Imatges de pàgina

among the Mohammedans. Great numbers of them are affected with maduess, which they suppose to proceed from the influence of the Devil. The priests whip them severely; threaten them till they tell the names of those whom they suppose to torment them, which are written and thrown into the fire; and read over them a small Arabic book containing the names of Noah, Mohammed, Jesus Christ, &c. by which means they conceive themselves to restore many to soundness of mind. Most of the otifer. diseases of this country are frequent in Britain.

"I have had a good deal of conversation lately with a man belonging to a people called Sonnas, who dwell to the northward of Imerett, or Imeritia. Our geographers mention a people in the Caucasian mountains, on the banks of the river Lisagour, formerly called Soanes, whom they suppose to be the most ancient inhabitants of this country; and whom they state to have been a powerful people. The Lis gour, or the river Ajour or Ager, runs through the Sonna country, divides it into two parts, and discharges itself into the Black Sea. The country contains about 60 villages, some of which may be accounted considerable towns. Lathi is said to contain about 900 houses, which are built of stone and lime. Most of these consist of more stories than one Mest of the people are free, and acknowlee, A number of vines absolute disposal

mug but Jesus Christ. however, are at the two chufs. The name of one of them is Soky, and the name of the other Otur. & Chief ca led Fing is too has seven villages at bis disposal, but I conceive that he has been lately constituted a ebief. The free people are the most powerful. There are some Georgian words in their language.

"The people of Sonna believe that there is one omnipresent God, who disposes of all things according to his own pleasure; that the human soul is immortal, and unconfined to any particular place after death; and that Jesus Christ is their only king and saviour. They pray that God may bless them for Christ's sake, and perpetuate to them the blessings which their departed friends enjoyed. They baptize their children by washing them all over. They administer the Sacrament, but in what form I know not. They have images in some of their churches, one or two of which churches they conceive to have been produced miraculously by the power of God. In one of them they have the complete form of a young foal, which they believe to CHRIST, OBSERV. No. 54.

have been likewise divinely produced, but in what light they regard it I know not. When they swear, they wish they may be turned to the left hand at the day of judgment, if their oaths be false. They have certain seasons at which they abstain from flesh, milk, and eggs. They kill cattle and feed the poor, when they repent of great sins. At present some of them labour under dreadful conviction of sin, and pray night and day. The man with whom I conversed, begged me to tell him whether I thought it likely that God would forgive them or not. They keep Sunday in a religious way. They likewise observe many other days. Their priests marry. They have many church books but do not know the meaning of them. They look on their preservation, and the preservation of Christianity among them, as a miracle. They find fault with the religion of the Georgians.

"I have not room to give you an account of their laws: a few particulars more, how ever, I shall mention. Some of them keep slaves, but this is a practice of which the better sort of them disapprove, and dread that it will bring calamities upon them. They inoculate their children with the small pox on the crown of the head. They have abundance of fruit, and inclose their gardens with stone walls, but they have no grapes. Their men and women eat together. Women are not afraid to travel alone from one village to another, a thing very uncommon in this country. The apartments of their houses are very large and contain themselves and their cattle. Perhaps their num ber amounts to near 200,000, but there are no certain data by which a calculation of it can be made. The particulars which I have mentioned, however, have been confirmed by many persons with whom I have conversed. Were it possible, I should be glad to try to do something for them.

"It appears that the Russian Emperor has begun to think of the propriety of ransoming heathen children, and teaching them the principles of the Christian religion. His minister Count Coutchubey has of fered us and the Sarepta people as many as we may choose for this purpose. The Sarepta people intend to take 40 or 50, and we wish to take the same number. Our academy will be large and expensive, but I hope it will be supported."

From letters received by the Society from their Missionaries, we extract the following further particulars;

"Our three baptized natives go on well and behave in a manner that gives satisfaction to the whole family."-" We sue3 E

ceed in printing far beyond my expecta tion. We have now a great part of a tract pristed in the Turkish language which almost every Tartar understands. I do not think that any printer in Britain could have done it better. I have no doubt of the ability of our printers to print the Scriptures, and as soon as we have the means of procusing paper, we intend to begin the printing of the New Testament."-" The children have good capacities. Some of them have made such proficiency (in reading both Engish and Turkish) that I hope they will soon be able to assist in teaching the younger children."-" It is my opinion, and indeed we are all convinced, that every effort should be made to ransom children from slavery, with a view to teaching them useful knowledge. Young children are by far the most hopeful: their minds are free from prejudices against Christianity, nor have they learned those vicious customs and habits that prevail among the Moham medans. We have found by experience, that old people are extremely untractable, and that it is very difficult to bring them off from their evil practices."

