Morn. and propitious to me a miferable Sin- Sund. ner; fuch a Conviction of my own Weakness and Infufficiency, as may procure thy gracious Aid and Affitance; fuch longing Defires of being made conformable to thy holy Will and Pleasure, as may transform me into thy Divine Image, and fix me to continue thy faithful Servant all the remaining Days of my Life; thro' the Merits and Mediation of thy Son, Jefus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen. DIRECTIONS. I would advise thee, my devout Communicant, by all Means to read over the following Companion for the Altar, with the Directions and Prayers, fome time before you go to the Sacrament, that you may with more Readiness and Devotion go along with, and hear your Part in the Communion Service; which, with very little Pains, you'll be able to do; especially after your first communicating: When, if you should be at a Lofs, and under fome Disorder and Confufion, do not be disturbed, nor troubled, but refolve to endeavour to amend what you have obferved to do amifs, as foon as you have another Opportunity of Receiving again. And tho' after your beft Endeavours, you should always find Occafion to la ment your Defects and Faculties, in the Performance of this, as well as other Duties of Religion; yet never fear that any involuntary Failings, or Infirmities, will ever rife up in Judgment against you. Dos your Duty well as you can, and tho' it may not be done so exactly as you could wish, my Soul for yours, you are certainly fafe. G 2 as The The COMPANION for the ALTAR. OW, laying afide all Fears and Defpondencies, peoceed to the Communion Service, and then to the Sacrament, with as much Foy and Satisfaction, as a guilty Criminal would go to plead his Pardon at an Earthly Tribunal. At your Approach in the Chancel, drop all Thoughts of Things on Earth, and give up yourself wholly to the Remem brance of the Sufferings of our Saviour, lifting up your Soul to him in thefe Words: I Word, and to will I compare O Lord, and fo will I compafs thy Kubrick. Then fhall the Prieft return to the Lord's Table and begin the Offertory, faying one or more of thefe Sentences following, as he thinketh most convenient in his Discretion. The Minister. Directions. When the Minister beLet your Light fo fhinegins to read the Offertory, before Men, that they may [which chiefly relates to the fee your good Works, and Duty of Beneficence to all Men glorify your Father which by our Alms and Charitable is in Heaven, St.Mat.v. 16. Contributions] you must be Lay not up for yourselves very attentive, and with your Eye (not Voice) read along Treafures upon Earth where with him, and be Jure you the Ruft and Moth doth make what short Application Corrupt, and where Thieves you can to yourself of what is break thro' and fteal: but read; and wherein you per ceive you The Minister. Directions. The OFFERTORY. have been wanting lay up for yourselves Trea either in Charity or Jultice to fures in Heaven, where nei any one, and in particular of ther Ruft nor Moth doth being juft to those who are your (piritual Guides, you will recorrupt, and where Thieves Solve to make up thofe Defects do not break thro' nor fteal, for the time to come; for affure St. Matt. vi. 19, 20. your felf, you will be highly unWhatfoever ye would just if you detain from them that Men fhould do unto what is their due. you, even so do unto them; for this is the Law and the When it comes to your Turn to make your Offering, do not let the Plate pass by you Prophets, St. Matt. vii. 12. without putting fomething into Not every one that faith it: For this reafon, amongst unto me, Lord, Lord, fhall thers, that you may join in that enter into the Kingdom of Part of the Prayer for the Heaven; but he that doth Church-militant, wherein you the Will of my Father befeech God to accept your Alms, which is in Heaven, St. and you may depend upon it, he will accept them as given to Matt. vii. 21. himself, if they bear a ProporZaccheus ftood forth and tion to your Ability, and are faid unto the Lord, Behold done in Obedience to his ComLord, the half of my Goods mand, and with an Eye to his I give to the Poor; and if Glory, as a grateful AcknowI have done any Wrong to ledgment of his Mercies to yourany Man, I reftore four-felf, and as a Teftimony of your fold, St. Luke xix. 8. Dependance upon him for the Who goeth a Warfare at fuch Reflections your prefent Continuance of them: With any time of his own Coft Offering, and all your other who planteth a Vineyard, Gifts to the Services of Reli and eateth not of the Fruit gion, and the Ufes of Charity, thereof? or who feedeth alought to be accompanied. Flock, and eateth not of the Milk of the Flock? I Cor. ix. 7. G 3 If If we have fown unto you fpiritual Things, is it a great matter if we should reap your worldly Things 1 Cor. ix. II. Do you not know, that they who minifter about Holy Things, live of the Sacrifice? and they who wait at the Altar, are Partakers with the Altar? even fo hath the Lord alfo ordained, that they who preach the Gofpel, fhould live of the Gofpel, 1 Cor. ix. 13, 14. He that foweth little, fhall reap little; and he that foweth plentifully fhall reap plenteoufly. Let every Man do according as he is difpofed in his Heart, not grudingly, or of neceffity; for God loveth a chearful Giver, 2 Cor ix. 6, 7. Let him that is taught in the Word minifter to him that teacheth in all good Things. Be not deceived, God is not mocked: for whatsoever a Man foweth, that fhall he reap, Gal. vi. 6, 7. While we have time, let us do good unto all Men, and especially unto them that are of the Houfhold of Faith, Gal. vi. 10. Godliness is great Riches, if a Man be content withthat he hath for we brought nothing into the World, neither may we carry any thing out, 1 Tim. vi. 6, 7. Charge them that are rich in this World, that they be ready to give, and glad to distribute, laying up in Store for themselves a good Foundation against the Time to come, that they may attain eternal Life, Tim. vi. 17, 18, 19. God is not unrighteous, that he will forget your Works and Labour that proceedeth of Love; which Love ye have fhew'd for his Name's Sake, who have miniftred unto the Saints, and yet do minifter, Heb. vi. 10.. To do good, and to diftribute, forget not; for with fuch Sacrifices God is well pleased, Heb. xiii. 16. Whofe Whofo hath this World's Good, and feeth his Brother have Need, and fhutteth up his Compaffion from him, how dwelleth the Love of God in him? 1 John iii. 17. Give Alms of thy Goods, and never turn thy Face from any poor Man, and then the Face of the Lord fhall not be turned away from thee, Tob. iv. 7. Be merciful after thy Power. If thou haft much, give plenteoufly; if thou haft little, do thy diligence gladly to give of that little: for fo gathereft thou thyfelf a good Reward in the day of Neceffity, Tob. iv. 8, 9. He that hath pity upon the Poor, lendeth unto the Lord; and look what he layeth out, it fhall be paid him again, Prov. xix. 17. Bleffed be the Man that provideth for the Sick and Needy the Lord fhall deliver him in the time of trouble, Pfalm xli. 1. Rubzick. Whilft thefe Sentences are in reading Church-Wardens, or other fit Perfon appointed) Shall receive the Alms for the Poor, and oth the People, in a decent Bafon, to be provided by the rarifh for that Purpofe and reverently bring it to the Priest, who shall bumbly prefent and place it upon the holy Table. A Prayer at Offering our Alms. Thy Prayers and thy Alms are come up for a memorial before God. Als x 4. THY HY Bounty, O Lord, is the Fountain of all I poffefs; for it is from thee I have received all my worldly Goods, and to thy holy Name be the Glory. Accept of this free-will Offering of my Hands, G 4 as |