Imatges de pàgina

Doft thou love thy Wife, and fhew it in a kind, tender, and gentle Behaviour towards her? Art thou faithful to her Bed?

Haft thou neglected to defend and protect thy Wife, to maintain and provide for her? Haft thou been peremptory, rigorous, and magifterial in thy Commands?

Haft thou omited to pray for her, and to share with her in all her reasonable Joys and Sorrows?

The Duty of a Servant to his Master or


Mistress. *

AST thou been faithful and industrious in ferving thy Master and Mistress? Doft thou obey them in all lawful Commands chearfully, and in Obedience to God, whofe Providence hath fet them over thee?

Haft thou purloined, or stole, or any Way defrauded them of their Goods, or been carelefs and wasteful of them?

Doft thou not take the Advantage of their Abfence, to be Idle, or Unjuft to them? Haft thou any Ways injured them in their Reputation?

Haft thou, as much as in thee lay, lived quietly and peaceably with thy Fellow-Servants? Haft thou not been spiteful and malicious against them?

* This Duty may be found explained at large in the New WHOLE DUTY OF MAN, Sunday 9. Section VIII.

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Haft thou exercifed that Tenderness to the Children in the Family, that was justly and reafonably expected from thee?

Haft thou pray'd for thy Mafter and Mistress, and the rest of the Family in thy private Prayers?

The Duty of a Mafter or Miftrefs to a


Servant. *

AST thou treated thy Servants as a Chri- · ftian, and like one who believes that he has a Master in Heaven, to whom he must render an Account?

Haft thou perform'd the Condition thou wast obliged to, when thou tookeft them into thy Service?

Haft thou taken Care of their Bodies, by providing what Food was fitting for them?

Art thou feasonable and moderate in the Commands which thou layeft upon them?

Doft thou admonish and correct them with Calmnefs and Gravity, when they tranfgrefs their Duty?

Has not thy Severity put them upon Cheating and Lying; for that will make thee a Partaker with them in their Sin?

Haft thou been remifs in fuffering them to neglect tacir Duty to God?

This Duty may be found explained at large in the few WHOLE DUTY OF MAN, Sunday 9. Section IX. .


Haft thou afforded them Time and Opportunities for the Service of God in Publick and Private?

Doft thou fet them an Example of Sobriety and Godliness, in thy own Life and Converfation, and doft thou encourage their living Soberly and Religioufly, by proper Marks of thy Kindness and Favour?

Haft thou been conftant in thy daily Devotions with thy Family?


The Duty of a Magiftrate. *

AST thou made it thy Endeavour to be a Terror to Evil-doers, and a Praise to them that do well?

Haft thou not been more intent upon thy own private Intereft, than in advancing the common Good?

Haft thou endeavoured to inform thyself of thy Duty, in order to the doing of it, when thou hast been called to the Office of Conftable, Church-warden, or any other Publick Office?

To thefe Duties in general we might add the particular Duties of the People to their Prince, and the Laity to their Miniflers; but to prevent Tedioufnefs, which often cools Devotion, I fhall refer those that defire Information upon these Heads, to the New WHOLE DUTY OF MAN, Sunday 8. Sections I. H. and IV.

<*This Duty may be found further explained in the New WHOLE DUTY OF MAN, Sunday 8. Section III.



I am fenfible it is not eafy to enumerate all the Inftances of Duty reducible to these three Heads, concerning GOD, one's Neighbour, and one's Self; nor to fet down the feveral Breaches and Violations of them: But the Method bere propofed, will, I am perfuaded, (if carefully attended to) affift any one in getting a competent Knowledge of his own State and Condition. And as the foregoing Examination of our Lives, is in order to the Confeffion of our Sins, and that fuch a diAina Sight and Confideration of them may breed in us humble and contrite Hearts; fo when we are come to a fufficient Knowledge of our Sins, by the foregoing Method of Examination, our next Step is to Repent of them; and the firft Part of our Repentance, is to make an bumble Confeffion of our Vilenefs and Upworthiness in committing them.


Mond. A Profeffion of Godly Sorrow for our Sins, and a Refolution of new Obedience, towards God, to be made on Monday Evening.

I will arife and go to my Father, and fay unto him, Father, I have finned against heaven, and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy £ fon. Luke xv. 18, 19.

LORD! I call my Ways to Remembrance with a troubled Heart; my Evil Doings are before mine Eyes, they are a Burthen upon my Spirit, a fore Burthen, too heavy for me to bear. But now, O my God, with a Heart truly forrowful and pe



nitent, I turn from my evil ways, re- Mond folving by thy Grace to become a new Creature; from this Day forward I am fully determined to betake myself to a religious Courfe of Life; Ó let not Iniquity be my Ruin!

O Lord, I am not worthy fo much as to lift up mine Eyes unto thee; but whither fhould a Wretch in Guilt and Mifery look, but unto thee, the Fountain of all Mercy? Whither, but to a God, whofe Mercy is greater than my Wickedness? To a God, whofe Property it is to be kind to his Enemies; and whofe Patience to bear with my Sins, is as great as his Power to punish them; and who had much rather be reconciled to me, than take Vengeance upon me? Whither indeed, but to thee, O God of all Grace and Comfort! who fheweft Mercy to the Unworthy, and inviteft me with all the Tenderness and Bowels of a compaffionate Father to turn from my evil Ways, that my Soul may live, and be for ever happy in thy eternal Kingdom.


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