Imatges de pàgina


Abandon, to give up, desert, forsake

Abasement, the state of being brought low
Abbreviate, to shorten by omission

Abdicate, to give up, to resign, or leave a place
Aberrance, a deviation from the right way
Abhorrence, the act of abhorring

Abide, to dwell or continue in a place

Abject, mean, worthless, contemptible

Abluent, that which has the power of cleansing

Ablution, the act of cleansing

Abolish, to put an end to, to destroy
Abomination, hatred, detestation

Above, in a high place, over head

Abridge, to make shorter in words, to contract
Abrogation, the act of repeal or taking away
Abscond, to go away secretly, to hide one's self
Absolve, to set free from an engagement or promise
Absolute, complete, unconditional, not limited
Abstemious, temperate, sober, abstinent
Abstinence, fasting, forbearance of any thing

Abstract, to take one thing from another, to separate

Abstruse, difficult to be understood, hidden

Absurd, unreasonable, without judgement

Abundance, plenty, exuberance

Academick, relating to a university

Accelerate, to make quick, to hasten

Accident, what happens unforeseen, the property of a thing

Acclamation, shouts of applause

Accommodate, to supply with conveniences

Accomplish, to complete, to execute fully, to fulfil

Accordance, agreement with, conformity to

Accumulate, to pile up, to heap together

Accusation, a charge brought against any one, a complaint

Achievement, the performance of an action

Acknowledgment, confession of a fault, or of a benefit


Acquit, to set free, to clear from a charge of guilt

Acquire, to gain a thing by our own labour

Acute, sharp, ending in a point

Adage, a proverb, a maxim

Adequate, equal to, proportionate

Adhere, to stick to, to hold together

Adjacent, joining upon something, bordering upon
Adjourn, to put off to another time

Admonition, the hint of a fault or duty, counsel
Adoration, homage rendered to the Supreme Being
Advantageous, profitable, useful

Adversary, an enemy, one who opposes

Adult, a person arrived to years of discretion and maturity
Aerial, belonging to the air; high

Affability, easiness of manners, civility, condescension
Affinity, relation by marriage, connexion with

Affluence, exuberance of riches, plenty

Alien, a foreigner, one who comes from another country Allegory, a figurative discourse

Allurement, enticement, temptation

Amendment, change from bad to better, reformation
Amethyst, a precious stone of a violet colour

Amputate, to cut off a limb

Analysis, a separation of any compound into its several


Ancient, old, belonging to former times

Animadversion, reproof, severe censure

Animosity, vehemence of hatred, passionate malignity
Annihilate, to destroy, to reduce to nothing, to annul
Anonymous, without a name

Antecedent, going before, preceding

Anticipate, to take up before the time, to enjoy in imagination, to foretaste

Antler, a branch of a deer's horn

Anvil, an iron block, on which smiths hammer, and shape

their work

Appertain, to belong to as of right, or by nature

Arbour, a bower, a place covered with branches of trees Ardour, heat of affection, as love, desire, courage

Aromatick, fragrant, spicy

Arraign, to bring a prisoner to trial, to accuse

Artificial, made by art, not natural

Ascent, a way to go up, the act of rising, an eminence

Aspiration, breathing after, an ardent wish

Assail, to attack, to fall upon, to assault

Assiduity, diligence

Athletick, strong of body, belonging to wrestling
Atlas, a book or collection of maps

Atmosphere, the air that encompasses the earth on all sides Atom, an extremely small particle

Avaricious, covetous, inordinate love of money

Audible, that which can be heard

Auxiliary, a helper, an assistant

Avenue, an alley, or walk of trees before the house; a way by which any place may be entered Azure, colour of faint blue


Badge, a particular mark or token by which one is known
Baffle, to defeat, to crush, to overthrow, to elude
Bailiff, a sheriff's under officer to execute arrests
Balcony, a frame of wood or stone before a window
Baleful, sorrowful, sad, full of mischief

Bane, poison, mischief, ruin

Banish, to drive away, to condemn a person to leave his

own country

Bankrupt, one who is unable to pay his debts

Barbarity, cruelty, inhuman conduct

Barge, a pleasure boat, or for burden

Barometer, a machine to measure the air

Barrier, a fortification, a stop, an obstruction

Barter, to trade by exchanging one article for another
Basilisk, a kind of serpent, which is said to kill by looking
Basis, the foundation of any thing: the lowest of the three
principal parts of a column; the pedestal

