Imatges de pàgina

"those who have during the last sixteen it would seem that not only the young years, from time to time, been his pupils," man can improve and strengthen his it is to be hoped, that it will soon find its vocal organs, as a preparatory training way into the highest institutions of learn- for his future work; but even the man ing in our State. That Elocution can be who is actively engaged in the business learned, no longer admits of a doubt; of a profession, may successfully culand that when learned, it is one of the tivate all the excellencies of delivery, most effective qualifications of the Ame-We commend this volume to all who rican scholar, requires no argument. Why, then, with such a text book, should it not be every where studied?



would learn to read or speak well; ar especially to the Professors and Teachers in our colleges, academies and higher schools, as a text book of rare excellence.

From the N. York Commercial Advertiser.


From the Portland Argus. This is a book of many excellencies. Caldwell, of Dickinson college, Carlisle, It is throughout practical, teaching all (Pa.) has prepared a practical "Manual along, precisely what the student in Elo- of Elocution," including voice and gescution most needs to know; and, as he ture, designed for schools, academies, and needs them, giving him the exercises colleges. It has been published in a neat which are necessary to enable him to dis-12mo. volume, by Sorin and Ball, of P'hicipline all the various functions of the ladelphia. The author has availed himself of the materials and principles found Its plan is good. It discusses the en- in Rush's celebrated work on the Philotire subject; and yet the various portions sophy of the Voice, and Austin's Chiroare so arranged, that the learner dis-nomía, so celebrated as a standard autinctly comprehends each several point, thority in gesture. By a judicious conto which his attention is at the same time densation of the leading features of these called. First come the Elements of Vocal and other elaborate works in the differdelivery, then their application; second-ent departments of Elocution, he has sucly, the Elements Gesture, and after-ceeded in simplifying the subject so as to wards their application; and, finally, the furnish learners with a text book of great book closes with general precepts and in- practical merit. The success with which structions well suited to show the rela-Professor Caldwell has taught Elocution, tion between the vocal movements, and and his extensive experience thus acthe action of the body, and how they may quired, have enabled him to improve be made to conspire in the highest degree to the accomplishment of the designs of


upon his predecessors, especially in adapting the instructions of this volume to both Teachers and learners; and its general use in our schools, academies, and art of public speaking a common acquirecolleges, can scarcely fail to render the ment, which in our country will be most desirable and useful, as it is now most abominably neglected.

From the Christian Repository, Philadelphia.

The objects also, are precisely what it is desirable to have accomplished by a work on Elocution; to wit, to make the business of speaking effective,-to give success to the efforts of the orator; and also to guard the speaker against the diseases of the vocal organs, which are now carrying so many to their graves. This system almost demonstrates the feasibility of accomplishing these objects-of actually learning "the orator's art." If In the preparation of this work, the one desires to become an accomplished author seems to have taken advantage singer, he must practice, and that notwith- of the valuable materials furnished by standing all that Lature may have done others, and very handsomely notices in for him; so also he must practice if he his preface the assistance of such works would become a boxer, or acquire skill as "The Philosophy of the Human Voice," in penmanship, or in performing on mu- by Dr. James Rush, and the "Chirosical instruments. We are here told, that nomia," of Austin; besides which, his in the same way, the speaker must learn own experience as a teacher for some sixthe art of managing his voice, and of giv-teen years, enables him to introduce such ing ease and grace to his gestures.

All the principles presented in this Manual, are illustrated by well selected examples for practice; and by this kind of discipline, recommended in the book,

improvements and simplifications as are wanted at the present day. The work is progressive in its character, and numerously illustrated with figures so arranged that it might properly be called a self

instructor. We hope that there are num-mies, and colleges, as well as for private bers of our young men, and especially learners, and its preparation, says the those who attempt public speaking, that will avail themselves of this timely publication. It is comprised in one volume, 12mo., and contains nearly 350 pages, neatly and substantially bound.