"In a former letter, I mentioned the return of the young Sultan Katagerry. For some time he appeared to be in a very unhappy state of mind, and neither adhered to the Mohammedan nor to the Christian religion. At last he formed the resolution of renouncing the delusion in which he had been educated, and after making it known to some of us privately, he public de clared his belief of the Christian region, and his determination to abide by it. Since that time he has continued stedfast in the profession of Christianity, notwithstanding the persecution he has met with from his relations, and the derision with which he is treated by his acquaintances. He is about seventeen years of age; of a most prepossessing appearance, and engaging manners. His talents are of a superior kind. He un-' derstands both the Tartar and Turkish languages, speaks the Russ pretty fluently, and is making rapid progress in the English. He can now read a chapter in the Bible, with little difficulty. He frequently attempts to support the Christian religion, even against Molos (priests), and Effendis (doctors). It is our desire and prayer, that he may be made a blessing to many of his wretched countrymen, who are fast bound by ignorance and delusion, and whose

heavy chains are rivetted by the cruel bondage in which they are held by their chiefs, who reign with an unmerciful sway, over both their bodies and their souls.

"Abdy does not come on as we could wish, and is still in an unsettled state of mind. However, he does not scruple to argue stoutly against Mohammedainism. One evening in the time of their Oraza, or fast, he attacked the Effendi in the Mosque, after he had been haranguing the people. One point on which they argued, was the passage in the Koran, which allows Moslems to take four wives; another point was, Mohammed's amour with Zeid's wife, in which the arch-impostor succeeded by persuading her husband to divorce her, that he might be at liberty to marry her. Against these and some other particulars in the Koran, Abdy argued with great keenness. The Effendi at last got into R rage, and exclaimed, You are a rebel! you adhere to the Christian way, but that is not our way. You are inclined to hear what the English people say, and pay more regard to the New Testament than to the Koran, which God gave to our prophet by the angel Gabriel.' As for the Koran," said Abdy, that is an out-of-the-way question; it contains things which perhaps were not intended for us. But with regard to the New Testament, even Moslems allow it to be a revelation from God, and I believe it to be so. I don't say that I have renounced all that is in the Koran: but supposing I had two horses, the one, a weak lean oue, and the other a strong fat one, and if I were going to fight against my enemy, I would mount the strong horse, and leave the weak one at home. When the people, who were still present in the Mosque, heard this, some of them said,

Abdy, you have been going about the English people these three years, why did you not inform us of these things before now? Abdy replied, These three years I have only been learning myself, and I did not wish to teach you what I did not understand, and what my mind was not settled about.' Many such conferences take place betwixt Abdy, and the Effendi, and the people. What effects they will produce, time will discover. One thing is plain, many of the people are friendly towards us, and favourably disposed towards our religion."



THE only event of considerable moment which has occurred on the continent of Europe during the last month, has been the establishment of monarchical government in Holland, in the person of Louis Bonaparte. Such changes have of late become so common, that they cease to occasion surprise. The manufacturing of Kings has become one of the ordinary occupations of the cabinet of France. In the stipulations which have been entered into between France and Holland, Bonaparte engages to maintain the integrity of the Dutch possessions at home and abroad. This contract involves an ambiguity which was probably intentional. It may be understood, as may suit the convenience of Bonaparte, to mean, that the Dutch possessions are to be maintained entire in their existing state, or as they were at the commencement of the war. A new constitu

tional law has been given to Holland, by which the public debt is guaranteed; equal protection is granted to all religions, the exercise of them being confined to the interior of the churches; the king is invested with the whole executive authority of the State, and with the government of the colonies and the direction of every thing relative to their internal regulation. The power of législation is placed in the king, concurrently with the Assembly of their High Mightinesses, consisting of 33 members, the vacancies in which are to be filled by the king's choosing one of two persons nominated by their High Mishtinesses. In all other respects things are left on the same footing on which they stood under the former constitution.

