. Cook. 4° London, 1788. KIRKPATRICK (-). An account of the kingdom of Nepaul, being

the substance of observations made during a mission to that country in 1793. 4° London, 1811.

KLAPROTH (HENRI-JULES). See Journals, &c. Nouvelles annales des voyages, &c. 8° 1831.

KNOX (JOHN). A tour through the Highlands of Scotland and the Hebride Isles in 1786. 8° London, 1787.

KRUSENSTERN (ADAM JOH.). Voyage round the world in 18041806; Russ. 3 vols. 4° St. Petersburgh, 1809-1812.

Atlas. fol. St. Petersburgh, 1813.

KUPFFER (—). Voyage dans les environs du Mont Elbrouz dans le Caucase; rapport fait à l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg. 4° St. Pétersbourg, 1830.

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