From the Pennsylvania Telegraph, Harrisburg.

author, would not have been undertaken but for the obvious want, at the present time, of a suitable text book in Elocution for the use of classes in our various institutions of learning. The Professor also takes the ground that it is within the power of every man to make himself an effective public speaker by careful The impression has extensively ob- study of the elements of oratory, and tained, that all works on Elocution, are practice of the rules laid down for the solely intended for public speakers, or exercise of the Voice and Gesture. And such as are in a course of preparation for the time and labor bestowed upon this profession. That money expended in important subject, will be amply repaid, their purchase, and time occupied in their he futher contends, by the almost omnistudy, by others, are wholly wasted. potent influence which powerful oratory This, however, is a serious mistake. secures over the public mind, and the Vocal powers are possessed and largely enlarged prospects it holds out for acquirused by men of every class, and in every ing useful and honorable distinction in a condition. Would it not be advantageous country like ours.

From the Biblical Repertory and Princeton


to every man, to be able to use this power The Manual has been noticed in terms in communicating with his fellows, to the of warm commendation by several of our best advantage? Education is necessary city contemporaries, who cordially agree to teach the fingers to write, and the in pronouncing it a most valuable contrihands to execute their most ordinary bu-bution to the stock of elementary insiness. Even the mental powers must be struction on this subject. trained and exercised, or they cannot be depended on, with any degree of certainty. And shall every other faculty be duly improved while the vocal powers are left in entire neglect? The muscles This appears to be an elaborate and which form the voice, like those which able work. The author acknowledges move the fingers, need and must have a himself greatly indebted for his materials proper training, or they cannot be ex- to "The Ihilosophy of the tuman Voice, pected to obey the will with promptness by James Rush, M. D. ;" and to the and precision. The boy must be accus-Chironomia of Austin." The princi. tomed to the use of tools before he can ples contained in these standard works be a good mechanic-so every one who expects to be a good speaker, reader-or even good in private conversation, must learn the elementary sounds of which words are composed, and so practice on them as to make them familiar, natural, and habitual, or he will always be blundering. No one but he who has practised on these sounds, and used such works as this, can tell the great advantages to be derived from them. Experience has fully shown that the feeblest voice, and the least flexible organs of speech, have been vastly improved by practising on tables similar to those so numerously furnished in this most valuable work. I most ardently hope. therefore, that the Professor's book, will be extensively circulated and generally and faithfully studied. A. ATWOOD.

Harrisburg, Feb. 1845.

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are here clearly stated and copiously
illustrated. Elocution is so much an
imitative art, that we do not know
whether such works as the one before
us, can enable a young man to make
himself a good reader or speaker; but
we are convinced that far too little at-
tention is generally paid to this sect;
and that it is of great importance that
those who expect to spend their lives in
addressing public assemblies, should
learn the principles which Frotessor
Caldwell has so well unfolded. and en-
deavor to gain correct habits of articu-
lation, modulation and emphasis. We
would therefore recommend this work
as an incentive and guide in this de-

From the Biblical Repository and Classical

We confess ourselves greatly pleased with this manual. It is well digested and comprehensive. embracing rules both for the regulation of the voice, and the cultivation of gesticulation. Dr.

Rush's philosophical work on the voice, and Austin's Chironomia, are the basis of Professor Caldwell's system: but he certainly is entitled to the merit of combining the two departments of elocution, and exhibiting them lucidly, and with sufficient extension for all practical purposes.

A text-book of this description, in order to be useful in accomplishing the end for which it was written, must be thoroughly and practically studied. Thus used, we think its introduction into schools and colleges would tend, at least, to give a facility and appropriateness of articulation and expression, which else would not be attained.

From the Southern Christian Advocate, Charleston, S. C.

This volume is intended for Schools, Academies, and Colleges, as well as private learners. A standard work of the kind has long been wanted. As an art, elocution has been but little studied by our young men; and we hold, that the acquisition of it is as essentially requisite to a finished orator as polish is necessary to bring out the beauty of the diamond. The author has long been engaged in teaching what he writes upon, and, of course, understands it. He has availed himself, moreover, of the labors of Dr. Rush and Austin's "Chi

ronomia;" works which, from their scarcity and price, are not always within the reach of the student. The present work, we think, both on account of its completeness and cheapness, must come into general use.

From the True Catholic, Louisville, Ky. The author has drawn extensively from the materials of "Rush's Philosophy of the Human Voice," and "Austin's Chironomia." But neither of the works named professes to be a practical manual. This work presents both branches in the same volume. Numerous Diagrams and Figures illustrate the subject. This work presents to the reader and to the student the most valuable portions of Rush and Austin, which, on account of their scarcity and their price, are within the reach of few. With this advantage is combined the practical experience of the author during a period of sixteen years. We commend it to the student, and to all who would become good readers.

