Quæstorque gazæ nobilioris, Quam cui præfuit lön, Clarus Erechtheides, Opulenta dei per templa parentis, Fulvosque tripodas, donaque Delphica, ANTISTROPHE. Ergo, tu visere lucos Musarum ibis amœnos; Diamque Phoebi rursus ibis in domum, Oxonia quam valle colit, Delo posthabita, Bifidoque Parnassi jugo: Ibis honestus, Postquam egregiam tu quoque sortem Nactus abis, dextri prece sollicitatus amici. Illic legeris inter alta nomina Authorum, Graiæ simul et Latinæ Antiqua gentis lumina, et verum decus. EPODOS. Vos tandem, haud vacui mei labores, Perfunctam invidia requiem, sedesque beatas, Et tutela dabit solers Roüsi; 75 56 Ion] See the Ion of Euripides, 185, seq. 1146, seq. and Phoen. 228. Euripides calls Ion youuoqúkaxa, 54. Warton. Quo neque lingua procax vulgi penetrabit, atque longe Turba legentum prava facesset: At ultimi nepotes, Et cordatior ætas, Judicia rebus æquiora forsitan Adhibebit, integro sinu. Tum, livore sepulto, Si quid meremur sana posteritas sciet, 80 85 Ode tribus constat Strophis, totidemque Antistrophis, una demum Epodo clausis; quas tametsi omnes nec versuum numero, nec certis ubique colis exacte respondeant, ita tamen secuimus, commode legendi potius, quam ad antiquos concinendi modos rationem spectantes. Alioquin hoc genus rectius fortasse dici monostrophicum debuerat. Metra partim sunt κατὰ σχέσιν, partim ἀπολελευμένα. Phaleucia quæ sunt, Spondæum tertio loco bis admittunt, quod idem in secundo loco Catullus ad libitum fecit. THE END. Phillips, Sampson & Company's Publications. Valuable School Books. GREEK COURSE OF STUDIES. CROSBY'S GRAMMAR OF THE GREEK LANGUAGE. CROSBY'S XENOPHON'S ANABASIS. CROSBY'S GREEK LESSONS; consisting of Selections from Xenophon's Anabasis, with Directions for the study of the Grammar, Notes, Exercises in Translations from English into Greek, and a Vocabulary. CROSBY'S GREEK TABLES, for the use of Students. 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