terday, and he laid his hands upon the heads of my little ones. We had a good deal of curious literary conversation, particularly about Mr. Thomas Ruddiman, with whom he lived in great friendship. "Any fresh instance of the uncertainty of life makes one embrace more closely a valuable friend. My dear and much respected Sir, may God preserve you long in this world while I am in it. I am ever, your much obliged, and affectionate humble servant, "JAMES BOSWELL." LETTER 334. TO MISS REYNOLDS. "Feb. 15. 1779. "DEAREST MADAM, - I have never deserved to be treated as you treat me. When you employed me before, I undertook your affair (1) and succeeded, but then I succeeded by choosing a proper time, and a proper time I will try to choose again. "I have about a week's work to do, and then I shall come to live in town, and will first wait on you in Dover-street. You are not to think that I neglect you, for your nieces will tell you how rarely they have seen me. I will wait on you as soon as I can, and yet you must resolve to talk things over without anger, and you must leave me to catch opportunities, and be assured, dearest dear, that I should have very little enjoyment of that day in which I had neglected any opportunity of doing good to you. I am, dearest Madam, your humble servant, SAM. JOHNSON." LETTER 335. TO MRS. LUCY PORTER. "Bolt Court, Fleet Street, March 4. 1779. "MY DEAR LOVE, - Since I heard from you, I sent you a little print, and two barrels of oysters, and I shall (1) This seems to allude to some favour (probably a pecuniary one) which Johnson was to solicit from Sir Joshua for Miss Reynolds. - C. have some little books to send you soon. I have seen Mr. Pearson, and am pleased to find that he has got a living. I was hurried when he was with me, but had time to hear that my friends were all well. "Poor Mrs. Adey was, I think, a good woman, and therefore her death is less to be lamented; but it is not pleasant to think how uncertain it is, that, when friends part, they will ever meet again. My old complaint of flatulence, and tight and short breath, oppress me heavily. My nights are very restless. I think of consulting the doctor to-morrow. "This has been a mild winter, for which I hope you have been the better. Take what care you can of yourself, and do not forget to drink. I was somehow or other hindered froin coming into the country last summer, but I think of coming this year. I am, dear love, your most humble servant, SAM. JOHNSON." LETTER 336. TO MRS. ASTON. "Bolt Court, Fleet Street, March 4. 1779. "DEAR MADAM, - Mrs. Gastrell and you are very often in my thoughts, though I do not write so often as might be expected from so much love and so much respect. I please myself with thinking that I shall see you again, and shall find you better. But futurity is uncertain: poor David [Garrick] had doubtless many futurities in his head, which death has intercepted - a death, I believe, totally unexpected: he did not in his last hour seem to think his life in danger. "My old complaints hang heavy on me, and my nights are very uncomfortable and unquiet; and sleepless nights make heavy days. I think to go to my physician, and try what can be done. For why should not I grow better as well as you? "Now you are better, pray, dearest Madam, take care of yourself. I hope to come this summer and watch you. It will be a very pleasant journey if I can find you and dear Mrs. Gastrell well. I sent you two barrels of oysters; if you would wish for more, please to send your commands to, Madam, your most humble servant, SAM. JOHNSON." LETTER 337. TO MRS. THRALE. "March 10. 1779. " I will come to see you on Saturday, only let me know whether I must come to the Borough, or am to be taken up here. "I got my Lives, not yet quite printed, put neatly together, and sent them to the king: what he says of them I know not. If the king is a Whig, he will not like them: but is any king a Whig?" 243 CHAPTER VIII. 1779. Johnson Mr. Tasker's " Ode." - Man of the World. — "Vicar of Wakefield." - Junius's Letters. - Parental Authority. - London. - "Government of the Tongue." - Good Friday. - Easter Day. — Eel-skinning. Claret, Port, Brandy. - Shakespeare's Witches. Lochlomond. - Liberty. - Hackman. and Topham Beauclerk. - Mallet. - Friendship. Eulogy on Garrick. - "Art of getting drunk." Empirics - Parental Affection. - Lord Marchmont. - Pope. - Parnell's “Hermit." Correspondence. On the 23d of February I had written to him again, complaining of his silence, as I had heard he was ill, and had written to Mr. Thrale for information concerning him: and I announced my intention of soon being again in London. LETTER 338. TO JAMES BOSWELL, ESQ. "March 13. 1779. "DEAR SIR, - Why should you take such delight to make a bustle, to write to Mr. Thrale that I am negligent, and to Francis to do what is so very unnecessary ? Thrale, you may be sure, cared not about it; and I shall spare Francis the trouble, by ordering a set both of the Lives and Poets to dear Mrs. Boswell (1), in acknowledgment of her marmalade. Persuade her to accept them, and accept them kindly. If I thought she would receive them scornfully, I would send them to Miss Boswell, who, I hope, has yet none of her mamma's ill-will to me. " I would send sets of Lives, four volumes, to some other friends, to Lord Hailes first. His second volume lies by my bed-side; a book surely of great labour, and to every just thinker of great delight. Write me word to whom I shall send besides. Would it please Lord Auchinleck? Mrs. Thrale waits in the coach. I am, dear Sir, &c. SAM. JOHNSON." This letter crossed me on the road to London, where I arrived on Monday, March 15., and next morning, at a late hour, found Dr. Johnson sitting over his tea, attended by Mrs. Desmoulins, Mr. Levett, and a clergyman, who had come to submit some poetical pieces to his revision. It is wonderful what a number and variety of writers, some of them even unknown to him, prevailed on his goodnature to look over their works, and suggest corrections and improvements. My arrival interrupted, for a little while, the important business of this true representative of Bayes; upon its being resumed, I found that the subject under immediate consideration was a translation, yet in manuscript, of the "Carmen Seculare" of Horace, which had this year been set to music, and performed as a public entertainment in London, for the joint benefit of Monsieur Philidor (2) (1) He sent a set elegantly bound and gilt, which was received as a very handsome present. (2) [Andrew Philidor, a musician and chess-player of eminence. In 1777, he published "Analyse du Jeu des Echecs." | |