treated with the same affection, he beheld the miracles, he enjoyed the privileges of listening to wisdom from the lips of Him who spake as never man spake. Though He healed and taught in the streets, and partook of the passover; yet who is it that betrayed the Son of Man to His enemies? Even the instrument of Satan, for such Judas was with all his gifts; for grace was not in him! "Marvel not that I said unto you, Ye must be born again." "If any will be wise, let him become a fool, that he may be wise." It is not a change of habit that will serve, or a departure from some outward transgression; it is the actual implanting of a new nature, from which alone new principles, new motives of action, new desires arise in the soul from the love of God. The soul can no more return to its former darkness, than a man can be born again of the flesh. There is but one Saviour: you cannot add anything to His full, free, and perfect Sacrifice. You may bestow all your goods to feed the poor, enter on paths of voluntary humiliation and self-denial, rest upon your faith, and your hope, and your works-it profiteth nothing. "EXCEPT YE BE CONVERTED, AND BECOME AS LITTLE CHILDREN, YE SHALL NOT ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN." "What profit that Christ loosed and broke Count ye that soul is reconciled "What profits it that Christ is risen, “There's Light Beyond." "And now men see not the bright light which is in the clouds: but the wind passeth, and cleanseth them." JOB XXXvii. 21. |