Sometimes with secure delight To many a youth, and many a maid, And young and old come forth to play Till the live-long daylight fail; Then to the spicy nut-brown ale, With stories told of many a feat, 100 How fairy Mab the junkets eat; 105 Then lies him down the lubber fiend, 110 And stretch'd out all the chimney's length, Basks at the fire his hairy strength, And crop-full out of doors he flings, Ere the first cock his matin rings. Thus done the tales, to bed they creep, By whispering winds soon lull'd asleep. 115 110 lubber] There is a pretty tale of a witch that had the devil's mark about her, God bless us, that had a gyaunt to her son, that was called Lob-lye-by-the-fire!' Knight of the B. Pestle, act iii. sc. Warton. 1. Tower'd cities please us then, And the busy hum of men, Where throngs of knights and barons bold Or sweetest Shakespeare, Fancy's child, Warble his native wood-notes wild. 120 125 130 And ever against eating cares, Lap me in soft Lydian airs, Married to immortal verse; Such as the meeting soul may pierce, 120 weeds] Troilus and Cressida, act iii. sc. 3. 'Great Hector in his weeds of peace. 122 Rain] From the Messaggiero of Tasso. della lor virtu.' Black's Life of Tasso, ii. 476. 135 140 Piovano quaggiu Untwisting all the chains that tie That Orpheus' self may heave his head His half regain'd Eurydice. These delights if thou canst give, Mirth, with thee I mean to live. 147 Elysian flowers] See Par. Lost, iii. ver. 359. 145 150 ARCADES. Part of an Entertainment presented to the Countess Dowager of Derby, at Harefield, by some noble persons of her family; who appear on the scene in pastoral habit, moving toward the seat of state, with this song. SONG I. Look Nymphs, and Shepherds look, Is that which we from hence descry, This, this is she To whom our vows and wishes bend Fame, that her high worth to raise, may justly now accuse Of detraction from her praise; 5 This] Jonson's Ent. at Altrope, 1603. "This is shec, This is shee, 5 ; In whose world of grace,' &c. Warton. 10 Mark what radiant state she spreads, Sitting like a Goddess bright, In the centre of her light. Might she the wise Latona be, Or the tower'd Cybele, Mother of a hundred Gods? Juno dares not give her odds; Who had thought this clime had held 15 20 25 As they come forward, the GENIUS of the wood appears, and turning toward them, speaks. GEN. Stay, gentle Swains, for though in this disguise, I see bright honour sparkle through your eyes; ye, the breathing roses of the wood, 23 give] Too lightly expressed for the occasion. Hurd. 30 Alpheus] Virg. Æn. iii. 694. 'Alpheum, fama est, huc Elidis amnem Occultas egisse vias subter mare, qui nunc Ore, Arethusa, tuo,' &c. Newton. 30 |