Make me to wait with Patience, for thy good appointed Time, to comfort me and make me know affuredly, that it is good for me that I have been in Trouble. In the mean Time, O Lord, give me the Shield of Faith, whereby I may be able to quench all the fiery Darts of the Devil; that, trusting in thee, and in thy Promises, I may at laft be more than Conqueror, looking unto Jefus, the great Captain of my Salvation. Therefore when my Fears prefs hard upon me, I will hope in thy Mercy, and put my Truft and Confidence in thee. For which End therefore I humbly pray thee to infuse thy Grace into my Heart; purify my Soul; difpel those black irregular Thoughts and Apprehenfions, which terrify and difcompofe my Mind: And be thou my mighty Defence in all my Wants and Diftreffes, and my ready Helper in this Time of Need. To thee therefore, who art able to keep me from falling, and to present me faultlefs before the Presence of thy Glory, with exceeding Joy, be ascribed all Honour, Glory, Might, Majefty, and Dominion, both now and for ever. Amen. A Prayer A Prayer for all States and Conditions of Men. God, the Creator and Preserver of all Mankind, I humbly befeech thee to receive these my Prayers which I offer unto thy divine Majefty, for all Sorts and Conditions of Men, that thou wouldest be pleased to make thy Ways known unto them, thy faving Health unto all Nations. More efpecially I pray that thou wilt infpire the univerfal Church with the Spirit of Truth, Unity, and Concord, that all who profefs and call themselves Christians may be led into the Way of Truth, and hold the Faith in Unity of Spirit, in the Bond of Peace, and in Righteousness of Life. Finally, I most humbly beseech thee of thy Goodness, O Lord, to comfort and fuccour all them who in this Life are in Trouble, Sorrow, Need, Sickness, or under any other Affliction or Distress in Mind, Body, or Eftate; that it may please thee to comfort and relieve them according to their feveral Neceffities, giving them Patience under their Sufferings, and a hapру Iffue out of all their Afflictions; and this I beg for Jesus Christ's Sake. Amen. A Thankf A Thanksgiving. Almighty God, Father of all Mercies, I thy unworthy Servant do give thee moft humble and hearty Thanks for all thy Goodness and Loving-Kindness to me and 1 to all Mankind. I bless thee for my Creation, Preservation, and all the Bleffings of this Life; and for all thy Servants departed this Life in thy Faith and Fear; befeeching thee to give me Grace fo to follow their good Examples, that with them I may be Partaker of thy Kingdom; but above all, I blefs thee for thine ineftimable Love, in the Redemption of the World by our Lord Jefus Chrift; for the Means of Grace, and for the Hope of Glory. And I befeech thee, give me that due Senfe of all thy Mercies, that my Heart may be unfeignedly thankful, and that I may fhew forth thy Praise, not only with my Lips, but in my Life, by giving up myself to thy Service, and by walking before thee in Holiness and Righteoufnefs all my Days, through Jefus, Chrift our Lord; to whom with thee and the Holy Ghoft, be all Honour and Glory, World without End. Amen. FIN1 S. BRITISH RY |