ClarifiedXulon Press, 2005 - 360 pàgines "Clarified: Answers to 101 Intriguing Bible Questions" is a must-read book! Your doubts will forever be gone. Christians of all denominations, and non-Christians, too, will be blessed and enlightened. |
The Bible says that God made light on the first day | 29 |
God told Adam For in the day that thou eatest thereof | 40 |
Why was Cains sacrifice rejected? Was it because | 48 |
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Abel Abraham Adam and Eve angels animals apostle behold believe Bible blessing blood Cain called Calvary children of Israel Christ command Corinthians created creation creatures curse days and three declares Deuteronomy devil disciples Elijah Esau eternal evil Exodus faith Father feast flesh fruit Genesis Chapter give God's Gospel hate hath heart Heaven Hebrews holy human Isaiah Israel Jacob Jehoram Jehoshaphat Jesus died Jews John the apostle John the Baptist judgment king kingdom Lamb Lamb of God land Leviticus light live look Luke male Matthew mean mercy Messiah Moses night Noah Numbers Old Testament Passover Paul wrote perfect Peter Pharisees prophet Psalm records resurrection Revelation righteous Romans Sabbath sacrifice saith the LORD salvation Satan Scripture second death serpent shalt thou sinners sins Spirit sword talks Ten Commandments thee things thou shalt tree truth wanted whosoever wicked woman Word