Relations and relationship, iii. 212. ; iv. 108.
Religious discipline, viii. 101. Religious discourse, viii. 210. Religious impressions, viii. 101. Religious orders, vi. 63.
Remembrance and recollection, dis- tinction between, viii. 107. Renegado, ii. 50.
Rents, iii. 107.; iv. 215.; v. 21. Repentance, vii. 139.; viii. 206. Republican, ix. 212.
'Respublicæ,' volumes entitled, vi. 174. Resurrection, ii. 126.; viii. 69. 207.
Retired tradesmen, v. 278.
139 n.; iii. 140. 208.; vi. 329.; vii. 315.; ix. 66. 192. 202. A contributor to the Rambler,' i. 235. Johnson's character of, i. 235. 273 n.; iii. 208.; v. 147. Johnson's letters to, i. 273. 306.; ii. 42. 56, 57. Compared with Fielding, iii. 38. 208. His limited conversational powers, vii. 375. Richardson, Martha, his second daughter, ii. 139 n.
Richardson, Jonathan, son of the painter, i. 141.
Richardson, Mr., attorney, i. 254. Riches, ii. 225.; iii. 199.; iv. 116. Riddoch, Rev. Mr., iv. 87, 88. 91. 96.
Retirement from the world, iv. 58.; Ridicule, vii. 251. 364.; ix. 253.
Reviews and reviewers, viii. 208.
Reviews, monthly and critical, vi. 150. 409.
Reviewers, viii. 28.
Revolution of 1688, iii. 264.; viii. 159. Reynolds, Sir Joshua, i. 159. 291. 236.;
ii. 131. 138. 271. 273. 275.; iii. 118. 279.; iv. 112. 135.; v. 225 n. 239. 308. 311.; vi. 61 n. 120. 160. 208. 210.; vii. 148. 159, 160. 181. 354.; viii. 318.; ix. 39. 259. His prices for portraits, ii. 82 n. His visit to Devonshire with Johnson, ii. 146. Johnson's letters to, ii. 283.; iii. 163. 168.; vi. 204. 206. 216.; viii. 115. 214. 221. 249. 371. Two dialogues by, in imita- tion of Johnson's style of convers. ation, vii. 161 n.; ix. 261. Reynolds, Miss, i. 283 n.; ii. 82. 283 n.; v. 308.; vi. 20 n. Her character by Johnson, i. 283 n. Johnson's letters to, vi. 152. 164. 206.; vii. 240. 297. 332.; viii. 115. 134. Her Essay on Taste,' viii. 115. Her Recollec-
tions' of Johnson, ix. 202. Rhetorical gesture, ii. 90. Rheumatism, recipe for, v. 307. Rhubarb, viii. 258.
Rhudland Castle, v. 203. Rhyme, its excellence over blank verse, ii. 212.
Richardson, Samuel, i. 162. 243 n.; ii.
Riots of 1780, vii. 326. 330. 338.
Ritter, Joseph, iii. 109.; iv. 47 n. ; vi. 31 n. Rivers, Earl, i. 196.
Rizzio, David, iv. 35.
Robertson, Dr. James, iv. 34. Robertson, Dr. William, the historian, ii. 62.; iii. 15. 43. 232. 280.; iv. 3. 22. 30. 33. 35. 125.; v. 117. 145. 150.; vii. 186. 190. 192. 286.; viii. 53.; ix. 20. His style formed upon that of Johnson, vi. 316. His History of Scotland,' vii. 190.; viii. 53. Robin-Hood Society, religious, viii. 69. Robinson Crusoe, vii. 103.; ix. 102. Robinson, Dr. Richard, Primate of Ireland, iii. 147.
Robinson, Sir Thomas, ii. 219.; iii. 146.
Rochefoucault, Duc de, ix. 32.; x. 113. Rochester, John Wilmot, second Earl of, his poems, iv. 206.; vii. 10. Rockville, Alexander Gordon, Lord, ii. 259 n.; v. 146.
Rod, punishment of the, i. 42. ; iv. 100. Rodney, Admiral Lord, vi. 16. Roffette, Abbé, vi. 21 n.
Rogers, Captain Francis, ii. 147. Rollin, ix. 7.
Rolt, Richard, his Dictionary of Commerce,' ii. 125.
Roman Catholic Church, i. 281 n. ; iii. 109. 111, 112. 177.
Romance, ix. 71.
Romances, i. 45.; vii. 363. Romans, ii. 66.
Rome, the fountain of elegance, vii. 188.
Romney, Mr., painter, vi. 164.
Rose, Dr., of Chiswick, viii. 156. Rose, Rev. Charles, ii. 287.
Rose, Mrs., her anecdotes of Johnson, ix. 252.
Sailor, English, v. 153. ; vii. 102. St. Andrew's, iv. 48.
