Imatges de pàgina

the tomb of Plantin, is a picture of the Last Judgment, which though not very prepossessing, is generally regarded as the chef-d'oeuvre of the celebrated painter, Quintin Metsys or Matshys. The monument of Metsys himself, exhibiting his portrait in bas-relief, together with his arms and epitaph, may be seen attached to the wall of the western front, at the foot of the great tower; and immediately opposite to the iron frame of a fountain, of which he was the fabricant before he acquired his professional eminence. This artist, it is well known, is usually called the Blacksmith of Antwerp; and there is a current tradition that he deserted his original calling, and studied the art of painting, in consequence of an attachment to a young lady, whom he could only hope to marry on that condition. Under the portrait is this inscription :Quintino Metsiis, incomparabilis artis pictori, admiratrex grataque posteritas anno post obitum sæculari c15.15.c.XXIX posuit." On another stone is the following verse, alluding to the story above related :"Connubialis amor de Mulcibre fecit Apellem." (To be continued.)


MR. EDITOR, Having lately had the perusal of the CHRISTIAN REMEMBRANCER for January last, I was much pleased with the statement (page 50,) of rebuilding the Chapel at Brentwood, and the consecration of it in October, 1835. Now, many requests having been made in the British Magazine, and other clerical publications, for information how to proceed in building an Episcopal Chapel for the service of Almighty God, and obtaining an endowment, and the consecration thereof, permit me to supply the public, through the medium of your pages, with a few instructions, provided that you have none better to give your readers.

Having assiduously and successfully devoted my attention to this subject for several years, and had much practical experience in most matters relating to the Church, both spiritual and temporal, my suggestions on this occasion may not perhaps be deemed unworthy the pages of your miscellany. If I mistake not, my advice was solicited by a friend, and adopted by the Building Committee of Brentwood Chapel, and at Newtown, near Oxford. It must, however, be premised, that nothing can be well accomplished in any place without the cooperation of the incumbent and patron of the parish church, together with the diocesan ;—although by 1 and 2 William IV. cap. 38, sec. 2, it is enacted that, "Wherever three hundred persons reside more than two miles from the parish church, and any person or persons belonging to the Church of England shall declare his, her, or their intention of building a church or chapel for the performance of divine worship, the Bishop may declare the right of nominating the spiritual person to serve the said chapel, to be vested in the person or persons building and endowing the same, uniting, however, such patronage to five persons."

Now should the parties above-named agree, cordially uniting their endeavours in this labour of love for the souls of men, nothing indeed

can be more easy through the provisions lately granted by the legislature for the encouragement of this pious work of building churches, dividing parishes, and augmenting livings; enactments truly beneficial to the future maintenance of sound Christianity within this kingdom.

Wherever the population of the parish exceeds four thousand persons, it is merely requisite to apply to "the Commissioners for Building additional Churches in populous Places," and the Secretary will directly return every requisite information how to proceed, under these several Acts:*

[blocks in formation]

Where the population of the parish shall be under four thousand, the said Commissioners are precluded from extending pecuniary aid, by the provisions of the several acts above recited. A letter of W. H. in the British Magazine, Vol. III. p. 305, will be found very serviceable in this case, which explains almost every proceeding necessary; but perhaps several hamlets, or townships lying contiguous, can be selected from an adjoining parish or parishes, convenient to form a district parish, or consolidated chapelry, under the provision of the 6th section of the above recited act 59 Geo. III. c. 134, which will bring the measure under the view of the Commissioners.

Or if it be thought preferable to build and endow a parochial chapel or chapel-of-ease, solely for the spiritual comfort and instruction of the village where it is to be situated, after obtaining about three-fourths of an acre of land, (either by gift or purchase,) for the site and a cemetery, the plan and elevation of a suitable edifice should be selected and submitted to the diocesan for his approval, which being obtained, application may then be made to the "Incorporated Society for promoting the Enlargement, Building, and Repairing of Churches and Chapels," for a grant of money in aid, which will contribute probably one-fourth part of the estimated expense, subject to certain regulations, which may be procured at the Office, St. Martin's Place, Charing Cross. Ten acres of freehold land for the site and cemetery, parsonage house, garden and glebe, may be conveyed by act 3 Geo. IV. c. 72, sec. 26, to the Commissioners for Building Churches, should they approve of the measure; or, I believe, to the said Incorporated Society, since they have secured that privilege notwithstanding the statute of mortmain, by some act subsequent to 9 Geo. IV. c. 42, by which that society was incorporated. The word cemetery I have above inserted, because this appendage will be found very desirable to be annexed to any chapel, three miles distant from the parish church. And if the fees be reserved for the present incumbent and his successors, surely no Clergyman will object to so useful and beneficial an arrangement for his parish. Strongly, however, do I recommend that the minister of the chapel shall receive See Digest of them, published by Geo. Bramwell, Esq.

