Imatges de pàgina

endeavouring, on several preceding Sabbaths, to convince the people of the wickedness of their practices. [The circumstances of the murder to which allusion has just been made, were of a very aggravated description, and are related as follows:-A little daughter of one of the principal chiefs of Borabora was struck by a poor blind man, bereaved of his senses, with a small stick, on the side of her neck. She was more affrighted than hurt, and apparently fainted. The poor man was instantly seized by the friends of the chief, and treated with much cruelty. In the interim, a messenger was sent to her father, who was then out, fishing. When he arrived, without asking a single question about his daughter, he ran imme, diately to his chest, and, taking out his musket, returned to the poor man, who was tied hand and foot, and very much bruised, from the cruel usage he had received, and deliberately placing the muzzle of the musket within about a foot of the poor man's head, blew out his brains. He then re-loaded his gun, and said, if there were another man like the deceased, he should be served in the same manner. The crime was the more aggravated, inasmuch as the chief was told, by several of the natives standing by, that the child had received no injury.]

The day after the meeting at which we were invited to be present, the chiefs assembled by themselves, when they summoned nearly twenty females to appear, who had lately cast away their husbands, and constrained them to re-unite, saying, "If you will not, give back the word of GOD which you learn; you cannot want that; you had better go and serve the devil again. Let not this land be stained

with sin." We leave the directors, and all our friends, to make their remarks. We have given the simple facts. We believe the greater part of those whom the chiefs re-united are now living very comfortably together.

We have lately received a supply of elementary books, which Brother Ellis has printed, as well as the Mission press. They were sought after with great eagerness, and received with delight. We hope soon to receive a further supply, when we hope not a single native will be without a book. Out of the 800 copies of St. Luke's Gospel which we received, we sent to the inhabitants of Taha, Borabora, and Moupihi,* as many as we could spare.

Our station consists of about 1000 people; but they seldom are all here together, as they have occasionally to visit their respective lands for food. The natives are constantly coming from Taha, Barabora, and frequently also from Moupihi; and thus our congregations have, for several weeks past, consisted of from 1400 to 1800 persons; but the usual number does not exceed 700 or 800, some of whom are very attentive, and earnestly desire and pray that the word of God may reach their hearts. When our new chapel is built, we intend baptizing the most consistent characters among them, of which number, we are happy to say, is Tapa, the king. He attends the school very regularly, and is generally one of the first there. Both he and his wife read very well, and frequently give very appropriate answers to the questions proposed upon the verses which they read.


• A cluster of low islets, about 30 leagues to the westward of Raiatea.


In the course of the month of April, the Annual Meetings of Auxiliary or Branch Societies have been held at YORK, HULL, DERBY, BELPER, LOUGHBOROUGH, CRESTER, LIVERPOOL, Manchester, BURSLEM, WAKEFIELD, HALIFAX, WOLVERHAMPTON, and various other places. Most of those now mentioned were attended by one or more of the GENERAL SECRETARIES, and by other Preachers, who have kindly afforded, with the greatest cheerfulness, their valuable help on these occasions. Some further particulars of several of these Meetings may probably be given in a fature Number of these NOTICES. In the mean time, we feel it our duty

and pleasure to state, generally, that the accounts received of these Spring-Anniversaries, in different parts of the country, are of the most encouraging nature, The Meetings have been numerously attended; the Collections have almost univer sally exceeded those of former years, and that, in some cases, to a very considerable amount; a truly religious and devotional feeling has appeared to be greatly on the increase, sanctifying the public services, and affording the best grounds to hope for the stability and perpetuity of the present system of benevolent exertion in favour of the Heathen World; and, in a word, there never was more reason to say, with humble and adoring gratitude, as far as the Cause of Missions in the neighbourhoods in which these Meetings have been held is concerned, "The best of all is, GoD is with us." We hope to be able, in our next Number, to make an equally cheering Report in reference to the Meetings about to be held in LONDON, and to those which are appointed in other Districts during the month of May.

April 25.

Contributions to the Wesleyan Missionary Society, received by the General Treasurers, since the Account published last Month.

Monies received at the Mission House.

From Mrs. Hogsflesh, and other Ladies at Hungerford, including a

Missionary Box from Mr. Purdue

W. Wilberforce, Esq. M.P.
Zachary Macauley, Esq.

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T. U. V. (Donation)

Mr. Lane

From Joseph Bulmer,Esq. . 9. d.