The fortress of Gaeta still holds out against the French in Italy; and will probably be able, in consequence of the faciHity of supplying it with men and provisions from the sea to stand a long siege. The new king of Naples made his triumphal entry into that city on the 10th ult.

No certain accounts have as yet been received of the evacuation of the Mouths of Cattaro by the Russians, although it appears probable that that event may have taken place before this time. In the mean Are the French armies continue to occuby the same stations in Germany which they held three months ago. Augereau's

head quarters are at Frankfort. A corps under Bernadotte occupies Auspach, Bamberg, and Nuremberg. Davoust's corps is stationed in lower Swabia on the left of the Danube, Soult's corps is cantoned in lower Bavaria. Morter's corps is in the interior of Franconia, and Ney's coups in upper Swabia, besides a few other corps which are dispersed in these circles. The total number is said to amount to 100,000 men.

A French force under General Lauriston took possession of the city and republic of Ragusa on the 27th ult. The only reason advanced for annihilating the independence of this little state is an obscure and vague insinuation, that the enemies of France have exercised too much influence there. A very important circumstance, however, is disclosed in the proclamation issued on this occasion, viz. that it is not the possession of Ragusa, the occupation of Dalmatia, or the expulsion of the Russians from the Mouths of Cattaro, which will satisfy Bonaparte. He looks to the evacuation of Corfu and the whole of the Seven Islands, as well as to the retiring of the Russian squadrons from the Adriatic. Until these objects are effected, he declares his intention of retaining possession of Ragusa. But if these objects were effected, no one who knows Bonaparte will believe that he will ever restore that State to its former independence.

We mentioned in a former number, that by the blockade of the Adriatic ports, Russia had formally recognized the right of blockade which has always been contended for by this country, and to prevent our exercise of which Russia formed and headed in the last war the northern league. Sweden, another of the confederates in that league, has likewise recognized the right, by ordering the blockade of the Prussian ports in the Baltic to be maintained, not only against Prussian, but against neutral ships.

It is reported, though it is impossible to say with what truth, that Russia is endeavouring to mediate a peace between Prussia and Sweden.

An Ambassador from the Turkish Court has arrived at Paris, with felicitations on Bonaparte's accession to the imperial throne. In replying to his speech Bonaparte made the following significant ob servation. "Let Sultan Selim recollect

that his enemies, who are my enemies also, wish to approach him. From me he can never have any thing to fear. United with me he never need to dread the powerful arms of any of his enemies."


We are happy to state, that on the 16th

of February last, when the packet sailed from Bengal, tranquillity had been entirely re-established. The treaties with both Scindiah and Holkar have been ratified.


A circumstance which lately occurred in America has unhappily tended to aggravate the discontents excited in that country by the course which our Government has pursued relatively to neutral commerce. A shot from one of our cruizers stationed off the port of New York, in bringing to an American vessel, accidentally killed an American seaman. This occurrence bas produced a very strong sensation throughout America, which has manifested itself in acts of intemperance and outrage. The body of the man thus killed, was exposed to view in the most public places in New York. The corporation of New York marched in procession at his funeral. The inha bitants met and adopted violent resolutions. The provisions purchased for the British ships in the offing were stopped and given to the poorhouses And the President has issued a proclamation for the apprehension

of the Captains of the British ships composing the cruising squadron, with a view to their trial for murder. Those who have taken the lead in these transactions have been of the Federalist party: they seem to regard the circumstance as affording a favourable opportunity of obtaining popularity at the expence of Jefferson and his party, of whose pusillanimity on this occa sion they speak in the most opprobrious terms. The present effervescence, however, we trust will soon subside, and leave all the various points in dispute to be settled by calm and temperate discussion, instead of tumultuary meetings and inflammatory resolutions.

Mr. Pinckney has been sent over to this country to assist Mr. Monro in adjusting the differences between the two countries.

The Ex-General Miranda, who is a native of South America, and whose thoughts have for a long time been directed to the liberation of that continent from the Spanish yoke, has secretly fitted out an expedition from New York, with that view. In his way he called at St. Domingo, where he obtained some addition to his force. He has since made bis appearance on the coast of the Caraccas, on which it is said he means to make a descent, in the expectation of being joined by the natives. His own force is supposed not to exceed five or six hundred men.



