I have done with this World. Lord. Be thou my Portion, O A Prayer, to be used when you Ord, thou haft given me all From my Worldly Goods, yea, Dr. Com thine own Son to be my Saviour. And I return a small part of thine Own in acknowledgment. Thou needest Nothing. - But hast charged me to fhew my Love to Thee, by helping the Poor. Lord, I love and pity them, because they are thy Friends. I wish I could do more for them for thy Sake. ber. For I defire Riches now for no other end, but to be to be more Charitable. I Dedicate my Self, and All I have, to thy Service, by this Earnest and Pledge. Lord, accept It and Me; and let it derive a Bleffing on all I have. ร O let this Alnis be an Odour of a sweet Smell, a Sacrifice acceptable, and well-pleasing to Thee, through Jesus Christ. A men. The Sick Man having examined his Charity in these Two Instances, viz. in Forgiving and Giving; Let him next proceed to examine the Truth of his Repentance in another Fruit and Effect of it, viz. ReftiKution. Concerning which he is thus Admonished, in the Order for the Visitation of the Sick. If he hath offended any Other, to ask them Forgiveness. And where he hath done Injury er Wrong to any Man, that he make amends I to the uttermost of his Power. on tot won code Of Restitution, 1 Hat I may distinctly explain the Nature of Restitution, and thence convince the Sick Person of the Neceffity of it, I must Premise; That as our Duty is Twofold, Our Duty towards God, and Our Duty towards our Neighbour ; So also Sins and Tranfgreffions, which are a Breach and Violation of that Duty, are likewise Twofold, viz. Sins against God, and Sins against our Neighbour. Both these kinds of Sins shall certainly be Pardoned upon our true Repentance; because God, who is Faithful and Just, hath exprefly promised Pardon upon that Condition. thitar But now 'tis pertinent to ob ferve, That more is required to perfect our Repentance of Sins againft against our Neighbour, than of Sins against God only two Sins against God only, are fuf ficiently Attoned by Reformation and Amendment. When we return to our Duty, and own the Divine Authority by a fincere Obedience, the Justice of God is then fatisfied, and he will again receive us into his Grace and Favour, through the powerful Interceffion of our Dear Redeemer. But now as to those Sins which do not barely Offend God, but are alfo Offensive and Injurious to our Neighbour, the Cafe is different; and there is more required to the Pardon of fuch Sins. 150 A N For Sins against our Neigh bour, do not only include an Offence against God, (who hath commanded us to Love our Brother) but alfo an Affront and In jury against Men. τα ελβετικό *RRRRR And And therefore, though upon our true Repentance, God will forgive his share of the Sin, and will remit it fo far as it is an Ac of Disobedience against himself; yet he will not forgive the Affront and Injury against Men, till we have first fought a Reconcilia tion with those we have Affront ed, and have made Restitution to those we have Wronged, by giving Satisfaction for the Damage that hath been done them. From hence we may observe; That a Two-fold Offence may be committed against our Neigh 1. An Affront, or Neglect of his Person. Which must be Attoned by Reconciliation. 2. Damage or Injury; not only to his Person, but also to the reft of his Concerns. For which, Satisfaction is to be made by Re : |