St. Asaph, Bishop of. See Shipley, v. 201.; viii. 241.
St. Columba, v. 74. 76.
St. Kilda, iii. 41, 42. 174. ; iv. 311. St. Rule's chapel, iv. 57 n.
St. Vitus's dance, i. 160.; iv. 9. Saints, worship of, iii. 111. Salamanca, University of, ii. 242
Roscommon, Johnson's Life of, i. 220. Salisbury, Bishop of. See Douglas, x. Roslin Castle, v. 155.
Ross, Rev. Dr. John, Bishop of Exeter, Salisbury, Mrs., mother of Mrs. viii. 270. Thrale, v. 329. Rothes, Lady, Bennet Langton's wife, Sallust, viii. 184.
iii. 153 n. 165.; vi. 232.
Round-robin on the subject of Gold-
smith's epitaph, vi. 208. 210.
Salter, Rev. Dr., i. 219 n.
Sanderson, Bishop, iii. 110 n.
Sanderson, Professor, iii. 227 n.
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, ii. 224, 225. Sandwich, John, sixth Earl of, vii. 257.
Royal Family, iv. 303.; vi. 295.
Rudd, Margaret Caroline, vi. 80 n. 200.; vii. 185.
Ruddiman, Thomas, i. 246 n. ; iii. 2. 254.; iv. 74. ; vii. 240. Rudeness of manner, Johnson's occa- sional, v. 112.; vi. 168. 185.; vii. 258. 361. 375.; viii. 18. 71. Ruffhead's Life of Pope,' iii. 198. Ruins, artificial ones, v. 214 n. Russia, Catherine, Empress of, vii. 236. ; viii. 274.
Russell, Lord, iii. 248.; vii. 114. Rutty, Dr. John,
Sabbath, ii. 56.; iii. 72 n.
Sacheverel, Dr., i. 35, 34. ; v. 75. Sacrament, iv. 122.; vii. 254.; viii. 101. 291 n.; ix. 180.; x. 113. Sagacity and intuition, viii. 337. Sailor, life of a, ii. 112.; iv. 145. 273.; vi. 66.; vii. 102.
ters to, x. 277. Satire, general, ix. 44. Savage, Richard, Life of, i. 138, 139 n. 179. 186 n., 187, 188. 190, 191. 194-201. His tragedy of Sir Tho- mas Overbury,' vi. 247. His' Wan- derer,' quoted, viii. 288. Savage girl of Amiens, iv. 113. Savage life, iii. 269.
Savages, iii. 73. 197. 269. 290.; iv. 80. 82 n.; vi. 170. 174.; viii. 204. 312.
Scalpa, island of, iv. 175.
Scarsdale, Lord, v. 196.; vi. 300. 302. Scepticism, iv. 40. 314. Eleven causes of, x. 121.
Schomberg, Dr. Ralph, vi. 99. Schoolmasters, i. 41. 103.; iii. 171. 185. 204. 222.; ix. 8. 131.
Schools, public, vi. 127 n.; ix. 78. Science, books of, iv. 146 n. Scorpions, iii. 45.
Score, a song in, v. 265 n.
Scotch, Johnson's feelings towards, i. 208.; iii. 43. 78. 136. 188. 231. 286.; iv. 32. 87. 272.; v. 80. 236. 240. 248. 310.; vi. 58 n.; vii. 79. 262. 359.; viii. 79. 113. 156 n. 176, 177. Scotch, accent, overcome by perseve- rance, iii. 189. Clergy, iv. 276. Im- pudence, v. 241. Origin of John- son's antipathy to, viii. 156 n. Ex- treme nationality of, iii. 286. High. lander, v. 153. Learning of the, v.. 310. Cause of their success in Lon- don, viii. 177. Lairds, ii. 185. Jea- lousy of the, v. 240. Nationality of the, v. 240, 241. 263.; viii. 177. Scotland, episcopal church of, vii.
Scotland, peers of, their interference in the elections of the commons, viii. 244, 245.
Scots, Mary, Queen of, ii. 119.; iv. 32. Scott, Sir Walter, iv. 168. 185. 240, 241. 257. 263.; v. 7. 9. 15. 37. Cha- racter of Johnson by, x. 166. Scott, George Lewis, i. 224; vi. 250. Scott, John, cf Amwell, v. 280. 296. Scott, Sir William. See Lord Stowell. 'Scoundrel,' Johnson's juse and ap- plication of the epithet, vi. 87 n. 115 n.; ix. 137. Scoundrelism, iv. 109. Scripture phrases, iii. 250.
Scriptures, proposal to translate them
into Erse, iii. 10. 12.
Scruples, viii. 396..; ix. 44. 82. Sea-life, vi. 66.
Seasons, influence of, iii. 307.
Secker, Archbishop, vii. 376.
'Semel insanivimus] omnes,' &c. whence taken, viii. 171 n. Seneca, v. 24.
