Morn. Thurf receiving the great Mystery on next Sunday, and for the great Account I am one Day to give, and be received with thy faithful Servants to the Joy of thy Kingdom, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen. Here obferve the Directions given in Page 10, and more particularly endeavour to improve your Soul by reading a Leffion out of the New WHOLE DUTY OF MAN, Sunday 5. Section I. Thurf. The Meditation for Thursday Even. Evening. On Receiving the most holy Sacrament. : I am the living bread, which came down from heaven if any man eat of this bread, he fhall live for ever: and the bread that I will give, is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. John vi. 51. I. Will afcend with the Bleffed Jefus up to Jerufalem, to eat the Pafchal Lamb with his Difciples, which they made ready in a large upper Room, ready furnished and prepared: I will intreat him to purge my Soul, and to enable me also to prepare a large upper Room, wherein ta Even. to entertain him, elevated from this Thurf. filthy World, above the poor and ~~ empty Satisfactions of it. II. O bleffed Jefus! infpire me with Faith, fill me with the Love of thee, illuminate me with Knowledge, cleanfe me by Repentance in thy Blood, that I may receive thee in the Sacrament, the Lamb flain from the beginning of the World, to the Joy of my Soul, to the Establishment of it in all Good, and for a Protection against all Evil. III. Let us admire, O my Soul, the Conftancy and Obedience of the bleffed Jefus, who with great Defire did defire to eat his Pallover: Tho' he knew that after this Feaft his Paffion was then nigh at Hand, would nevertheless go up to Jerufalem to the fame, as a faithful Son to his Father's House, as a Prieft to the Sanctuary, and as a Sacrifice to the Altar. IV. Let us endeavour to practise according to his Pattern, who after Supper was ended, did fhew a Miracle of Humility, washing the Feet of E 4 his Even. Thur his Difciples with his own facred Hands, to give us the most perfect Example of Humility, and to extinguifh our Pride: For, "V. By this Means I fhall partake of his Graces, and be filled with his abundant Love: I fhall be washed from Error and idle Imaginations, my Hands from all impure Actions, my Heart from all vain Affections, my Senfes from all finful Delights and Defires: So that thou, my Soul, being purged by true Repentance, I fhall both Body and Soul be cleansed in his Blood, and Partaker of all thofe glorious Fruits, which Chrift hath given me in this Food of Life. VI. O bleffed Jefus, what Madness then is it to fet my Affections upon the perishable Things of this World, who may attain the Joys even of eternal Life by knowing thee! The Hour is come, O Jefus, wean me from the World, and fecure me wholly unto thy felf, and give me this Life eternal to Thurf to know and glorify thee. Make me Even fenfible that it is my Intereft as well as Duty to walk always before thee, and be always mindful of thy Presence with me. Let it be my Meat and Drink to do thy holy Will, and my only Joy to glorify thy Name. Here obferve the Directions given in Page 10, and more particularly endeavour to improve your Soul by readin a Leffion out of the New WHOLE DUTY OF MAN, Sunday 6. A Prayer on Thursday Evening to implore God's Mercy and Affiftance, towards a worthy Receiving of the most Holy Sa crament. Let us draw near with a true heart, in full affurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil confcience, and our bodies washed with pure water. Heb. x. 22. GR Rant Almighty and most MerciI ful Lord God, that I may never draw down thy juft Indignation upon myfelf, either by turning my Back upon this Ordinance, or by going to it without Thought, and unworthily. E 5 May Even. Thurf. May thy Mercy pardon what is past, and give me Grace for the Time to come, to confecrate my Life to thee, and to embrace every Occafion of remembering my Redeemer's Love, and thereby fecuring thy Favour, and my own Salvation; and if it be thy Will, grant that I may always find fuch Comfort and Benefit in this Ordinance, as may encourage me to obferve it with Joy unto my Life's End. Bleffed be thy Name, Holy Father, for the Opportunity thou haft this Day vouchfafed me of humbling myfelf before thee. Pardon, I most humbly befeech thee, all my Failings and Defects at this Time, the Wanderings of my Prayers, the Coldness of my Affections, and the Difproportion of my Repentance to the Heinoufnefs of thofe Sins which I have committed. O let thy Mercy and Goodness fupply what is wanting in me, and be thou gracioufly pleased to pity my Weakneffes, and forgive my Infirmities, through the Merits, and for the Sake of thy beloved Son, and my bleffed Saviour Jefus |