In our last number we expressed a hope that the act for abolishing the foreign Slave Trade would be followed by farther measures for putting a final period to the whole of that criminal traffic. That hope has been happily realized. On the 10th instant, the House of Commons re'solved, on the motion of Mr. Fox, "That, conceiving the African Slave Trade to be contrary to the principles of justice, humanity, and sound policy, the House will, with all convenient speed, take measures for abolishing it, in such manner, and at such time, as shall be thought advisable." The late period of the session not admitting of the investigation which the House of Lords

would deem it necessary to institute, previously to passing a bill, the only step, with a view to general abolition, which it appeared practicable to take, was to express the sense of parliament on the subject, and to give a solemn pledge to the country and to the world, that they would proceed early in the next session to legislate upon it. The resolution was carried in the lower house, after a debate which was protracted till one in the morning, by a very large majority, 114 voting for it and 15 against it; and it was sent up to the Lords with a request that they would give it their concurrence. Several circumstances prevented their lordships from deliberating upon it before the 24th

instant, when Lord Grenville concluded a speech no less remarkable for the pure and upright principles which it asserted, and for the right feeling which it manifested, than for the powerful and impressive eloquence with which it was expressed, by a motion to concur in the vote of the House of Commons. A debate ensued which continued till past midnight, when, to the honour of their lordships, a large majority voted in the affirmative. The numbers, independent of proxies, were 41 in favour of the resolution and 20 against it, We purpose in a future number not only to give the names of those, in both houses, who distinguished themselves on this occasion, but to gratify our readers with a sketch of the very interesting debates which took place, and which have issued in the triumph of reason, of humanity, of justice, of religious principle, over the sordid, selfish, and inhuman, but powerful passions which actuate those who are themselves engaged in the trade, and the no less unfeeling and detestable policy which is falsely urged in its support, by cold and speculating calculators who, in this respect resembling the philosophers of modern France, seem to regard the shedding of human blood as no more than the diverting of a little red fluid from its ordina ry course, and are disposed to perpetuate the guilt, the miseries, and the murders of the Slave Trade, rather than forego a single possibility of commercial gain.

But this is not all. Both the houses of parliament have addressed his Majesty, praying that he would be graciously pleased to negotiate with foreign powers for the purpose of procuring a general abolition of the Slave Trade. And lest the resolutions which have been adopted should have the effect of giving a temporary impulse to slave-trading speculations, a bill has been brought in, and we trust will pass into a law, to prohibit any ships from entering into the Slave Trade, which are not already actually engaged in it. This will effectually prevent its

increase; indeed must insure its diminution: and, as the act is intended to be in force for two years, we have little doubt that before that time its operation will have been completely superseded by the total abolition of the trade which it serves in the mean time to restrain.

No one who has been accustomed to peruse our pages will doubt the sincerity with which we congratu late our readers on the prospects thus happily opened to the view, and with which we desire to unite with them in grateful acknowledgments to the Author of all good, for these earnests of his favour. The time, we trust, is not now far distant, when we shall gladden the eye of heaven, by relieving the fourth part of the globe from the oppression, degradation, and misery of this accursed traffic-when arresting the progress of that system of fraud, treachery, and blood, which converts the immense continent of Africa into a field of warfare and desolation, we shall begin to heal the breaches we have made; we shall begin to compensate for our accumulated wrongs, by ardent endeavours to introduce its wretched inhabitants to the blessings of Christianity, the comforts of civilized, and the sweets of social life.


The charges exhibited by Mr. Paul against the Marquis Wellesley have occupied a considerable portion of the time of the lower House. The examination of witnesses on the Oude charge (that charge which

inculpates the conduct of the noble Marquis in his transactions with the Nabob Vizier of that province) began on the 18th inst. and is still continued. The object of Mr. Paull is to prove that the late Governor General, without any just cause, contrary to the Company's orders, and in violation of solemn treaties subsisting with the Na

bob, made exorbitant exactions of money

of territory guaranteed by treaty, and

from him, forced from him the surrender

treated hiurin other respects with great indignity, endeavouring to degrade him in the eyes of his own subjects, and to excite them to disobedience and insurrection.

The tax ou private breweries, which Lord

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