Imatges de pàgina

Irish Land Purchase, review of papers concerning, 378-Act of
1903, 378-rent-fixing provisions, 379-Nationalist warning to
tenants, 380-Treasury advance of purchase-money to facilitate
land purchase, 382-obstacles to settlement, 383-Treasury Cer-
tificates in lieu of cash, 385-additional funds to be provided,
386-reinstatement of evicted tenants, 387-agitation against
graziers, 389-Congested Districts Board, 390-enlargement of
small holdings, 393-financial difficulties, 395-settlement of the
Land Question, 396-changes wrought by Land Acts, 396.


Japan Sea, The Battle of the, review of some accounts of, 306--
Baltic Fleet and Dogger Bank trawlers, 306-Second and Third
Squadrons and use of neutral waters by belligerents, 307-four
routes to Vladivostock, 307-Japanese scouting tactics, 308-
Togo's official account, 310-relative efficiency of Russian and
Japanese fleets, 311-strategic advantages of Korean Straits, 314
-Togo's battle signal, 316-details of the fight, 318-torpedo
operations, 322-second day's fighting, 323-fate of Russian
admirals, 324-Russian losses, 325-rival tactics compared, 326
-gigantic battleships and danger of capsizing, 327-advantages
of superior mobility, 328-gun, ram, and torpedo, 328-training
of seamen,


Laborie, L. de Lanzac de, his 'Paris sous Napoléon' reviewed, 79.
Leveson-Gower, Hon. F., review of his recollections, 277.

Lyall, Sir A., his life of Lord Dufferin reviewed, 213.


Macaulay, T. B., his William Pitt' reviewed, 240.

[ocr errors]

Medelsheim, G. C. de, his Architecture en France' reviewed, 189.
More's Utopia,' Mr. R. Robinson's translation of, reviewed, 240.
Morris, W., his' News from Nowhere' reviewed, 56.


Naples and Napoleon, review of books upon, 450-rupture of Peace
of Amiens, 452-English interference on the Continent, 452-
French at Naples and English at Malta, 454-treaty concerning
Malta, 457-Sir John Acton and Nelson, 458-Talleyrand and
Queen of Naples, 459-Bonaparte occupies Italian coast, 460—
Russian interference, 461-Nelson at Naples, 464-Napoleon's
letter to Queen Maria Carolina, 466-murder of Duke of Enghien,
468-English and French ambassadors compared, 469-Napo-
leon's threats against Naples, 471-Austerlitz and Trafalgar, 472.
National Defence, review of speeches and books concerning, 519-
lessons of the South African war, 520-points of danger, 521—



Mr. Balfour's opinion on invasion, 522-reliance on the Navy,
523-Lord Roberts on vulnerability of India, 524-Royal Com-
mission, 528-food supply in time of war, 531-national indemnity
of shipping against war risks, 533-need of an army as well as a
navy, 535-joint operations of soldiers and sailors, 536-lines of
true reform, 537-relations between England and other Powers,
539-Anglo-Japanese agreement, 542.

Neumann, A. H., his book on elephant-hunting reviewed, 399.


Painting as Thought, see Watts, G. F.

Paulsen, Dr. F., his book on German schools and universities
reviewed, 422.


Richter, J. P., and A. Cameron Taylor, their book on Classic Chris-
tian Art reviewed, 330.

Roberts, Earl, his speech on Imperial Defence' reviewed, 519.
Robinson, R., his translation of More's Utopia' reviewed,' 56.
Rose, J. H., his Napoleonic Studies' reviewed, 79.
Ruville, A. von, his life of Pitt reviewed, 240.


Schillings, C. B., his book on big-game shooting reviewed, 399.
Scott, Leader, Cathedral Builders reviewed, 189.

Shorthouse, J. H., his life and works reviewed, 110-religious cha-
racter of his stories, 111-letters, 112-parentage, 113-Essay
Society of Society of Friends, 113-baptised into Church of
England, 114-provincial up-bringing, 115-John Inglesant,'
117-130- Sir Percival,' 120-Blanche, Lady Falaise, 120-
'Countess Eve,' 121-Little Schoolmaster Mark,' 122-com-
pared with Thackeray, 124-inspired by English seventeenth-
century literature, 126-use of historical episodes, 127-com-
bination of Christianity with 'culture,' 130.

