Imatges de pàgina

Wedn. *The Meditation for Wednesday




On the Refurrection, as a Means to excite a due Veneration for the Holy Sacrament. Therefore let us keep the feaft, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice, and wickedness: but with the unleavened bread of fincerity and truth. 1 Cor..

v. 8.




Come now, my Soul, and let us fing to our Lord a Pfalm of Joy; fing Praises to the God of our Salvation; fing with a loud and chearful Voice; fing with a glad and thankful Heart; fay to the weak of Spirit, be ftrong; fay to the forrowful, be of good Comfort; tell all the World this Soul reviving Truth, and may their Hearts within them leap to hear it. For,

II. The Lord of Life is rifen again, and hath clothed himself with immortal Glory He made the Angels Meffengers of his Victory, and vouchfafed even: himself to bring us the joyful News.

O my

Here you may obferve the Directions given on Page 3.


Omy Soul, adorn thy felf with the Gar-Wedn ment of Gladness, prepare thy moft triumphant Hymns to go forth to meet this great returning Conqueror.

III. His Warfare is now accomplished, and he hath paffed through the Scorn and Cruelty of Men, the Malice and Rage of Devils, the juft, but fevere Anger of God; yea, the Shadow of Death, and the Regions of eternal Horror and after all this thy Surety is fet at Liberty; for he hath paid thy Debts, and cancell'd all thofe difmal Bonds by which thou wert forfeited to eternal Ruin. Bleffed be he that cometh in the Name of the Lord!

IV. We receive thee, deareft Saviour, as born to us a fecond Time, and this fhall be thy Birth-day alfo, the Nativity of thy Empire, thy Reftoration to a State or Immortality. Thy former Birth did fhew thee to be the Son of Man, but this declares thee to be the Son of God; and now we know that thou our Redeemer liveft, for thou thyself haft told us, I am he that


Wedn liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore.


V. The Ways of thy Mercy are unfearchable, O thou wife Contriver of all our Happiness! and thy Wisdom is infinite, who didft invite them to convince thy Followers into this bleft Belief, and fettle in their Hearts a firm Ground of Hope: For, thou didft not only appear to the holy Women in their return from the Sepulchre, and openedft their Eyes to know and adore thee; but thou didst purpofely overtake in their Journey two of thy. Dif-ciples, that were difcourfing of thee,. and madeft their Hearts burn within. them to hear thee. Thou did condefcend to eat before them, and invite them to touch thy facred Body. How didft thou fweetly invite the incredulous Thomas to thrust his Hand into thy. Side, and haft thence taken Occafion from his hardness to believe, to facilitate the Faith of thy Church in these After-Ages!

VI. Therefore, O my Soul, being thus pre-inftructed in this great My



ftery of our Faith, by the Revelation Wedn of Jefus Chrift, make it the principal Subject of thy Studies, and the daily Entertainment of thy most serious Thoughts. Draw me, O dearest Lord, from the World and myself, that I be not entangled with any earthly Defires. Draw me after thee, with a fure Hope. of eternal Bliss, that I may run with Delight in the Way of thy Commands, and especially to thy holy Table. Draw me up finally to thee and thy Throne of Glory, that I may fee thy Face, and rejoice with thee for ever in thy King dom.

A Confeffion of Sins on Wednesday Morning, preparatory to receiving the Holy Sacrament.

-If we fay that we have no fin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us but if we confefs our fins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our fins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John i. 8, 9.

Moft mighty God! how fhall I, a poor milerable Sinner, who am all over Sin and Pollution, dare to speak unto thee? O Lord, when I look back on my paft Life, I am aftonished at thy



Wedn. Mercy and Long-fuffering towards me; w and am fenfible, if I had been rewarded according to my Mifdeeds, that I had long before this been condemned to endless Misery and Torments. And left Idrop this Opportunity of Repentance, I flee unto thee and cry, Lord be merciful unto me a Sinner!

I have been a rebellious and disobedient Sinner, a Contemner of thy Laws, and one of those wretched Fools, that have made a Mock at Sin, and would not hearken to Reproof; my Mind has been over-spread with Blindness, Ignorance, and Folly, and almoft every Power and Faculty of my Soul has been corrupted and defaced. But now as thou haft vouchsafed me this Light of thy Spirit to fee mine Infirmities, I flee unto thee, the Author of my Comfort, and fay,

Lord be merciful unto me a Sinner! How have I preferr'd a Life of Folly: and Madness, of Extravagance and Disorder; a Life that has yielded me Shame and much Remorfe, Sorrow, and Affliction, before the Peace, and


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