Selwyn, George, vii. 263.
'Senectus,' use of the word, vii. 203 n. Sensual intercourse, vii. 76. 201. 'Sentimental Journey,' Sterne's, vii. 379.
Serious Call,' Law's, i. 69.; iii. 137. ; ix. 153.
Sermons, the best English, for style, vii. 79. Collections of, viii. 83. Advice on the composition of, vii. 340.
Settle, Elkana, vi. 196 n. Sêves china, vi. 304.
Sevigné, Madame de, iii. 26 n.; vi. 175.; vii. 301 n.
Seward, Rev. Mr., of Lichfield, vi. 102. 291.
Seward, William, iii. 76 n.; vi. 256. Anec- 260.; vii. 312.; viii. 314. dotes by, ix. 255.; x. 110. Seward, Miss Anna, i. 36 n. 95. 98, 99. 280 n.; v. 194. 269 n.; vi. 102.; vii. 72. 126. 133. 141, 142 n. 144 n.; viii. 333. Anecdotes by, x. 9. Shakspeare, i. 204. ; ii. 74. 84. 138. 275.
298. 300. 302.; iii. 87. 97.; iv. 129.; vii. 90. 256. 365. 372 n.; viii. 45, 46 n.; ix. 19. 86. 256.; x. 6. 31. 91. 139. 'Shall' and 'will,' use of the words, i. 96.; vii. 258.
Sharp, Archbishop of St. Andrew's,
his monument, iv. 62 n. 65 n. Sharp, Samuel, his 'Letters on Italy,' vi. 177 n.
Second sight, ii. 313.; iii. 175.; iv. Sharp, Dr. John, ii. 283.
171. 177. 245 n. 329.
Secrecy, ix. 131.; x. 112.
Sharpe, Rev. Dr. Gregory, i. 145 n. Shaving, varieties in, vi. 304.
Sedley, Catherine, Countess of Dor- Shaw, Cuthbert, iii. 16.
chester, iv. 42 n.
Seduction, vii. 211.; ix. 42.
Seed, Rev. Jeremiah, his Sermons,'
Self-importance, vi. 314.
Self-praise, vii. 176.
Shaw, William, his' Analysis of the Scotch Celtic Language,' vi. 234. 237. His pamphlet on Ossian, viii. 247, 248.
Shebbeare, Dr., iii. 59 n.; vii. 165.; viii. 90. 208.
Selden's 'Table Talk,' i. 113 n. ; v. 42.; Sheep's head, v. 83 n.
Shelburne, William Petty, second
Earl, afterwards first Marquis of Lansdowne, vii. 101.; viii. 163 n. 182. 282.
Shenstone, William, iv. 299.; v. 86. 215.; vi. 82 n.; viii. 129. 219.; ix. 135. 141.
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, i. 192 n.; ii. 124. 156.; v. 316.; vi. 210. 248.; vii. 59.
Slains Castle, iv. 98. 100. 102. 104. 107. Slave-trade, vii. 21. 375.
Sleep, vi. 310, 311.; vii. 353. Smalbroke, Dr., his "Sermons,' i. 146 n.
Smalridge, Dr., his 'Sermons,' vii. 79.; ix. 138.
Smart, Christopher, ii. 60. 170, 171.; vii. 378.; ix. 168.
Sheridan, Mrs., formerly Miss Linley, Smart, Mrs., viii. 363.
Sheridan, Thomas, ii. 142, 143. 156 n. 158. 160, 161. 167. 239, 240. 280 n.; iii. 88, 89 n. 136. 143. 189. 191. 301.; v. 105. 257. 293.; vi. 116.; vii. 174. 248.; viii. 155, 156 n. 197. 216. Sheridan, Mrs., her "Sydney Bid- dulph,' some account of, ii. 124, 124 n. 161.
Sheridan, Charles, his 'Revolution in Sweden,' vii. 126.
'She Stoops to Conquer,' iii. 244. 253. 264. 276.
Smith, Rev. Edward, his verses on Pococke, the oriental linguist, vii. 105.
Smith, Dr. Adam, i. 72.; ii. 212.; iv. 9. 21.; v. 114; vi. 128 n.; vii. 187. His 'Wealth of Nations,' vi. 56. His interview with Johnson, v. 114 n.; vii. 187 n. Difference be- tween Johnson and, vii. 372. Gar- rick's opinion of, vii. 372.
Smithson, Sir Hugh, first Duke of Northumberland, iii. 147. Smoking, iv. 56 n.
Shiels, Mr. Robert, i. 216.; vi. 149 n. Smollett, Dr. Tobias, ii. 113.; v. 112.
Smollett's Commissary, v. 110.
Society, ii. 224. 227. 233. 312 n.; vii.
136, 137.; ix. 136. 242.
