B To every devout Chriftian. E careful not to mistake, a Book called the NEWEST Week's Preparation, &c. printed for James Hodges, at the Looking-glafs on London-Bridge, Inftead of this NEW Week's Preparation, published by the King's Authority, which is printed only for Edward Wicksteed, at the Black Swan in Newgate-street, near Newgate-market. Examine thy Self and Repent before thou profume to Eat of that Bread and Drink of that Cup. Engraved & Printed only for E. Wicksteed According to An Act of Parliament. The NEW Week's Preparation For a Worthy receiving of the LoLd's Supper, As Recommended and Appointed CHURCH of ENGLAND; MEDITATIONS and PRAYERS for the Morning WITH FORMS of Examination, and Confeffion of Sins: AND A Companion at the Altar, Directing the Communicant in his Behaviour and MEDITATIONS to enable us to live well HOLY SACRAMENT..... To which are added AMorning& Evening Prayer for the Closet or Family,&c. The EIGHTH Edition. LONDON: Printed for EDWARD WICKSTEED, |