Imatges de pàgina

not allowed to Complain.
No! Sighs and Groans are the
Sick Man's Language. And fo
far as it may be any Ease to you:
to bemoan your Self, refrain not
to do it.

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And when it may be a Refreshment to change your Posture (to Turn, as we say, from Side to Side,) Take your Liberty. For none of these Things are the Effects of Impatience. Though fome Persons, who are in Health (and who have not that Compaffionate Sympathy as they ought) may very impru-dently condemn them as such. Now, Patience (as it relates to a Sick Bed) is a chearful Submission to whatever Pains and Confinement God shall please to lay upon


And that this Patient Submifsion is your Interest and Duty, I shall Endeavour to convince you, by these following Confiderati


1. Mo

1. Motive to Patience, from
the Sovereignty of God.

Confider, That this Sickness

Pain, (or whatever

Bodily Diftemper you may groan under) is not the Effect of Chance or Fortune. But whatever Aceident, as you fancy, may occafion it, it is laid upon you by the Direction and Appointment of Almighty God.


Who is your Sovereign Lord; and hath an Absolute Power, and uncontroulable Authority over you. He is your Creator; and. as such, hath a just Right and Prerogative, to Dispose of you as he thinks fit.

Hath not the Potter power over the Clay ? Who art thou then, O man, that repliest against God? Shall the Thing formed Say to him that formed it, Why haft thou made me thus? Or, Why is it thus or thus

thus with me? Is it not lawful for God to do what he will with his own? Why then dost thou strive against him for he giveth not account of any of his Matters. But confider, Secondly, That God is Just as well as Great.

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2. Motive to Patience, from
the Justice of God.

S God

A is your Sovereign, fo

he is an offended Sovereign. As you are his Creature, so you are a Rebellious Creature: And by your Sins and Rebellions you have forfeited all your Mercies

You have forfeited your Health; you have forfeited your Eafe; you have forfeited your Life; and God may justly take the Seizure, When and in What Manner he pleaseth.

Why then doth aliving Man complain; a Man for the punishment of


his Sins? Lam.3.39. Say then with Job; I amvile, what shall I answer thee? I will lay mine hand upon my Mouth, Job 40. 4. And acknowledge with Ezra, Thou bast punished us less than our iniquities deserve, Ch. 9. 13. It is of the Lord's Mercies that we are not confumed, because his compassions fail not, Lam. 3. 22.

From hence be instructed; That Whatever Sickness, Whatever Pain, Whatever Confinement may be laid upon you, you have deserved it;

Therefore, Bear it Patiently. I know, O Lord, that thy Fudgments are right; and that thou in faithfulness haft afflicted me, Pfal. 119.75.

The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; Bleffed be the name of the Lord, Job 1. 21. The Lord gave me Health and Ease; and the Lord, for my Sins, hath

most justly taken them away.


Bleffed be the Name of the Lord. But consider further; That as God is your Sovereign; too Great to be resisted (therefore patiently bear what you cannot avoid) and as he is most Just, and will not punish beyond your Deserts (therefore chearfully submit, to what you have Deserved) So Thirdly, He is most Merciful, and will not Afflict you unless for your Good.

3. Motive to Patience, from
the Goodness of God.



His is the most Comfortable Motive to Patient Submiffion, to confider; That this Sickness and Pain, which God is pleased to lay upon you, it is for your Good; for your Benefit and Advantage. We know that all things work together for Good, to them that love God, Rom. 8. 28. And Confequently, all Afflicti



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