out of the burial and other fees, an allowance, say one-half or a third of the receipts, for his attendance and trouble.

The requisite funds having been raised, three life trustees should be selected and appointed by 5 Geo. IV. c. 103, sec. 6, to negotiate and settle from time to time all matters that may occur, either with the patron, incumbent, or parishioners; and arrange with architects, builders, and others.

Let me here observe, that the stamps used on all instruments, deeds, and documents, relative to the building and endowment of churches, will be remitted by 59 Geo. III. sec. 35, on application to the Treasury, within three months. All duties on bricks, deals, and other articles, on which payments have been made to the Custom House or Excise, will be likewise remitted, upon a statement on oath being presented of the quantity of each used, by 59 Geo. III. c. 134, sec. 21. Let, therefore, the clerk of the works be careful to keep a correct account of all articles used in the building of this nature.

The plan of proceeding which should be adopted with regard to the creation of the supplies, it is impossible for me to point out-local circumstances alone must determine it.

The more opulent proprietors in the parish and neighbourhood will probably contribute liberally either in money, timber, or other materials, as the situation may afford. The parishioners in vestry may not object to a small rate of fourpence or twopence in the pound, on the assessment upon the occupiers, which has been done on some occasions; or perhaps they may allow a sum of money to be borrowed from the Crown, for the purpose of making up any deficiency, to be paid off in ten years, under the 58 Geo. III. c. 45, sec. 59; and powers to grant money have been given by the Treasury to the Exchequer Loan Office, at the South Sea House, London, towards public works of whatever nature. It may be well also to mention, that fee-farm rents may be given for charitable and ecclesiastical purposes, by Commissioners of the Crown Lands, by 4 and 5 Geo. IV. Should any such arise from property, wherever a chapel or new church is about to be built or endowed, surely the liberality of the present administration will not be sought in vain. I observed in one of the monthly miscellanies, that the Moorfields School Committee gave the sum of eight hundred pounds towards a new church at Liverpool, but could never gain any further information on the subject. Further, it is enacted by 1 and 2 William IV. c. 38, sec. 2, that in all cases of building churches and chapels, a fund shall be provided for the repairs of the said edifice-amounting to 5 per cent. on the expenditure, and to be set apart from the yearly income, and reserved for the reparation and expenses thereof. As to the pews and free seats, the Committee of Management must use their discretion, being guided by the wealth or poverty of the place. They will find on perusal of the above recited acts of Parliament, that the remaining assistance to be afforded by the Incorporated Society mentioned before, will be conditionally granted, on an engagement that half the accommodation should be left as free sittings for ever.

A small endowment being settled to the approbation of the Diocesan, either in freehold land, or money in the funds, by 7 and 8 Geo. IV. c. 72, sec. 3, the consecration of the structure will take place without delay,

unless the incumbent of the parish should be strongly adverse to it, as was the case at Brighton, when the late Sir Thomas Bernard, Bart., having built a chapel for divine service according to the ritual of the Church, the rector refused to permit it to be consecrated. Now, however, by 5 Geo. IV. c. 103, sec. 5, the diocesan can, instanter, give his consent, on the application and certificate of twelve or more householders.