From the Woodville, (Miss.) Republican. This work is intended, and we think well calculated, to fill a vacuum long felt

by those engaged in public instruction. It exhibits much thought, care, and knowledge on the part of the author, and we cheerfully commend it to the attention of all those who would most effectually teach themselves or others the art of graceful and efficient reading or speaking.

From the Baltimore Clipper.

"A Practical Manual of Elocution," is the title of a late work by Caldwell, A. M., one of the professors in Dickinson College.-The admirable and that of "Austin on Gesture" appear treatise of "Rush on the Human Voice," to have furnished the author with many valuable ideas. These and the suggestions made during a long course of elocutionary teaching have been made the basis of the present volume, which is at once philosophical and practical. The rules and directions are perspicuous, and arranged with great judgment, and are not so multiplied as to deter the student; and the selections for reading are in excellent taste. It is gotten up very neatly, is an excellent school-book, and we presume will have an extensive circulation.

From the Northern Christian Advocate. No one can have examined this book

impartially, in connection with the other publications on the same subject now in use, but will justly pronounce it not only far the cheapest. but decidedly the

best work of the kind now before the public.

It is not the design of the author to clothe one as David in Saul's armor; but rather to divest nature of all hurtful and useless appendages, and so to cultivate her own power, that she may be seen and felt herself giving simple but dignified utterance to the deep promptings of a feeling heart; and such should be the character of pulpit discourse.He who studies this Manual thoroughly cannot fail to become more fully skilled in true persuasive eloquence.

BOWDOIN COLLEGE, May 17, 1845. Having carefully examined the Manual of Elocution, by Professor Caldwell. I feel no hesitation in expressing a decided approval of it. The vocal Exercises are well adapted to give power and flexibility to the voice; whilst judicious aid is also afforded in the important department of Gesture. A considerable portion of the work is devoted to the Expression of Speech-a branch of the subject in which little has hitherto

been attempted, but in which Professor Caldwell has happily succeeded.

On the whole. I regard the work as having superior claims to popular favor; and as supplying a want severely felt by both Teachers and learners, in the art of which it treats.

H. H. BOODY, Teacher of Elocution in Bowdoin College.

It gives us pleasure to express our cordial acquiescence in the views expressed by Mr. Boody, of the merits of Professor Caldwell's work on Elocution.

Professor of Rhetoric
and Ancient Languages.
Professor of Mental
Philosophy and Ethics.

WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY, Middletown. (Conn..) May 23, 1845. Messrs. Sorin and Ball:

The hasty perusal I have been able to give Professor Caldwell's "Manual of Elocution," recently published by you, has afforded me great satisfaction. It appears to me better calculated to facilitate the study of this important branch of education than any other work I have seen.

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Elocution." as the author very justly remarks, may be considered both as a science and an art; and in his work he has treated of it in this twofold light. And while he has, with great clearness and precision, discussed the principles of the science, he has also very successfully laid open to our view the secrets of the art-the very arcana of the orator. by means of which he wields his wonderful power.

In his brief, but truly excellent, "Introduction," the author has clearly shown the importance. in this country especially, of giving more attention to this neglected branch of study, which I would earnestly recommend to any who may be sceptical on the subject.

Very respectfully yours,
Professor of Natural Science.

October 24, 1845.

Messrs. Sorin and Ball: "Orator fit" was a maxim upon which the ancients practiced, and were therefore successful in furnishing the most illustrious examples of excellence in the art of Eloquence. We know that they were so impressed with the importance of systematic instruction, that they appropriated immense

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sums from the public funds for the salaries of distinguished rhetoricians. On the contrary, the sentiment of the present day seems to be that the orator is born such. confidently believe, however, that the "Manual of Elocution" is destined in connexion with Rush's Philosophy of the Human Voice," (upon which the plan of the Manual is based) to work an important change in public sentiment in regard to this muchneglected subject. Having myself devoted very particular attention to Elocution for many years. I have felt much embarrassment in imparting instruction, from the want of a suitable tert-book ;--I therefore hail the publication of the Manual prepared by the hand of one so eminently qual fied for it as Professor Caldwell, with a high de gree of satisfaction. The subject is treated in just the manner that I could have desired, had I been consulted. I am particularly pleased that so much stress is laid upon continued erercise on one thing at a time.--the only successful method of learning any


I have introduced the Manual into our Institution, and have carried a class through a course of lessons with entire satisfaction. I expect to see it acquire a success still greater than that with which it has already been greeted. CHANDLER ROBBINS, M. A.,

Professor of Ancient Languages.

