Imatges de pàgina

And here we see the order in which the more perfect revelation of the incommunicable nature of God is opened out to us. He who is taught of God, or according to God's will, in the more perfect way of the Gospel, believeth first in Jesus Christ, the onlybegotten Son of God. But, even naturally, in the way of ordinary knowledge, "He that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also." 10 The knowledge of the Son leads up to the knowledge of the Father; and Almighty God, who hitherto was shrouded in light unapproachable, is now known and acknowledged as the Father of Him who went about doing good. But further than this, the inward gift of the Holy Ghost is immediately bestowed upon those who believe that Christ is the Son of God, the Saviour of the world. In the early ages of the Church, when the Gospel was preached as a new doctrine to full-grown men, those who believed were immediately baptized, and in the waters of the font were born again by the Spirit of God; and the Holy Spirit, thus communicated, and received as an inward gift, testified of the Father and the Son.

Now, in this divine order of communication, the knowledge of the Ever-Blessed Trinity may be received, and contemplated, and realized, without injury to the feeble nature of fallen man; nay, through this sacred order of communication, frail man, sinner as he is, obtains salvation by the confession of a true faith in the glory of the eternal Trinity.

In this order, saving faith and the fulness of divine grace, were communicated to the disciples. 101 St. John, ii. 23.

In this order they are communicated to baptized children.

Let us trace some of the dealings of God with each, so far as it is permitted us to know them. I. When first our blessed Saviour called upon Andrew and Peter to come after Him, they straightway forsook their nets and followed Him. So it was with James and John; they left their father Zebedee in the ship with the hired servants, and followed Jesus. So it was with Matthew, the publican; he left all, rose up, and followed Christ." And so it was with all the other apostles. They doubted not, nor did their hearts fail them; but freely they forsook their earthly callings, and gave up their cherished hopes, that they might be with Him whose Divine voice, having once spoken the gracious invitation, chained their hearts for ever to Himself, the son of perdition alone excepted. Yet they knew not who He was when they were thus attracted to Him, and yielded to the heavenly impulse. They loved Him as a man. They followed Him at most as a King. They trusted it had been He that should deliver Israel. They saw that He was favoured of God, and in the power of God wrought many wonderful miracles; yet the truth of His divine nature they knew not, nor did they comprehend the boundlessness of His power. But by degrees our Blessed Saviour opened out to them the awfulness of His eternal Sonship, and gradually, by more wonderful displays of His omnipotence, as well as by fuller and more open declarations, He prepared them to receive the testi"St. Mark, i. 16-20; St. Matt. ix. 9.

mony of the Holy Spirit. All through His ministry He taught them concerning Himself, and His Father, and Their unspeakable gift, as they were able to bear it: 12 and after His Resurrection still more distinctly and fully. And at length, when they had heard His gracious words, so many as it pleased Him to communicate, had pondered them in their hearts, and had received several gracious earnests of the Spirit, the fulness of that blessed gift was communicated to them on the Day of Pentecost; and He, when He had come, brought all things to their remembrance whatsoever Christ had taught them; 13 and became a witness in them to the full catholic doctrine of the Holy Trinity.

II. I think a little consideration will also convince us that the truths of our most holy faith are received in the same order by Christian children. Very early in their lives, as soon, indeed, as they are able to learn, we teach them to believe in God the Father, who made them; in God the Son, who redeemed them; and in God the Holy Ghost, who sanctifieth them. But long before they are able to understand the meaning of these words, they read or hear of the birth of the Holy Child Jesus, and learn to love Him for His meekness and goodness ; they read of His fasting, and His miracles; they see Him comforting those that mourn, having compassion on the ignorant, and preaching the Gospel to the poor. And thus through the knowledge of His life on earth, they come to understand somewhat of the mercy, and the majesty of His Divine nature; 12 Vide St. John, xvi. 12.

13 St. John, xiv. 26.

and then they find, as He assured His disciples it must be, "He that hath seen Me, hath seen the Father;"14 at the same time the good Spirit within is ever moulding the heart of an obedient child for the reception of the highest mysteries, by those very contemplations of our Saviour's history and life, which, seeming to belong directly to His manhood, really are the means of communicating to them their truest knowledge of the Divine nature, in the Three Persons of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. And thus I am quite sure every obedient Christian will find the words of the text to be true in his own case-“ Не that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself." We need not one learned and wise, as the world counts wisdom, to prove to us the doctrine of the Holy Trinity; for we shall be all taught of God. Good children need not such proofs; the poor do not need them. He that believeth, hath the witness in himself. In the pure and spotless Redeemer, he believeth-in His holy life, in His allpowerful death, in His glorious Resurrection, in His eternal life in heaven. In the truth of His atonement, and the reality of the gift of life by Him purchased, he believeth with unshaken faith: if so, he "hath the witness in himself;" the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, three distinct Persons, One undivided Godhead, is witnessed within him, with clearness which no clouds of uncertain reasonings can overshadow. On the contrary, the glorious vision will ever open out more vividly before him, as his faith in his Redeemer 14 St. John, xiv. 9; and xii. 45.


is more true, consistent, loving ; and he will ever see it reflected more distinctly from every page of God's holy word. Thus the divine and saving knowledge is communicated to our obedient little ones, even as it was communicated to the first disciples of our Lord.

Let us then, my brethren, consider how we may best be fitted to grow in this sacred knowledge, and how we may so deepen our faith in the Son of God, that the inward witness may become clearer and clearer to us, until faith is swallowed up in enjoyment.

A great portion of our time is passed by most of us alone. Thoughtful men are frequently alone, even in the midst of many companions. St. John the Baptist lived in the desert apart from the haunts of men; St. John the Evangelist, on the other hand, had his home among men, and the Blessed Virgin dwelt with him after our Saviour's crucifixion; but both alike were frequently alone with God. Our Saviour came eating and drinking, and went about teaching and healing, surrounded by a multitude of men, and yet He frequently retired to spend whole nights upon the mountain top; and once was withdrawn for forty days and forty nights from all human society, dwelling with the wild beasts in the wilderness. So likewise every Christian dwells apart, in spirit at least, from his fellow-men for a large portion of his time. Much as we prize communion with those we love, we do not, nor can we always, have it; for many hours of almost every day we are lonely in heart. Now, these hours of loneliness are very often the time of our trial, as they were with

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