Socrates, vii. 102.; viii. 54.
'Solamen miseris socios,' &c., author of, undiscovered, viii. 172 n. Solander, Dr., iii. 168. 172.; v. 64. Soldiers, vi. 125.; vii. 101. Solitude, iii. 33.; ix. 42. 115.; x. 87. 93. 266.
Somerville, James, thirteenth Lord, viii. 19.
Sorrow, iv. 61.; ix. 119.; x. 255, 256. Souls, middle state of, after death, i. 286. Sounds, iii. 227.
South, Dr., his Sermons,' iii. 110.; vii. 79.
Southwell, Robert, his stanzas upon the Image of Death,' v. 205. Southwell, Thomas, second Lord, vii. 345.; viii. 163.
Southwell, Lady Margaret, vii. 345. Spain, no country less known than, ii. 133. 186. 212.
Spanish plays, vii. 363.
Speaking, public, v. 281. Speaking of one's self, vii. 176. 'Speculum, Humanæ Salvationis,' vi. 14.
'Spectator,' iii. 249. ; v. 318.; vi. 151.; vii. 87. 373. 379.; viii. 50. 67. Spells, iv. 177.
Spelman, Sir Henry, on Confiscated
Church Property, viii. 145. Spence, Rev. Joseph, v. 51, 51 n. ¡His 'Anecdotes,' vii. 312. 356.; viii.
Stirling, corporation of, Johnson's ar- gument in favour of, v. 320. Stockdale, Rev. Percival, iii. 122, 122 n.; viii. 321. Anecdotes by, x. 51.
Stonehenge, x. 270.
Stories, and story-telling, vi. 61, 62. ; ix. 62. 138.; x. 142.
Stowell, Lord, ii. 22 n. 111 n. 250.; iii. 112. 156. 158.; iv. 6. 11. 15. 37.; v. 172. 215 n.; vii. 97. 103. 158. 320.; viii. 67.
Spencer, John George, second Earl, Strahan, Rev. Mr., i. 278.; ii. 286.; iii. 23. 154, 155.; iv. 92.; viii. 268. Strahan, William, iii. 155.; vii. 228.; viii. 78.
vii. 122. 321, 321 n. Spendthrifts, ix. 54.
Spirits, appearance of departed, ii. 106. 180. 313.; iii. 175. 194. 213. 220, 220n.; vii. 59. 103. 141. 210. 215. 270.; viii. 69. 71.; ix. 5. 69.
Strahan, Mrs., Johnson's letters to, viii. 78.
Stratagem, vii. 114.
Streatfield, Mrs., x. 106.
'Spiritual Quixote,' key to the cha- Strichen, Lord, iv. 110, 110 n.
Staunton, Dr., afterwards Sir George, Johnson's letter to, ii. 134, 134 n. Steele, Sir Richard, vi. 79. ; viii. 22. Steele, Mr. Joshua, his 'Prosodia Ra- tionalis,' v. 265.
Steevens, George, Esq., iii. 116, 116 n. L 124, 125. 239. ;}v. 180. 323.; vi. 227. ; vii. 10. 122.; viii. 272. 406. Anec- dotes by, ix. 192.
Sterne, Lawrence, iii. 209. 262.; vii. 379.; viii. 86. His Tristram Shandy,' vi. 79. His 'Sermons,' ix. 246.
Stews, licensed, vi. 134.
Strickland, Mrs., vi. 15. 251.
Stuart family, ii. 119. 215; iii. 258.; vi. 295.
Stuart, Hon. and Rev. William, Arch- bishop of Armagh, viii. 188.
Stuart, Hon. Colonel James, vii. 280. 305.1
Stuart, Andrew, iii. 272.; vi. 113. Stuart, Rev. James, translator of the Scriptures into Erse, iii. 13. Study, ii. 187. 213. 245. 249. 253.; vii.
126. 290. 357. 368.; ix. 218.; x. 59. Style, ii. 255, 255 n. 266. ; iii. 227. 307.; vii. 91. 120. 317.; viii. 7. 29. ; x. 309. Subordination, ii. 227. 233. 316. Subscription to the Thirty-nine Ar- ticles, iii. 110. 177, 177 n.; iv. 61.; vii. 97.257.
Succession, vi. 36. 41.
Suicide, iii. 270.; iv. 50. ; viii. 135. 219. Sunday, iii. 72. 252.; iv. 66.; v. 324.; ix. 221.
Superiors, deference to, iv. 106, 106 n. Superstitions, iii. 175.; v. 37.
Stewart, Dugald, on the Lives of Suppers, vii. 154.
Suspicion, vi. 270.; ix. 148.
Stewart, Francis, i. 216.; vii. 307. 312.; Swallows, iii. 46.
Stillingfle et, Benjamin, viii. 85.
Swearing in conversation, iii. 197. Swene's stone, iv. 120.
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