AMENIA, N. Y., June 12th, 1845. Gentlemen:

I have examined with interest and pleasure, the work of Professor M. Caldwell, recently published by you, and have introduced it into our Institution as the regular text-book on Elocution.

The work is founded on the philosophical principles developed by Dr. Rush, but while the professor has rendered, perhaps more than due acknowledgment of his obligations to that author and others whose works he has consulted, he has introduced very many valuable precepts, evidently the result of his own investigations and experience.

The arrangement is systematic, the various subjects are sufficiently and clearly discussed, and the illustrations are selected with good taste and judgment. The two great branches of Elocution relating to Voice and Gesture, are presented in the same volume. In these and in several other respects I consider the work superior to any other on the same subject. It is well calculated to supply what has been a great desideratum, a good Practical Manual embracing both branches of Elocution. It is a good text-book, and also well calculated to aid the private learner. It contains those principles of delivery, to the diligent study of which, nearly all, who have gained the reputation of being

accomplished orators, owe their celebrity. As it is now generally acknowledged, that a good delivery can be attained by study and practice, it is to be hoped, that this work will come into general use, and that more attention will be given to the subject than it has hitherto received.

Yours respectfully, JOSEPH CUMMINGS, A. M., Principal of Amenia Seminary. Messrs. Sorin and Ball.

SALISBURY, (Furnace village,)
November 7, 1845.

Messrs. Sorin and Ball:

I ought long since to have acknowledged the reception of a copy of Professor Caldwell's Manual of Elocution. It is a matter of great gratification that Elocution is beginning to receive that attention in our schools, to which its substantial merits and importance entitle it. The above work-to which I have been devoting personal attention, and on whose principles I have been exercising, is a thorough, clear, and eminently practical exhibition of the true principles of Elocution. I know of no other work so well adapted to usefulness in our seminaries.

Respectfully yours,

From John Neal, Counsellor at Law, Portland, Maine.

To the Author.

Dear sir,-Allow me to thank you in behalf of the people, and the children of the people. for your "Manual of Elocution." It appears to me erceedingly well adapted to the wants of the hour, I might say of the age. so far as we of this country are concerned. It must greatly abridge the labor of the Teacher. and generally help the understanding while it engages the feelings of the scholar. Hoping it may be worthily encouraged. not. after all. so much for your sake as for the sake of those who are to come after us,

I am, dear sir, yours, with respect, JOHN NEAL. Portland, Feb. 21, 1845. From the same. to the Publishers, under date of May 14, 1845.

My opinion of Professor Caldwell's "Manual of Elocution," is in the possession of the author himself; and you are hearty welcome to make any use of it you may think proper. I have only to add, that the more I see of the book in question, the better I think of it. Clear, simple, well digested, and well arranged, it cannot be

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Besides these, numerous notices of the Manual of Elocution, equally favorable with the foregoing, have been received, from the most respectable sources. From some of these we will present brief extracts:

We have examined this work with much satisfaction, and feel pleased to say that it bears marks of deep study, and of a thorough acquaintance with the subject. True eloquence has its seat in the heart, but without some such aid as this book affords, it cannot be brought out, except in an uncouth and ill-adapted dress Mother's assistant and Young Ladies' Friend. W. C. BROWN, Editor.

Professor Caldwell has succeeded in presenting, with perfect clearness. a subject. which, to many, is new.-Appleton's News Letter, for Feb. 1845.

The first subject [the Voice.] is illustrated in such a manner as to exhibit to the eye nearly all the different movements of the voice, as well as the different tortes suited to all kinds of composition; suggesting many useful hints that might be highly serviceable to the pub.ic speaker. by teaching him the art of so managing his vocal organs as to preserve his own health, while at the same time his discourse would be rendered much more effective.

The subject of Gesture is illustrated by no less than one hundred different figures, exhibiting as many different attitudes and positions of the feet, lower limbs, head. trunk, hands, &c., and pointing out many faults often committed by public speakers.

In the appendix a short chapter is devoted to the Elocution adapted to the

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