Immediately after the consecration of the building, which will thereby be set apart from all secular purposes, and devoted for ever to the public worship of Almighty God, according to the rites and ceremonies of the united Church of England and Ireland, a memorial may be presented to the governors of Queen Ann's bounty, when an augmentation will in due time be made to the income of the minister. The governors of that institution have been indeed obliged recently to determine that they will not receive any application for aid till the chapel is satisfactorily endowed with 457. per annum; they will then increase it to 50l. at the least, and every subsequent benefaction of 2001. or perpetual rent charge or annuity of 157. per annum, that shall be made, will be met with a corresponding augmentation. The Bishop of Oxford has in his diocese patronised a Society in aid of the Ecclesiastical Fund, called Queen Ann's Bounty, and recommended it in his charge to the Clergy, (See British Magazine, vol. vi. p. 473.) Twenty-five years ago the writer of this article drew up a prospectus for establishing such a society; and after submitting it to Lord Harrowby, then in the ministry, several of the Bishops, and Mr. Burn, the late secretary to that society, the measure failed through lack of sufficient encouragement.

I must now indeed return more immediately to the subject of this letter having given you a brief outline for the building and endowment of an episcopal chapel, it remains to state that the patronage thereof may be vested in the chief contributors, by 7 and 8 Geo IV. c. 72; or if a chapel of ease, in the incumbent, by 58 Geo. III. sec. 68; and when the division of the parish takes place, (if ever,) the patron of the parish church will present to the district church, by 59 Geo. III. c. 134, s. 13.

I must just caution your clerical readers against the error of building before sufficient funds are provided to cover all the estimates and contracts. These "recent alterations in the laws relating to church building afford great facilities to the wealthy, and the present state of the law cannot be too generally known. "Great indeed would have been the benefit to the Church Establishment, had these alterations been effected half a century earlier," saith the Gentlemen's Magazine of February last, p. 164, on the review of the Rev. Wm. C. Wilson's Helps to the Building of Churches and Parsonage Houses. And fortunate indeed would it have been for the parishes where chapels have been recently erected, but previously to the act 1 and 2 Wm. IV. c. 38, had the provision therein for repairs been earlier made. Many such chapels are now sadly in need of the preserving embellishment of outside paint, and some of repair, where scarcely any funds can be procured. Not to have guarded against this occurrence, was a great oversight, into which many Clergy have fallen, myself among the number. Ten years have passed away since, an episcopal chapel in the parish where I am now residing was opened for divine service for the spiritual benefit of about

one thousand poor people, in a very secluded situation, who cannot possibly raise any subscription towards the charges of repair, nor even for cleaning the place, or paying the clerk, and other requisite disbursements. Having, however, a tolerable maintenance or endowment for the minister, (who is indefatigable in his endeavours to instruct his people in the way of salvation,) it would be grievous was the structure to fall into decay, after the great pains taken by numbers to build it. An attempt has been lately made to remedy this former neglect, and the trivial but annual income of 2l. 16s. has been already raised. Should any of your wealthy, pious, and charitable readers be disposed to further these my efforts for the preservation of this chapel dedicated and devoted, (I should also say consecrated,) to the service of Almighty God, their contributions will be most gladly received, and carefully invested in permanent securities, for this express purpose. (Particulars of this Chapel are inserted Vol. VII. p. 370; also, on the covers of our Magazine for April, 1824 and 1835, Nos. 64 and 76.)

Should the above be deemed acceptable for your pages, I shall with pleasure supply your correspondents with any further clerical information they may require, since to devote the little leisure that can be secured from the charge of a laborious parish, in professional pursuits, has for thirty years been the recreation of, and the greatest pleasure to your obedient servant,

Lincoln, April 30, 1836.




MR. EDITOR,-As a new edition of " Dr. Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, with all the valuable emendations and corrections from the author's own last hand," has been lately issued from the press, I cannot refrain from bringing under the notice of your readers, and through them of the christian public, the extraordinary notions on the mysterious subject of the eternal generation of the Second Person in the blessed Trinity. I am far from intending to impute to the writer of that work the opinions of those who are known among the continental theologians under the name of Rationalists; I feel convinced he would have shrunk from those opinions with horror; yet surely he has expressed himself at times in such a manner as to require some exercise of forbearance and caution in his readers, in withholding the unfavourable expression of their opinions on his dogmas. And as I am persuaded that the turn of mind which led him into such exaggerated declarations of the powers and office of reason, as at times to exalt it at the expense of revelation, was the very cause which induced him to adopt this new method of explaining the deeply mysterious doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son of God, I shall first give, in his own words, the author's declaration of the wonderful rationality and reasonableness of his belief.

At the end of his Commentary we find a sort of Confession of Faith, drawn up, and promulgated and believed by himself. It is thus

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