Imatges de pàgina

the standard, and if our experience did not come up to that, it was not genuine: therefore we must try ourselves by the touch-stone of truth. One young quaker, after the people were chiefly gone out, said, Did I understand thee? Why? said I. Did not I hear thee (said he) say that the scriptures were the word of God? Why, said I, no body denies that. Yes, said he, I do, and defy thee to prove it. I then began with John-In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God, &c. Now, said I, my dear, is not this the word of God. He could not deny it; but said he, We, as a people, deny the bible being the word of God. Next morning, an old preacher came to see me, and I said to him, one of your young men surprised me last night; How so? said he; Why, said I, he said, you as a people, denied the bible to be the word of God-and St. Paul says, all scripture is given by inspiration of God, &c. The old man looked confused, Why, says he, we believe the scriptures to be the declarative word of God.

I went to my next appointment, and preached to the people we had a precious, melting season; I met the class, and we had a comfortable time among the dear people of God.

I went to my appointment at brother I. Elli son's, near New-Windsor. This man has built us a preaching house at his own expence, and a pretty little one it is. He took me into a back room, and said, If you go on, as people say you do, you will drive all the people away, for which I should be sorry; for I have a great regard for your society, and have built you a preaching house." I told him, we must leave the event, to 'God; but he seemed very uneasy. I still told him, that we would leave the matter with God. There were in class, at that time, not above ten

persons, and before I left the circuit, there were above forty. Here something happened one evening very uncommon; as brother Brush was preaching, the candles on a sudden became dim, and they gradually grew dimmer, until they went entirely out. This was interpreted many ways, as though it were an omen of some strange event. However, it might readily be accounted for, from natural causes: the room being so exceedingly close, with the doors and windows shut, that a sufficient quantity of air could not come in. The perspiration and breath of the people, together with the burning of the candles, producing so great a dampness or contamination of the air, as to destroy or deaden the flammability; and consequently, the candles might be thus extinguished.

I had told the people, that I would preach on predestination; a great number gathered, and I preached accordingly: many were stripped of calvinism, and two joined society; one of them became a great advocate for our cause. Here we held our quarterly meeting, and we had a large congregation. In the love-feast, after handing the bread and water about, the people spoke the clearest of justification and sanctification, in point of distinction between them, of any I had heard in those parts. About thirty had professed sanctification, from the time I went on the circuit till then.

Here, brother Anthony Turk found the blessing. At this meeting, about six or seven were sanctified, and as many justified.* The hour of preaching coming on, the preaching room could by no means contain the people, we therefore, had to retire to a large barn. Brother Brush,

The tranfcriber has been informed, from good authority, fince the death of Mr. Abbott, that fixteen fouls were that day fanctified, instead of fix or seven; and a much larger number justified.

preached, and after him an exhortation was given. After meeting, I went to an appoint ment at Newburg town, and preached to a pretty large congregation, chiefly presbyterians, I met class, and found them very lively and hap py in the way of salvation.

Next morning, I went on to my appointment, at S. Fowler's ; he is a precious man, and his wife is a daughter of Abraham. I preached from Rev. v. 1-5. and the Lord attended the word with great power; many cried out, and fell to the floor; and several, when they came to, professed that God had sanctified their souls. One woman, lost the use of her limbs for three days; her husband wept much, thinking he had lost his wife; however, at the end of three days, she came to, and was as happy as she could live in the body. At this place, we hardly ever failed having a powerful time of the out-pouring of the spirit of God. The following day I preached at my next appointment: some cried aloud, and some fell to the floor, and others fled for fear. We had a most powerful time, and two joined society. Next morning, an old Irish woman came to me, being convinced of her backslidings, to know what she should do to be saved; for, said she, I knew the Lord to be precious to my soul about fifteen years, but in coming from Ireland, I sinned, and lost it; and from that time, I have never had one ray of di vine love, although twenty-five years since. I said, You are out of hell! Call upon the Lord to have mercy on you! After exhorting her, she went away; the next news that I heard of her, she was in black despair, and so continued. I went to see her, and prayed with her, but all to no purpose: she departed this life in about three months after.

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I preached in the evening, and we had a precious, melting time; the woman of the house said, she never had seen such a time before: I spoke from these words, Buy the truth, and sell it not,

I went next morning to another appointment, with the man of the house and his wife; they had been old moravians-I preached to the people, and God attended the word with power; some cried, some shouted, and others fell upon the floor. Upon the whole, we had a wonderful shout in the camp: some opposers got very angry and ran away. I met class, and we had a heavenly time; here the old moravian man and woman both got very much tried. She told the people that she hoped the Lord would give me to see my error before I died; but, blessed be the Lord, he gave them to see their error before I came round again.

I went to my next appointment, and had a small congregation, in a baptist settlement, where some fruit appeared. I met the class, which was small, but they were a precious people.

Next day I went to another appointment and preached; some cried for mercy. I met class, and had a happy time.

Next day I preached, and the Lord gave me great liberty; many cried aloud. In the class I found a precious people.

Next day, my appointment was at brother Dayton's, where the meeting house was built by the baptists and methodists: each were to take their turns; but the baptist preacher got angry, and said he would not preach there any more, if the methodists did. I preached, the people seemed very attentive, and much tendered-I met the class, which was large, and we had a precious time. A small dispute arose


here a young woman had married out of soci ety, and I told her to come forward and answer the charge; and she said, that she thought we would not turn her out of society, for marrying a member of another church-I told her no, if he were a regular approved member of another church. She said he was a member of the quaker society, and so the matter ended. I then went through the class, many spoke feelingly, and some that had lately received large manifes tations of the grace of God, seemed altogether lost in the ocean of love.

I went to my next appointment, and before the people gathered, I was telling some present, what had happened in my travels; and that I had once taken a man by the hand, and said, God out of Christ is a consuming fire, which fastened up on him so that after he went home, and was in bed, in the night, he arose from his bed, expecting every moment to be damned, as he was out of Christ; however he never gave over struggling and praying till God blessed his soul. While I was telling this, a young woman came in, and it fastened on her heart so, that she went home immediately in sore distress of soul. I preached to the people, and after dismissing them, met the class; we had a very precious melting time, and many of them spoke very feelingly of the dealings of God to their souls. After dismissing the class, the man of the house, said to me, Let us go and see the girl that went away before preaching: We went, and found the house full of people; I preached to them, and many hearts were tendered, for the Spirit of God attended the word. After meeting, I was invited to stay all night, which I consented to-I laid in the same room where the old people were, and in the dead hour of the night, I heard the old woman cry out, Hannah! Hannah!—I

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