Morn. Friday ment of our Peace is upon thee; and n by thy Stripes we are healed. IX. Sing then, all you dear-bought Nations of the Earth, fing Hymns of Glory to the holy Jefus; let every one break forth into finging, who pretends to Felicity; fing Praises to the God of our Salvation; to him, who for us endured fo much Scorn, and patiently received fo many Injuries; to him, who for us sweat Drops of Blood, and drank of the Dregs of his Father's Wrath; to the eternal Lord of Heaven and Earth, who for us was flain by the Hands of the Wicked; who for us was led away as a Sheep to the Slaughter, and meek as a Lamb, opened not his Mouth. A Prayer on Friday Morning, acknowledg ing our own Frailty, and imploring God's Grace, thro' the Merits of the Paffion of his Son Jefus Chrift. Have mercy upon me, O God, after thy great goodness: according to the multitude of thy mercies, do away mine Offences. Wafh me thoroughly from my wickedness, and cleanse me from my fin. For I acknowledge my faults: and my fin is ever before me. Pfalm li. 1, 2, 3. O Moft Moft Great and Glorious Lord Mor God, Juft and Terrible in thy Judgments to all obftinate rebellious Sinners, but of infinite Mercy to fuch as truly repent, and turn unto thee; look down, I beseech thee, with the Eyes of Mercy upon me, who now prefent myself before thee, acknowledging that I am not worthy to lift up mine Eyes to the Throne of thy glorious Majefty. O Lord, my Sins are fo many and fo great, that it is owing to thy infinite Goodness and Mercy, that I have now an Opportunity of humbling myfelf before thee, and begging Mercy for my Soul, which, I confefs, has greatly finned against thee. For I ftill fear, I have too great a Defire after the Things of this World; too great a Fondness for the Profits and Pleasures of it. And tho' I am fully perfuaded, that it is my Happiness and Privilege, as well as my Duty, to love and ferve thee; yet I am very apt to forget thee, and to grow careless and remifs in that great and important Work, Friday Work, which thou haft given me to do. My Devotion to thee is many Times cold and languid; my Prayers are full of Wanderings, Deadnefs, and Distractions, and the very best of my religious Duties are accompanied with fo many Failings and Imperfections, that I have great Cause to humble myself before thee. O Lord, I have no Hope but in thy Mercy, and the infinite Merits and Paffion of my dear Redeemer: and if thou rejecteft me, I am loft and undone for ever. Therefore remember that I am but Duft, and turn not thy Face from me, nor caft thy Servant away in Difpleasure; let the Interceffions of thy beloved Son prevail in my Behalf, and for the Sake of his meritorious Death and Paffion, for all that he has done, and all that he has fuffered for me, have Mercy upon me. O Lord, pardon and forgive, I most earnestly and unfeignedly befeech thee, all the Sins and Follies of my Life past, efpecially, O my God, lay not to my Charge those Sins [Here may be named Particulars] Morn. Particulars] by which I have offended Friday thee, my good and gracious Lord God. O cleanse me from all my fecret and unknown Tranfgreffions, and vouchfafe, O merciful Father, to be reconciled unto me, who am forry for my Sins, and grieved that I have offended thee, my moft gracious Lord and Mafter; for which, and all other thy repeated Mercies to me, I owe all the Returns of Love and Duty, that can poffibly be paid by a Creature to thee his Creator. I O Lord! open thou mine Eyes, that may see the Vileness and Deformity, as well as Danger of Sin; that I may fly from all Appearance of Evil, and with an unwearied Diligence follow after, and pursue the Things that make for my everlasting Peace. Grant, that for the Time to come (especially the Remainder of the Week) I may live only unto thee, in an awful Fear of thy great Name, and a conftant Regard to thy bleffed Will, keeping always a Conscience void of Offence, both towards thee, my God, and to wards Morn. Friday wards all Men; that when thou shalt w think fit to take me out of this State of Trial and Temptation here, I may be received into that bleffed Kingdom, where all Tears fhall be wiped from mine Eyes, and Sin and Death shall be no more. Grant this, O merciful Father, through the Merits, and for the Sake of the fame thy dear Son, and my blessed Saviour Jefus Chrift. Amen. Even. Here obferve the Directions given on Page 10, and more particularly endeavour to improve your Soul by reading a Leffon out of the New WHOLE DUTY OF MAN, Sunday 4. Section 1. Friday The Meditation for Friday. Evening. Upon the Sufferings of Jefus Christ, commemorated in the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. For even hereunto were ye called: becaufe Christ alfo fuffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye fhould follow his Steps: who his own felf bare our fins in his own body on the tree; that we being dead to fin, fhould live unto Righteoufnefs: by whofe ftripes ye were healed. 1 Peter ii. 21, 24. I. OW my Soul, thy deareft Cross; |