Upon a Review, fince the Publication of the first Edition of this Manual, I have experienced that many Communicants diftract themselves with a multiplicity of private Devotions, when in Duty they fhould attend to the publick Service of the Church; and further prompted thereto by the Advice of those whofe peculiar Charge is to inspect and promote the Welfare of the Chriftian Worfhip, and for whofe Judgment the World upon many Occafions have expreffed the greatest Efteem; I have interwove in this pretent Edition fo much of the Communion as is fufficient to prevent that growing Evil; in which I have followed the Example of the Bifhop of Man, Mr. King, and feveral others; but with this Difference, that I have not burthened the Communicant with much of the Office- no more than is really neceffary for his Aftance during the Solemnity; whereas the Bishop of "Man, and fome others, have taken in the whole of that Office from one End to the other; which I can't approve of upon feveral Accounts too tedious to be related in fo short a Preface, and which I rather chuse to conclude with the following Quotation of the late Pious, Learned, and Orthodox Dr. Waterland, against the Folly and Indifcretion of laying a fashionable Stress upon an habitual Preparation, and in Favour of fuch WEEKLY Treaties of Preparation before receiving the Lord's Supper. The Ufefulness of actual Preparation before Receiving the LORD'S SUPPER. "Our Efteem or Difcfteem (of this Holy Sacrament) "will best be seen by our preparing or not preparing for "it as we ought. -There is fomething of a Prepara❝tion of Heart, Mind and Ways, required for all "religious Offices, much more for this, which is the "Flower and Perfection of all. " As 66 "As to the length of Time to be taken in preparing, “there is no one certain Rule to be given, which can fuit "all Cafes or Circumftances: Only, when a Man has competently adjusted his Accounts with God, (be it fooner or later) then he is fit to come, and not till then. "There is an habitual, and there is an actual Prepara"tion. The habitual Preparation is a good Life; and the “ farther we are advanced in it, the lefs need there is of any actual Preparation befides: But, becaufe Men are "too apt to fatter and deceive their own Hearts, and to Speak Peace to themselves without fufficient Ground for fo doing; therefore fome actual Preparation, Self-Ex"amination, &c. is generally neceffary, even to those. "who may be habitually good, if it be only to give them a "well-grounded Affurance, that they really are fo. 66 66 66 "It were to be wished there were not many amongst " us who have a deal to confider of before-hand; many "Offences to correct, many Disorders to fet right, much "to do, and much to undo, before they prefume to come "to God's Altar. Fault has been fometimes found with these little Trea "tifes of Weekly Preparation: I think without reafon. They are exceeding useful in their Kind-It may be "happy for them who need none of thefe Helps: But "they that leaft need them, are not the Men, generally, who most defpife them. None of us perhaps are fo "perfect as not to want, at fome Seafons, fome fuch "Hints for Recollection or Helps to Devotion. It is well for common Chriftians, that they are provided with "ufeful Manuals of that Kind. They that are well dif "pofed, will make use of them as often as they need them, "and will at all Times give God Thanks and Praifes 66 for them." 2 The D Holy Sacrament. Early beloved, on Sunday next I purpose, thro' God's Affiftance, to adminifter to all fuch as shall be religiously and devoutly difpofed, the most comfortable Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Chrift, to be by them received in Remembrance of his meritorious Cross and Paffion, whereby alone we obtain Remiffion of our Sins, and are made Partakers of the Kingdom of Heaven. Wherefore it is our Duty to render most humble and hearty Thanks to Almighty God our heavenly Father, for that he hath given his Son our Saviour Jefus Chrift, not only to die for us, but alfo to be our fpiritual Food and Suftenance in that holy Sacrament, &c. THE (1) THE New Week's Preparation, &c. Mom. The Lord Jefus, the fame night in which he was betrayed, took bread: And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat; this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. After the fame manner alfo he took the cup, when he had fupped, faying, This cup is the new teftament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me: For as often as you eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do fhew the Lord's death till he come. 1 Cor. xi, 23, 24, 45, 26. On MONDAY Morning, when you first awake, fay: A RISE, thou that fleepeft; arise, To thee, O Lord, do I lift up my Eyes, my Hands, my Heart, from this Bed, where my Body hath taken its nightly Repose, towards thy Heaven, where my Soul expects her eternalRest. My Voice shalt thou hear betimes in the Morning; in the Morning will I direct my Prayer unto thee, and will look up. B When Mond. * When we rife. IN N the Name of Jesus Christ, who was crucified for our Sins, and rofe again for our Juftification, I arise from this Place of bodily Reft to fulfil thy Will, O my God: fave me, therefore, by his Cross and Paffion, blefs, govern and keep me this Day, and for ever. Amen. I laid me down and flept, and rose up again, for the Lord hath sustained me. Amen. Bleffed Lord! who haft invited and commanded us to pray unto thee, let thy Spirit help mine Infirmities; and do thou fo difpofe my Mind, and influence my Heart in my Preparation for a worthy receiving of thy moft Holy Sacrament, that my Prayers and Praises may be acceptable in thy Sight, thro' the Mediation, and for the Sake of Jesus Christ cur Lord and Saviour. Amen. O Almighty Lord God, mortify and kill all Vices in me; and fo |