Imatges de pàgina

From K. William'sPray


vented us with Overtures of thy Love, even when we were thine Enemies and haft fent thy Son Jesus Chrift to Die for us, when we were disposed to Crucifie him.


Ubdue in me the evil Spirit of Wrath and Revenge; and dispose my Heart patiently to bear Reproaches and Wrongs; and to be ready not only to forgive, but to return Good for E

Forgive, I beseech The most

Merciful Father, to all mine Enemies, all their Malice and Ill Will towards me, and giverf. them Repentance and better. Minds: Which I heartily beg of thee for them, as I my self hope for Mercy and Forgiveness at thy Hands; through the Merits and Mediation of Jesus Christ, my most Merciful God and Saviour. Amen.


A Nd

Nd as the Dying Person is exhorted, To forgive from the bottom of his heart all Perfons. that have offended him; So likewife he is admonished; If he hath offended any other, to ask them Forgiveness.

And though this likewife is a very difficult Task, (we being all very backward, through the Pride of our Spirits, to acknowledge we have done amiss;) yet that it is our Duty, as also how far it is our Duty, I shall endeavour to shew under the Third Particular; viz. That, Where he hath done Injury on Wrong to an Man, that he make amends to the uttermost of his Power.


Of which in its proper Place.


At present, before I Discourse of
'tis pertinent to Explain and Enforce the
other Branch of Charity; viz. Charity in








Of Alms-Deeds, Or Charity out oil in Giving 2


IS the Direction of the Church of England, in the Order for the Visitation of the Sick, That The Minister should not omit earnestly to Move such Sick Persons as are of Ability, to be Liberal to the Poor.

Whence Observe,

1. That it is the Duty of the Clergy, to Move Sick and Dying Persons to Remember the Poor.

2. If fuch Sick and Bequeathing Persons are of Ability, they are then to Move them to be Liberal in their Gifts and Legacies to the Poor.

1.3. They are not only to Move them, but earnestly and with inportunity to Move them,

If therefore the Covetous Mifers of this World, who value their Bags more than their Souls, shall be offended at this Freedom, (as if this Part of our Office were a Pragmatical Encroachment; as if herein we did tranf gress the Limits of our Calling, and were as Bufy-bodies in other mens Matters;) I shall for the Conviction of fuch Perfons, and the just Vindication of my Profeffion, suggest the Reasons of fuch Charitable Distributions. And from thence shall shew them, why we of the Clergy do think our selves obliged, with fuch repeated Plainness, to remind them of this Duty.

The Clergy by their Office and Calling, are the Ambassadors of Christ. Or, if that may feem a Title of too much State, they

are the Stewards of his Houshold; who who are to distribute to the Fa mily their several Portionsunom Now St. Paul, who was not only a faithful Pastor of the Flock, but also a Governor of the Pastors themselves, hath left this Apoftolical Injunction to his Son Timothy; and in him to all other Paftors and Ministers of God's Word.

Charge them that are Rich in this World, that they be not highminded, nor truft in uncertain Riches, but in the living God, wha giveth us richly all things to enl joy.

That they do Good, that they be Rich in good Works, ready to DiStribute, willing to Communicate.

Laying up in store for themselves. a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay bold on eternal life. 1 Tim. 6., 17, 18,

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It appears from this Injuncti on of St. Paul, that Rich men,..


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