Imatges de pàgina

esteem not, we cannot improve; and our Fields and Fortunes will then be much better cultivated and improved than ourselves.

But it will be faid, What is then the proper Object of our Efteem? What is the most proper? Every thing is valuable in its Place and Rank, but what is fit for a Man to make his great Point, to aspire to above all others, to cultivate with his utmost Diligence, and exhibit to others, as his best Accomplishment? Here it may perhaps be answered, That as Men differ from each other in their natural Abilities and Capacities, in their Opportunities, in their Stations and Offices of Life, that each Man should endeavour to distinguish himfelf, and to excel, in that Particular which his natural Talents and Circumftances of Life have best enabled him to improve in: The Soldier in Valour, the Statesman in Wisdom, the VOL. I. N Judge

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Judge in Impartiality of Judgment, and every Artizan in his particular Calling. All this is true, and in all thefe Instances the Precept in my Text will take place. In these things we may esteem our felves, but we should not think too highly of our felves, but think foberly, according to our Measure and Proportion: Some will excel others in all Particulars. But if the inferior, from a fond Conceit of his own Excellence, prefer himself to his Betters, what is the Confequence, but Shame and Reproach? This is a very common Cafe; for they that know leaft, are fooneft puffed up; whilst they that really excel, leave it to their Deeds to praise them, and have no need to be their own Trumpeters. It is the Bubble, that extends itself, rifes aloft, glitters, bursts, and disappears. When Comparisons are made, 'tis not our own, but the Judgment of others muft determine: to which we openly


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appeal in every Action, that we think deferves Self-Commendation and Preference. As every Man is naturally inclined to think well of himself, fo every one has naturally a Deteftation of Boasting and Infolence in others. SelfPreference without Merit is the most odious thing in the World; every one is ready to lend a helping hand to dethrone this Ufurpation. And where there is Merit, as much as it affumes, fo much it loses. Our Lord's Parable defcribes the Cafe with the utmost Exactness: When thou art bidden of any Man to a wedding, fit not down in the highest room; left a more honourable Man than thou be bidden of him; and he that bade thee and him, come and fay to thee, Give this Man Place; and thou begin with Shame to take the lowest Room. But when thou art bidden, go and fit down in the loweft Room, that when he that bade thee cometh, he may fay unto thee, Friend, go up higher:

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then shalt thou have Worship in the Prefence of them that fit at Meat with thee. For whofoever exalteth himself, shall be abafed, and he that humbleth himself Shall be exalted. We are not forbidden here to feek the Worship and Refpect of them, with whom we converfe; but only the abfurd Way of seeking it. Humility and Modefty, as they break not in upon any Opinion which Men justly conceive of themfelves, must be agreeable to all, and have the Praises of all. And if we look into the Rife and Confequences of Self-conceit and Humility, one would think nothing further could be neceffary to determine our Conduct in this refpect. Self-conceit arifes from a very fuperficial or no Examination of our felves and others; it makes fuch Claims as it has no fort of Right to; and breaks out upon all Occafions into Vain-glory and Boafting; it treats o

* Lnke xiv. 8, 9, 10, 11, Verses.


thers with Infolence and Contempt; and this produces in them either Con-. tempt and Ridicule, or Rage and Revenge: Thefe again retort bitterly upon the Pride of the Self-conceited, and throw them into every felf tormenting and outragious Paffion, and conclude at laft in a monftrous Produce of Difappointment and Anguish. On the other hand, Humility is a neceffary Result of a deep Enquiry into our felves, and is naturally candid and complaifant to others. This conciliates their good Opinion, their Favour and Friendship: These again reflect back upon the humble the greatest and moft fincere Pleasures of this Kind they are capable of. These enjoy the Praises they never. feek; whilft the Others, in their Pursuits of Efteem, encounter nothing but Shame and Ridicule; they are blown up in every Train, and are distinguish'd only to their own Disappointment.

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