Battalion, a division of an army or a regiment
Battery, a place upon which cannons are mounted
Bdellium, an aromatick gum

Beatifick, belonging to a state of bliss in heaven
Beauteous, fair, handsome, elegant in form
Bedlam, a mad-house

Beggar, one who lives upon alms, a petitioner
Behaviour, outward appearance, course of life
Belch, to eject, or throw wind from the stomach
Believe, to be persuaded that a thing is true
Benediction, a blessing

Benefaction, the act of conferring a benefit, benefit conferred
Beneficial, advantageous, profitable

Benevolence, disposition to do good, kindness

Benign, kind, generous, liberal

Benignity, graciousness, actual kindness

Berry, a small fruit with many seeds

Besom, an instrument, with which to sweep

Besiege, to beset with armed forces, to lay siege

Betray, to give into the hands of an enemy, to discover that which has been intrusted to secrecy

Bewilder, to lose in pathless places, to puzzle

Bibliothecal, belonging to books or a library

Bigotry, prejudice, blind zeal

Biped, an animal having two feet

Biography, historical account of the lives of particular


Bisect, to divide into two parts

Blade, a spire of grass; a green shoot of corn; the sharp or striking part of a weapon or instrument

Blameful, criminal, guilty

Blank, white, not written upon, without ryhme

Blaspheme, to speak irreverently of God

Blazon, to display, to embellish, to explain

Blemish, a mark of deformity, reproach

Blend, to mingle together

Blockade, to shut up a place by siege

Blood, the red fluid that circulates in the bodies of animals

Blossom, the flower that grows on plants

Boisterous, violent, loud, stormy

Boldness, courage, bravery, assurance, impudence

Boon, a gift, a grant; gay, merry

Booty, plunder, things stolen

Borough, a town with a corporation

Bough, a limb or branch of a tree

Bountiful, liberal, free, generous

Bourn, a boundary, a limit; a brook, a torrent

Bracelet, an ornament for the arms

Brandish, to wave or shake, to flourish

Brevity, shortness, conciseness

Briefly, in a few words, concisely

Brilliant, shining, sparkling; a diamond of the finest cut

Buffet, to box, to beat; a blow with the fist

Bulwark, a fortification, a wall of defence

Burglary, the crime of breaking into a house by night

Burnish, to polish, to make bright or glossy

Buttress, a prop, a support


Cabin, a small room in a ship, a cottage
Cadaverous, having the appearance of a carcass
Calculation, practice, manner of reckoning
Calendar, a register of the year, an almanack
Callous, hardened, insensible

Culumny, slander, false charge

Calumniate, to accuse falsely, to slander

Campaign, a large, open, level track of ground; the time

an army keeps the field

Canopy, a covering spread over the head

Capacious, wide, large, able to hold much

Capricious, whimsical, fanciful

Caravan, a troop, or body of pilgrims, or merchants

Caravansary, a house for the reception of travellers

Cascade, a waterfall, a cataract

Cassia, a sweet spice mentioned by Moses

Casual, accident, happening by chance

Catastrophe, a final event, the winding up or conclusion

Catalogue, a list or an enumeration of particulars

Catechise, to instruct by asking questions

Cavil, to object, to raise frivolous objections

Caution, prudence, foresight

Cease, to leave off, to stop, to be at an end

Cecity, blindness, privation of sight.

Celebrate, to praise, to commend; to distinguish by solemn


Celestial, belonging to heaven, heavenly

Cement, matter which unites different bodies

Censure, blame, reproach, reprimand

Centrifugal, having the quality of flying from the centre

Centripetal, having a tendency to the centre

Cephalick, beneficial to the head as a medicine

Chagrin, ill humour, vexation; to vex

Chalice, a cup, a bowl, the communion cup

Challenge, a summons to combat, to claim

Champion, a man who undertakes a cause in single combat

Chandelier, a branch for candles

Chaos, confusion, want of order, irregular mixture

Chaplet, a garland to be worn about the head

Charity, tenderness, kindness, love

Cherish, to support, to shelter, to nurse up

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