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cution, our dear brother had his share of it. He proved the truth of our Lord's words, "A man's foes shall be those of his own household." His step-father threatened to banish him from his house, if he did not cease having connexion with the Methodists. But, said he, "I have set my hand to the gospel plough, and through the grace of God I will not turn back." He expostulated with his step-father, urging his industry and faithfulness in serving him, and that if he did banish him, it would be on account of his religion alone: and that he would shake off the dust of his feet as a testimony against him. This made him tremble exceedingly, and he afterwards abandoned his resolution.

About the 36th year of his age, he entered into the married state. The person he chose to be his partner in life had chosen God for her portion. In this he acted agreeably to the word of God, which says, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers." He had also earnestly prayed to the Lord for Divine direction; and as he thus ackowledged him in all his ways, so the Lord directed his paths.

When he became the head of a family, he walked within his house with a perfect heart. He conscientiously attended to the duty of family prayer, never omitting it till a short time before his death, when he had no longer strength to perform it.

He always manifested the greatest concern for the conversion of his children, the prosperity of the church of God, and the salvation of the world. Zion was deeply engraven on his heart, and he constantly remembered her, and interceded for her at the throne of grace. He rejoiced when her state was prosperous, and mourned when it was otherwise. When any thing occurred that caused contention among his brethren, he used his utmost efforts to quench the unhallowed flame. As he himself laboured to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bonds of peace, so he strove to reconcile those who were at variance; believing our Lord's words, "Blessed are the peace-makers, for they shall be called the children of God."

Our brother was a firm believer in all our doctrines, persuaded they were agreeable to the oracles of God. He was also a zealous defender of those doctrines wherever he came. His heart, however, Dever became the seat of bigotry, being ready at all times to give the right hand of fellowship to all those who loved the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity, though their views of some points of doctrine I did not accord with his own.

For a few years previous to his death, he was unable to attend the house of God; but that God who had been the guide of his youth, was now the support of his declining years. His confidence in God was unshaken, and he was frequently heard to say that he never lost his first love: his love to God and man indeed increased and abounded; and by his holy tempers and circumspect

walk, he gave the strongest evidences that he was a partaker of that perfect love which casteth out fear.

He was sensible that the time of his departure was at hand, and he spoke of it like one who was prepared for that event. Death had lost its sting, and the grave its victory; "his life being full (O, glorious hope) of immortality!" In recovering from two fainting fits, which he had in the beginning of his last illness, he exclaimed, "I have no doubt that I shall go to glory; I have a view of the paradise of God." One evening, being very weak, he said, "I shall soon depart hence; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard." At another time he said, "I am in the Shepherd's arms, I am waiting for my exit." One morning he said he had been assailed by the enemy, who had endeavoured to shake his confidence; that he had used the weapons of faith and prayer, and the enemy was put to flight. On the Friday morning previous to his death, he said, "I should not have lived till now, had it not been for such a manifestation of the love of God as took away all pain, both of body and mind." He evidenced the greatest resignation to the will of God, saying, "I long to be gone; but am willing to wait the Lord's time: the Lord shall do with me as seemeth him good." On the Saturday morning he said, "I hope I shall keep the Sabbath with the Lord;" but he survived until Monday. A little before his death he called his wife to his bed side, and exhorted her to cleave to the Lord, assuring her that he would never forsake her, if she did not forsake him. He sent for two of his sons, and requested them to pray for him: they complied with his request: he called them again to him, and said, "My last advice is, 'Live in peace."" He continued to breathe a little longer, and them fell asleep in Jesus, on the 1st of March, 1819. Thus lived and died Nicholas Greener, who had been a steady member of the Methodist Society for 66 years. A sermon was preached at Greenside on the occasion of his death to a large and attentive audience, from 1 Thess. iv. 13, 14.



Mary Jelly, the subject of this memoir, whose maiden name was Boyer, was born at Hathern in Leicestershire. Her parents, who were creditable and respectable persons, regularly attended the services of the Church, and brought up their daughter in the habit of doing the same. And such was the uniformity of her conduct, and her general deportment, as to reflect an honour on the attention her parents paid to her in this respect.

In 1781, Mr. Robert Costerdine was stationed in the Leicester circuit, which then included Hathern. Miss Boyer having a complaint in her neck, and Mr. Costerdine having some medical skill, she availed herself of his advice and assistance. On his leaving the circuit the ensuing Conference, he resided at Davyhulme, and laboured in the Liverpool circuit. Miss Boyer, to enjoy his assistance on the account just referred to, accompanied by her brother, followed him, and resided in his house about three months; and her journey was not in vain, for "the Lord who has his way in the whirlwind," made her visit to that place a blessing to her soul: What she saw and heard in the family, and what she saw and heard of Methodism, caused her to form a favourable opinion of them, and to feel some attachment towards them yet did she not attend the means on her return, except occasionally; till Mr. Costerdine was appointed to this circuit again in 1790. When the affection that had been formerly created towards him led her to begin to attend more regularly, by which the importance of eternal things became more and more evident to her, and her attachment to the people increased.

I have not particularly learned what were the workings of her mind in the commencement of her pious course; nor how she was led to become a member of the Society, and to form that union with our friends which was never dissolved whilst she lived, and will doubtless continue for ever. But I have learned that, with fear and trembling, she ventured to cast in her lot with them, and was admitted as a member, by Mr. G. Sargant, in 1795. Being then the disconsolate widow of Mr. Samuel Smith, a respectable farmer of the same place; by whom she had one child, who died in its infancy.

