Imatges de pàgina
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fort; You have done your Duty. And be affured; God will never Condemn you, for the Obftinacy and Uncharitablenefs of Other Men.

2. Such Reconciliation is only a Duty When it can be had: And where you have an Opportunity to endeavour it.

The Reason of which Caution is this.

Men that are of a Proud Petu lant Humour, and of a Free Sportful Wit, may (in variety of Converfation fo often repeat fuch Abufive Practices, that when they begin to be ferious, and reform fuch Extravagancies, it will be impoffible for them to remember, what Perfons they have fo Abufed; Or, When and Where to find them. And confequently, it will be impoffible by an Acknow

Acknowledgment of their Faults) to be actually reconciled to them.

From BP. Cofins.

In fuch a Cafe all that can be done is this.

If there is no Opportunity of making your Acknowledgments at prefent, you must then firmly refolve to do it hereafter, when a fitting Seafon fhall be offered; and when the Perfons can be found (and decently Addrefled) that you have Affronted.

Then fay as followeth.

A Proteftation of Forgiveness.

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Do most humbly defire all, and every one (known or unknown) whom I have Of fended, Quarrelled with, or Affronted, that they would vouchfafe to Forgive me. O Lord, do thou forgive me.


And I do freely and heartily forgive e all the World, wherein foever any One hath Offended me, or done me any manner of Injury whatsoever: even as I defire to be forgiven of God, and to be Abfolved from my Sins, for the Merits of my Bleffed Redeemer. Amen.


BP. Ken.

Bless all thofe From My God that I have any way wronged; Have Mercy on all thofe, to whofe Sins I have been any way acceffory; and give them all Grace to forgive me. Amen.

The Sick Man having thus endeavoured (fo far as it is in his Power) to be Reconciled to thofe he hath Offended: And (where he can decently do it) having asked Forgiveness of thofe he hath Affront ed; The next Inftance of the Sincerity of his Repentance, is Reftitution. The Church Directs him: Where he hath done Injury or Wrong to any Man, that he make Amends to the uttermost of his power.

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Of Reftitution.
Strictly fo called.

Eftitution is. the furest Evidence of the Truth and Sincerity of Repentance. For without Reftitution, at least in the Defire and Endeavour, there can be no true Repentance of the Sin; and Confequently no comfortable Affurance of the Pardon of it. He who refuseth to make Satisfaction, when it is in his power, is not Penitent for the Injury he hath done, but would certainly repeat it, if he had Ability and Opportunity.

This is indeed a very copious Subject; and the Cafuifts are large, and fometimes intricate, in their Difcourses upon it. But I must remember to whom I write. And fhall therefore treat of this Subject with the greatest


Plainnefs. Which is briefly nothing effe but this..

RESTITUTION is the making Reparation or Satisfaction to another; for the Injuries we have Done him.

The true Method therefore to be inftructed, When and How to make Reftitution, is to examine the feveral Ways and Refpects, whereby an Injury may be done to our Neighbour.

And they are these Four.

I. To his Soul. 2. His Body. 3. His Eftate. 4. His Good Name,

1. Of Injuries done to our
Neighbour's Soul.

Ndeed the Soul being a Spiritual Subftance, can neither be hurt, nor deftroyed, as the Body. They who kill the Body, are not able to kill the Soul. But there

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