Mond. Even. Therefore encourag'd by thy Goodnefs, O Lord, I addrefs myfelf unto thee, who am ready to fink under the heavy Load of Guilt and Mifery: And yet I make no Plea, but for thy Mercy; nor have any Pretence to claim it, (for, alas! I must with Shame acknowledge, I have very much abuted it but thro' thy unexpreffible Love; I know I have a moft merciful Saviour, who died to purchase Salvation for me; and who now powerfully intercedes with thee for the Pardon of true Penitents. O! for the Sake of his Bleffed Name, receive me graciously to thy Mercy, and be not angry with me for ever! Particulars. Forgive me, O merciful Father, for I am heartily forry for all the Evils which I have done: Forgive all my * Here mention. Sins*, for I am fully refolved, by chy Grace, to love and ferve thee: Forgive me, O moft gracious God, for I forgive all that have offended me, and do intreat thee to forgive them likewife. O do not exact Punishment of me for my Sins; but extend thy Mercy and Pardon to my Even. my Soul, for my dear Redeemer's Sake, Mond. Jefus Christ our Lord. Amen. Then Say, Turn thee, O Lord, and deliver my foul: O fave me for thy mercies fake. Pfalm vi. 4. EAR me, O gracious God and Father, and breathe into my Heart that Spirit which renews us after thine own Image, in Righteousnefs and true Holiness. Bleffed Jefus, who seekeft out Sinners to make them good, do not reject me now, when I feek to thee to make me better. I am poor and naked, Oh! clothe me with thy Righteousness; my good Thoughts are changeable and unconftant; but Oh! do thou ftablish and fix them by thy Grace: Set up thy Kingdom, O jetu, in my Heart; for to become thy faithful Servant is more to me than to have the Empire of this World. Keep me ftedtaft in ferving. thee, till thou takeft me finally to enjoy thee. A Prayer Mond. A Prayer of Refignation to the Will of Even. GOD. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Mat. vi. 10. Lord Jefu! I give thee my Body, my Soul, my Substance, my Friends, my Liberty, and my Life dispose of me, and of all that is mine, as it seemeth beft to thee, to the Glory of thy holy Name. Lord, I am not now mine, but thine; therefore claim me as thy devoted Right; keep me as thy Charge, and love me as thy Child; Fight for me when I am affaulted; heal me when I am wounded; and revive me when I am fainting. Amen. O Saviour of the World fave me ; who by thy Cross and Paffion haft redeemed me, help me and fave me, I beseech thee, O my God. Amen. Give me, O Lord, fpiritual Wifdom, that I may difcern what is pleafing to thee, and follow what belongs unto my Peace; and let the Knowledge and Peace of God, and of Jefus Christ Christ our Lord, be Guide and my Life. my To the King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, and only Wife God, who is the ever-bleffed and adorable Trinity, be all Honour and Glory, Thankfgiving and Praise, now and for evermore. Amen. A Prayer to conclude our Devotions upon this Day, and every Day in the Week. Verily, verily, I fay unto you, whatsoever ye shall afk the Father, in my Name, he will give it you. John xvi. 23. Almighty God, who haft promised to hear the Petitions of them that ask in thy Son's Name; I beseech thee mercifully to incline thine Ears unto me, who have now made my Prayers and Supplications unto thee! And grant that thofe Things which I have faithfully asked, according to thy Will, may be effectually obtained, to the Relief of my Neceffities, and to the fetting forth of thy Glory, through Jefus Christ our Lord. The Mond. Mond. Even. TH The Bleffing. HE Peace of God which paffeth all Understanding, keep my Heart, and Mind in the Knowledge and Love of God, and of his Son Jefus Chrift our Lord; and the Bleffing of God. Almighty, the Father,.. the Son, and the Holy Ghoft, be with me now and at the Hour of my Death. Amen. On Monday Night (and the rest of the Will lay me down in Peace and take my Reft, for it is thou, O Lord, only that makeft me to dwell in Safety. Into thy Hands I commend my Spirit, for thou haft redeemed me, O Lord, thou God of Truth. Have Mercy upon me, O Lord, now, and at the Hour of Death. Amen, Amen, Amen. |