Treasurer of the Auxi

liary Society for the

London District

Stoke Newington

Tottenham Ditto

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The Committee return their Thanks for various acceptable Presents to the Society;-viz.

To Mr. Flintoft, Wardour-Street, London, for a chart of the West Indies; to Sunday School Teachers and friends at Syston, Leicestershire, for twelve pairs of stockings for South-Sea Missions; to Mr. Simpson, Providence-Row, Plymouth-Dock, for some volumes of the Methodist Magazine; to Mrs. Kittle, for sundry articles for South-Sea Missions; to sundry friends at North-Shields, per Mr. Wears, for a variety of articles for South-Sea Missions; to the Rev. John Bryant, Plymouth-dock, for ten Sermons on the Mystery of Godliness; to Mr. Clive, Birmingham, for a pair of large blacksmiths' bellows; to Masters and Miss T. Gabriel, for sundry articles for South-Sea Missions; to the Rev. J. Hughes, Kington, for a copy of Hora Brittanicæ, for the Mission Library; to Mr. John Gorle, Droitwich, for sandry articles for South-Sea Missions; to Mr. Hill, Ipswich, for writing paper, slates, lead pencils and quills; to Sophia Ellwood, Stoke-Newington, for a basket of presents for Children at New Zealand; to friends at Bristol, for a variety of articles for South-Sea Missions; to Mr. H. Smith and friends, South-Ockendon and Horndon, for a variety of articles for South-Sea Missions; to Amicus, for a present to the Mission, consisting of Benson's Commentary, 5 volumes; Scott's Christian Life, 5 volumes; Dodd's Discourses, 4 volumes; Edmondson's Short Sermons; Addison's Evidences; Bunyan's Select Works, 3 volumes; Bennet's Christian Oratory, 2 volumes; Hunter's Sacred Biography, 5 volumes; and Fuller on Genesis, 2 vols.; to Mr. J. West, Plymouth, for various articles for South-Sea Missions; to a friend, anonymous, for sundry volumes of the Methodist Magazine, Msssionary Notices and Tracts; to a friend, anonymous, for volumes of the Methodist Magazine; to a friend, anonymous, for a piece of print, tin mugs, tobacco boxes, &c. to a female friend, Gainsborough, for 12 volumes of the Methodist Magazine, bound, for South-African Mission; to sundry friends at Sandhurst, for a number of gowns, caps, and other articles, for South-Sea Missions; to sundry Ladies and Friends at Oldham, for a variety of articles for South-Sca Missions; to the Committee of the Juvenile Methodist Missionary Society, Leeds, for a Hand Corn-Mill, and other articles for the South African Mission; to Mrs. Terry. Clapham, for one volume of the Methodist Magazine, and presents for Children of New Zealand.

Printed by T. Cordeux, 14, City-Road,

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FOR JUNE, 1821.


MEMOIR of the late MR. THOMAS CHARLES RUSHFORTH. (Concluded from page 326.)

In the month of May, 1816, after having sought divine direction, and implored the divine blessing, MR. RUSHFORTH entered into the marriage-state with the subsequent sharer of his more than ordinary trials and afflictions.

On the 22d of July, in the same year, he thus writes from Frome, to his friend in Swansea:-"There is a dignity in genuine piety which at times appears to border on severity, and easily repels a dissipated, trifling spirit. The presence of a consistent religious person is sufficient, in many parties, to command respect, and even to excite an involuntary seriousness and decorum through the company. Even a small degree of eminence in religion must appear singular, because it differs from the mass; but how honourable is the distinction! The most pious in all ages have been peculiarly distinguished from other men. It is a remarkable fact, that propriety of conduct in religious life is sure to be stigmatized as uncommonly precise.-The infinite SPIRIT who governs the universe expects from his subjects obedience to his laws: this obedience, to be acceptable, must spring from right principles, and be universal in its extent. Our obedience may be universal as to its extent, and yet be infinitely short of absolute perfection. A constant endeavour to please GOD, connected with a lively faith in JESUS, is what heaven requires of us."

Happy in himself, comfortable in domestic life, and useful and beloved in the discharge of his ministerial duties, he continued to labour in this Circuit, till the CONFERENCE of 1816 removed him from Frome to Dursley; which was the last Circuit in which he was able to attend to the ordinary work of an Itinerant Preacher. To his highly-esteemed friend, above-mentioned, he thus writes from Dursley, 19th Feb. 1817:-"The account you gave me of your religious conduct affords me a high degree VOL. XLIV. JUNE, 1821.

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