TOTHE THE SPIRITUAL MAGAZINE. SPIRITUALISM is based on the cardinal fact of spirit communion and influx; it is the NEW SERIES. VOL. I. LONDON: JOB CAUD WELL, 335, STRAND. 1866. THE Spiritual Magazine. JANUARY, 1866. TO OUR READERS. It is now six years since the first number of The Spiritual Magazine was issued. Its motive and aim were alike out of the track of ordinary journalism. Its conductors have not been professed litterateurs, and it was started with little promise of support, literary or otherwise. It was a commercial speculation only in the sense that its promoters had to calculate the probable loss on its publication which at the end of the year they would be called upon to make up. And as to reputation, they knew well enough that the only repute it was likely to bring them was that of being knaves, fools, and madmen. It may be asked, what then urged them to so unpromising an undertaking? and how has it succeeded? To this they answer, that they knew themselves to have a strong grip of a class of facts which involved as they felt the most momentous issues, and for want of a right knowledge and just appreciation of which, the most pernicious errors were extensively held, and were spreading fast among all classes of society. To record and establish these facts, to discuss their bearings, and to trace their consequences, seemed to them well worth any labour and any sacrifice that they might be called upon, and that it was in their power, to make. They were anxious to extend to others that knowledge which in their own experience, and in that of many others had proved so precious. And we have fared perhaps better than we have deserved, certainly better than we expected. Our printer's bills have been punctually paid; and we have no dread of the Rhadamanthus of Basinghall-street. Our circulation though not large, has been steady and progressive. That our medicine has done some good to our brethren of the press is shown by the many little angry blotches of articles-eruptions on the skin as it were, into which our refractory patients have broken out, indicating a wholesome effort of beneficent Mother Nature to send out to the surface the corruptions which had been gathering in the centres of their life. Especially would we point as an evidence of the interest which N. S.-I. A |