Who now enjoys thee credulous, all gold, Hopes thee, of flattering gales Unmindful. Hapless they 10 T'whom thou untry'd seem'st fair. Me, in my vow'd Picture, the sacred wall declares t' have hung My dank and dropping weeds To the stern God of sea. 15 GEOFFREY OF MONMOUTH. BRUTUS thus addresses DIANA in the country of LEOGECIA. GODDESS of shades, and huntress, who at will Walk'st on the rowling spheres, and through the deep; On thy third reign the earth look now, and tell What land, what seat of rest, thou bidd'st me seek, What certain seat, where I may worship thee For aye, with temples vow'd, and virgin quires. 5 To whom, sleeping before the altar, DIANA answers in a vision the same night. BRUTUS, far to the west, in th' ocean wide, 2 rowling spheres] Tickell and Fenton read 'lowring spheres.' Thy course, there shalt thou find a lasting seat, And kings be born of thee, whose dreadful might DANTE. АH Constantine, of how much ill was cause, DANTE. FOUNDED in chaste and humble poverty, 'Gainst them that rais'd thee dost thou lift thy horn, ARIOSTO. THEN past he to a flow'ry mountain green, Which once smelt sweet, now stinks as odiously: This was the gift, if you the truth will have, That Constantine to good Sylvester gave. HORACE. WHOM do we count a good man? Whom but he Who judges in great suits and controversies, HORACE. THE power that did create can change the scene HORACE. ALL barbarous people and their princes too, The very wandering Scythians do. CATULLUS. THE Worst of poets I myself declare, OVID. ABSTAIN, as manhood you esteem, If but one moment there you stay, EURIPIDES. THIS is true liberty, when freeborn men VIRGIL. No eastern nation ever did adore The majesty of sovereign princes more. VIRGIL. AND Britons interwove held the purple hangings. HORACE. LAUGHING, to teach the truth, What hinders? As some teachers give to boys HORACE. JOKING decides great things, Stronger and better oft than earnest can. SOPHOCLES. 'Tis you that say it, not I. You do the deeds, And your ungodly deeds find me the words. SENECA. THERE can be slain No sacrifice to God more acceptable, TERENCE. IN silence now and with attention wait, HOMER. GLAUCUS, in Lycia we're ador'd as gods; EPIGRAM ON SALMASIUS'S HUNDREDA. WHO taught Salmasius, that French chattering pye The starving rascal, flush'd with just a hundred |