Sorel, A., his 'L'Europe et la Révolution Française' reviewed, 79.
Staël, Madame de, and Napoleon, review of books concerning, 79

Dix Années d'Exil,' 82-cause of feud between, 83-visits
to grave of Rousseau, 84-Rousseau's remains interred in the
Panthéon, 85-disappointed hopes of Bonaparte's admirers, 85-
coup d'état, 86-First Consul as dictator, 87-Mme. de Staël
and Benjamin Constant against absolutism, 88-Napoleon's
visit to M. Necker, 89-deportation of Jacobins, 90-Concordat
between State and Church, 90-death of M. de Staël, 92-Necker's
political pamphlet, 92- Delphine' published and its author
exiled, 93-Peace of Amiens and cause of its rupture, 94-
Napoleon's abuse of power, 95- Corinne,' 96-reconstruction of
Germany, 97-Mme. de Staël's influence upon German politics,
99-execution of Palm, the bookseller, 99-Treaty of Tilsit, 100

- De l'Allemagne,' 103-anti-Napoleonic crusade organised in
Sweden, 105-restoration of Bourbons, 106-Bonaparte's over-
tures to Mme. de Staël, 107-conflicting ideals, 108.
Stopford-Sackville, Mrs., report on her manuscripts reviewed, 132.
Strzygowski, J., two of his works on Byzantine Art reviewed, 330.
Stuarts, England under the, review of Mr. Trevelyan's book con-
cerning, 474-James I., 475-Robert Cecil, 476-Puritans and
nonconformists, 476-Protestants and Recusants, 477-Gun-
powder Plot, 477-rights of Parliament, 478-origin of 'Puritan-
ism,' 478-Calvinism and Arminianism, 479-Charles I.'s forced
loan, or ship-money, 479-Star Chamber, 480-Laud's adminis-
tration, 481-Scottish Covenant, 481-Civil War in England,
482-Prince Rupert and Cromwell, 484-Self-denying Ordinance,
484-New Model Army, 485-Anglican clergy ejected, 486—
Prayer Book, 486-execution of Charles, 488-Cromwell's
government, 489-Restoration, 491-new régime, 491-Puritan
clergy excluded from Established Church, 492-Charles II.'s
method of government, 493-Monmouth's rebellion, 494-
James II., 495-William III., 496-Anne, 498-Marlborough,



Trevelyan, G. M., his England under the Stuarts' reviewed, 474.


Utopia, A Modern, review of Mr. H. G. Wells's books concerning,
56- Anticipations,' 59-locomotion in twentieth century, 60-
shareholding class, 60-educated and intelligent efficients, 61
- Faith, Morals, and Public Policy of the New Republic,' 62—
'Discovery of the Future,' 63-Mankind in the Making,' 66
-main concern of new society, 67-improvement of health and
vital standard of children, 68-how to reach Utopia, 69-what
is the ideal State? 70-comparison of different conceptions of
Utopia, 71-progress and development, 73-'Samurai,' or
governing class, 74-Utopian life and institutions, 76.


Ward, R., his 'Records of Big Game' reviewed, 399.
Watts, G. F., some of his works reviewed, 29-painting as symbolic
expression of thought, 31-Carlyle's criticism of his own portrait
by Watts, 32-correspondence between conception and form, 34
Chaos pictured, 35-visions of Creation, 37- Creation of Eve,'
39- Eve Tempted,' 41- Denunciation,' exile from Eden, death
of Abel, 42-Cain, the outcast, 44-Deluge, 44— Genius of
Greek Poetry,' 45-Ariadne, 46-Endymion, 47- Olympus on
Mount Ida, 47- Orpheus,' 48-Spenserian themes, 49-Red
Cross Knight and Una, 50-abstract ideas symbolised, 50-Time,
Death, and Judgement, 52- Love Triumphant,' 55.
Wells, H. G., some of his works reviewed, 56.

[ocr errors]


Yonge, Miss, her life by Miss Coleridge reviewed, 357-early years,
359-influence of Keble, 360, 364-Heir of Redclyffe,' 361, 364-
character-drawing through medium of a story, 361—' Hopes and
Fears,' 362-English social life in middle of nineteenth century
363- Daisy Chain,' 365-mistress and servant, 369-Hearts-
ease,' 372 My Young Alcides,' 375- Dynevor Terrace,' 376
-gift as an imaginative writer, 377.





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