TRIUMPH OF CHRIST ON THE CROSS, AS GOD-MAN, OVER SIN AND THE SINNER: TO WHICH IS PREFIXED, AN ACCOUNT OF THE EARLY LIFE, CONVERSION, AND BY EDWARD SAMUEL, A CONVERTED ISRAELITE. MINISTER OF FORD STREET CHAPEL, SALFORD, MANCHESTER. BIB LONDON: W. H. COLLINGRIDGE, 1, LONG LANE. 1857. 141.d.385. PREFACE. DEAR READER, In taking a view of the thousands of volumes of religious works of all sorts and sizes, that are issued from the press weekly and monthly, which tend rather to distract than edify, so that it seems almost labour in vain to write upon religious subjects; yet if we look on the other hand at the irreligious and profane works which superabound, will, I think, justify me in sending forth this little volume into the world, casting my labours on the waters, hoping through the blessing of God to find the fruit after many days (Eccl. xi. 1). Again, when I consider the many enemies Christ and his gospel has, and the few advocates of his glory and truth, this, I think, will vindicate me from the charge of presumption. Are not the enemies of justification by faith, and the glorious doctrines of free grace, aiming to sweep it off from the earth? Are they not very diligent and laborious in their preaching and writing, and shall the friends of Christ sit still and look on? I think not; this is not characteristic of friends. The great apostle saith, "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unte salvation, to every one that believeth" (Rom. i. 16). "Whose ever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him also shall the Son of Man be ashamed when He cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels." It is high time to awake out of sleep, and "contend earnestly for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints" (Jude 3); not only in preaching, but also in writing. PREFACE. Again, in viewing the greatness of Christ's person as God-man, his glorious salvation, the perfection of his redemption, and the justification of his elect, my humble opinion is, that the ministers of the gospel cannot read, preach, or write too much about Him. I know and am sensible that the subject I have attempted to write upon is so great and sublime, that it is beyond my ability. Notwithstanding if I do adequate to the measure of grace and gift bestowed by Christ (Eph. iv. 7); if in strict accordance with the truth of the gospel, and with an eye to the honour and glory of God, it is acceptable in his sight. For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not" (2 Cor. viii. 11, 12). This little work is not intended for the learned or wise of this world; but for the poor of Christ's flock, rich in faith, and heirs of a kingdom. It is for those who are brought up in the school of Christ, taught by his Spirit; who feel the plague of their heart, and know what a daily conflict is. For the doubting and fearing believer; the bruised reed and smoking flax. Such souls I hope, through Divine blessing, will find encouragement. In perusing this little book, the reader will find doctrine, experience, and precept; in a word, a brief summary of the whole gospel. I have consulted a few old divines, and plucked some of their flowers, as the reader will find. As regards my biography, when I commenced this little work, I had no intention to send it before the public; but through the wish of some of my friends, have related from memory a few particulars from my birth to the present time. Now may the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Lord God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Ghost, accompany it with his divine blessing, to the conversion of sinners, to the comfort and edification of his people; so that it may redound to the honour and glory of a blessed Trinity in unity. EDWARD SAMUEL, F. F. B. P. 1, Moliere Terrace, Lower Broughton, Manchester, March 9, 1857. |