From the time of her becoming a member of the Methodist Society, her attendance on the means, both publick and those of a more private nature, was very regular and constant, unless unavoidably prevented; and her private devotions were many and fervent; and when she could meet with books calculated to encourage the doubtful, they were her favourite and frequent companions.

Her Christian experience was generally low, and she was naturally timid and fearful, nor did she arrive at the full assurance of faith; nor generally live in a sense of the enjoyment of the favour of God, which was a constant grief to her mind: yet such was her sincerity-such her uniformity-such her humility-and such her diligence, that all her friends could exercise faith for her, though she was afraid to believe for herself. Still, she truly loved the Lord, and evinced that love both by keeping his commandments, and by shewing her love to his people; and though she did not dare to speak confidently of her acceptance with God, she believed he would not cast her out, nor suffer her to perish.

In the year 1809, she was married a second time, her husband being Mr. Jarvis Jelly, who had been for several years a steady and creditable member of our Society, in whom she found an affectionate and attentive husband; and to him she was a kind and faithful helpmate, and they walked together in the fear of the Lord.

As respected the enjoyments of this life, Mrs. Jelly was in easy and affluent circumstances; yet was her way, on a variety of accounts, strewed with thorns, and in the world she found her share of trouble from numerous sources; but she meekly and patiently bore the cross, "looking to Jesus," and "to the recompence of reward."

Such was her general conduct and outward deportment, that had there been occasion, she might have said, in a good degree, with her Saviour, "Which of you convinceth me of sin?" Far from "continuing in iniquity that grace might abound," she was as "a city set on a hill whose light could not be hid," and was a "living epistle known and read of all men, to the honour and glory of God."

As a mistress, she was diligent in her duties, and attentive to her household affairs, and her conduct towards her servants, and her desire to promote their happiness and welfare were such as to cause her to be greatly respected by them.

As a Methodist, she was steady in her attachment to the cause, and the unchanging friend of her people. Her house, for many years, was the preachers' home; nor did she entertain them by way of mere favour, or count it a burden, but esteemed it a favour to have them come to her house.

For many years one of the quarterly meetings for this circuit was annually held at Hathern; on which day rich provision was cheerfully made, and an excellent dinner prepared for the preachers, leaders, and stewards, and any other friends that were disposed to attend. On those days our highly-valued sister, with the beloved of her soul around her, whether rich or poor, was just in her element, and her pleasure at the sight would almost sparkle in her eyes, and frequently vibrate on her tongue. For upwards of six months previous to the last of these meetings she ever enjoyed, she had been in a state of heavy affliction, and was extremely weak, and unable to support fatigue: I therefore thought it right to inquire whether it would be convenient to have the friends and the dinner at her house as usual; fearing it might be too fatiguing for her: to which she replied, she hoped we would never think of removing it while she lived, and that if herself could not attend upon us, she had friends that would. Of course, she had her desire, and with it her eyes and her heart were feasted. As she was too weak to sit at table with us, she was chiefly in a small room adjoining, and first received the company

of one friend, and then of another, as was agreeable; but after tea, she requested all the preachers present, near thirty in number, to come into her room, and pray with her, expressing her belief that it would be the last time she would ever have an opportunity to enjoy such a privilege; we repaired to her room-solemn prayer was made to God-it was an affecting season-it was also the last, and while we were met at another place to transact the business of the next quarterly meeting, she lay a corpse!

Her liberality to the cause, her kindness to the society, and readiness to help it in all cases of necessity; and her generosity to the poor, Loth in and out of the town (and there were very many pensioners on her bounty,) I shall not attempt to describe. None, I believe, know its extent but herself aud her God. Numbers of the poor, however, felt its beneficial effects, and of her, as of Job, it might with propriety be said, "When the ear heard me, then it blessed me; and when the eye saw me, it gave witness to me because I delivered the poor that cried, and the fatherless, and him that had none to help him. The blessing of him that was ready to perish came upon me: and I caused the widows' heart to sing for joy. I was eyes to the blind, and feet was I to the lame; I was a mother to the poor: and the cause which I knew not, I searched out," chapter xxix, verses 11, 12, 13, 15, 16. We forbear to particularize, or enlarge, but "He that sitteth on the throne, says, I know thy works.'

As I was born only a little more than a mile distant from the residence of Mrs. Jelly, and there spent the early part of my life, I was, in some degree, favoured with a knowledge of her for many years; and from all I saw, and from all I heard during that time, her conduct was such as adorned the gospel. But since my appointment to this (Loughborough) circuit in 1817, I was intimately acquainted with her, as I seldom visited Hathern but I spent some time at her house, as I delighted in her company; and the more I saw of her, the more highly I valued her; and have some reason to believe that my publick ministrations, and private interviews, in reference to her best interests, were not altogether in vain.

Our departed friend was frequently the subject of affliction, even from early life; she was, however, sometimes favoured with seasons of health, though often in the painful school.

The last affliction, and that which was unto death, commenced about eleven months previous to her departure, and, at first, did not appear to be very alarming, but gradually grew upon her. As it continued, medical aid was obtained, and she was sometimes rather better, and we hoped; at other times she sunk, and we feared; but on the whole it was easy to observe a gradual decline in her health.

On changing her physician, some months before she died, we

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