Imatges de pàgina
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P 338.

A Me-


Method of Devotion


Sick and Dying Persons.

IN the beginning of your Sickness, and when
you first perceive your self to be Indisposed,
immediately retire to your Prayers. And most
humbly Submit to God's Disposal; Praying
thus; or in the like manner.

Prayers in the Beginning of

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thy Wisdom knowest what BP. Kes.

is best for me. Glory be to Thee. Lord, if it seem good in thy fight, divert this Distemper from me, which I now feel feizing on



me; that I may employ my Health to thy Glory, and praise thy Name.

But if thou art pleased it should grow on me, I willingly submit to thy afflicting hand : for thou art wont to chastise those whom thou dost love; and I am fure, thou wilt lay no more on me, than thou wilt enable me to bear.

I know, Omy God, thou fendest this Sickness for my Good: even to humble and reform me. O grant it may work that saving effect in me.

Lord, Create in me a true penitent Sorrow for all my Sins past; A stedfast Faith in thee, and fincere Resolutions of Amendment for the time to come. Deliver me from all frowardness and impatience; and give me an entire Resignation to thy Divine Will.

O fuffer not the Disease to take

take away my Senfes; and do thou continually supply my Thoughts with holy Ejaculati


Lord, Bless all Means that are used for my Recovery; and restore me to my Health in thy good time. But if otherwife thou hast appointed for me, Thy blessed Will be done.

Lord, fit me for thy felf, and then take me out of this finful troublesome World, when thou pleasest.

My hope is wholly in thy Mercy, and in the Merits and Sufferings of my Blessed Saviour. O for his fake forgive and save me, that I may be found blameless at the Coming of the Lord Jefus. Amen.

Merciful, and Righteous From the Lord, the God of Health, Whole D and of Sickness, of Life, and ofty of Mars,



I most humbly acknowledge, that my great abuse of those many Day's of Strength and Welfare, which thou hast afforded me, hath most justly deserved thy prefent Visitation.

I defire, O Lord, humbly to accept of this Punishment of mine Iniquity; and to bear the Indignation of the Lord; because I have finned against him. And, O thou Merciful Father, wlio designest not the Ruin, but the Amendment of those whom thou scourgeft; I beseech thee by thy Grace, so to fanctify this Correction to me, that this Sicknefs of my Body, may be a Means of Health to my Soul.

Make me diligent to fearch my Heart, and enable me to difcover every accursed thing, how closely foever concealed there ; that by the removal thereof, I may make way for the removal of this Punishment.


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