Imatges de pàgina

Haft thou fought and endeavour'd to bring those to Repentance, whom thou haft any Ways led into Sin?

Doft thou endeavour to reftrain thy Neighbour from running into Sin, by seasonable Cautions, and friendly Admonitions?

Haft thou delighted to grieve any one?

Haft thou never injured the Body of thy Neighbour, by murdering, maiming, or hurting it, or been theMeans andOccafion of doing any of these? Haft thou never been Guilty of fighting or attempting Duels?

Haff thou not inticed or corrupted thy Neighbour's Wife or his Daughter, or any others belonging to him, and under his Care?

Haft thou injur'd thy Neighbour; in his Goods or Eftate, by damaging him; by defrauding or over-reaching him in Bargains, or Contract; or in his good Name, by Slandering, Backbiting, or Infult?

Haft thou always perform'd thy Words and Contracts without Shuffling, Treachery, or Deceit?

Haft thou envied the Good and Profperity of thy Neighbour?

Reflect if thou haft not publifh'd thy Neighbour's Faults, when neither the Glory of God, nor the Good of others, made fuch a Publication neceffary?

Doft thou not delight in laying open the Failings of thy Neighbour?


Haft thou borne falfe Witness against any Man in a Court of Juftice, or Reproached, Reviled, and Railed against thy Neighbour, in thy ordinary Conversation? Or secretly flander'd him by Whispering and Backbiting?

Doft thou encourage Backbiters, by listening to them, or giving too eafy Credit to their Slander? Haft thou not opprefs'd thy Neighbour by thy Power and Authority, or by Extortion and griping Ufury?

Doft thou make a Confcience of speaking according to Truth?

Haft thou endeavour'd to affift thy Neighbour in any Diftreffes, to comfort him in his Troubles; or when aspersed wrongfully, to vindicate his Reputation?

Haft thou, in the Management of thy Estate or Calling, run into Debt without Hopes or Defign of Payment?

Haft thou openly by Force, or fecretly by Theft, taken away the Goods of thy Neighbour, or betrayed him in any Matter committed to thy Trust and Management?

Art thou ready to make Reftitution according to thy Power, for the Wrong and Injuftice thou haft at any Time done thy Neighbour?

Haft thou not scoffed at or vilified thy Neighbour, for Deformity of Body or Weakness of Mind?

Haft thou had a more special Love to all true


and fincere Chriftians, meekly borne with their Infirmities, and heartily defired and fought their Welfare?

Haft thou relieved the Wants and Neceffities of thy Neighbour according to thy Ability, as one that is affected with them, and as being thyfelf alfo in the Body, and liable to the fame Wants, Diftreffes, and Troubles with others?

Doft thou approve thyfelf careful of thofe of thy Family, thy Friends and Relations, or any others that are committed to thy Care, to counfel, to comfort, to reprove, as Occasion is given, and Need requires?

Haft thou been mild and gentle in thy Carriage towards thy Inferiors, courteous, affable, and obliging towards thy Equals, and doft thou pay due Honour and Reverence to thy Superiors in Church and State, for Confcience-fake, as having their Authority from God?

Doft thou fhew due Thankfulness and Gratitude to all thy Benefactors?

Art thou ready, after the Example of our Bleffed Saviour, to forgive, and to do Good to, and to pray for thy Enemies, and doft thou not feek or defire Opportunities of Revenge?

Doft thou enforce upon thy Mind, as oft as thou meeteft with any Provocation to Revenge or Refentment, as much as poffible to live peaceably with all Men ?

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III. Concerning our Duty towards ourselves.*


AST thou lived without the Thought and Confideration, that thou waft created by God to be eternally happy or miferable after this Life, notwithstanding thy Intereft and Duty, and the exprefs Command of God, call and oblige thee to be much and frequent in the Exercise thereof?

Haft thou duly confidered the Terms and Conditions, upon which God hath promised to make thee everlaftingly happy?

Haft thou not wafted thy Time in Idleness, or any unprofitable Vanity?

Haft thou laid to Heart the Shortnefs and Uncertainty of this prefent Life, and daily improved it to the beft Advantages?

Doft thou remember, that after this Life we muft give an Account of all our Actions?.

Haft thou exercised a daily Care and Watchfulness over thy deceitful Heart, refifting its Importunities and Luft?

Haft thou contented thyself with only the Form and Outfide of Religion and Godliness, neglecting the Life and Power thereof?

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Haft thou diligently and earneftly implored the Aids and Affiftances of the Holy Spirit of God, to renew and fanctify thee?

This Duty may be found explain'd at large in the co WHOLE DUTY OF MAN, Sunday 13. Section 1. &c.


Doft thou ftudy after a true Humility, and to become fenfible of thy own Follies and Frailties?

Doft thou refift the first Rifings of Pride, and an immoderate Opinion of thy own Endowments, and to ftudy to improve them all to God's Glory, and the Good of Mankind?

Doft thou endeavour after a meek and quiet Spirit?

Haft thou not behaved with Pride, and Haughtiness in Conversation and Carriage? Haft thou not been angry without Cause, or above just Cause ?

Haft thou not been pettish and froward in little Things, and upon meer Mistakes, and involuntary Errors of others, for want of reviewing Things in their juft Nature, Weight, and Measure?

Art thou contented with the Condition which God hath allotted thee in this World?

Haft thou not been immoderately concern'd, and anxious about prefent Things?

Haft thou not been too covetous of the e World; its Riches, Honours, and Pleafures? Haft thou not fought to gain or keep them by finful Means?

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Doft thou not envy others, whose Condition is more plentiful and profperous than thy own? Haft thou been diligent in doing thy own Bufinefs, and to provide thofe Things that are needful and expedient for thyfelf and Family, and fuch as depend upon thee? C 2


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