The Sick Man's Faith OR CREED. Do Believe in God the of Heaven and Earth. The Explication. Loving him as my Father, Reverencing him as the Al mighty; and Committing my Soul and Body to him, as to a Faithful Creator.. The Creed... And in Jesus Christ his only begotten Son our Lord. The I The Explication. Believe in Thee, O thou King of Glory, the everlasting Son of God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Chrift; that thou art very God of very God, begotten not made; Being of One Substance with the Father, by whom all things were made. Who for us Men, and for our Salvation came down from Heaven. The Creed. And that he was Conceibed by the Holy Ghost, born of the Airgin Mary The Explication. I Believe, O Holy Jesus, That thou, who art God Blessed for ever, wast Born in Time; and by the Operation of the Holy Ghoft, waft wast made very Man of the SubStance of the Virgin Mary; and that without Spot of Sin, to make us clean from all Sin, The Creed. That he Suffered under Pontius Pilate; was Cru cified, Dead and Buried. The Explication : ami ob Believe, O Blessed Jesus, that wife we must have Suffered for everlyst That thou waft Crucified, to set us free from the Curse of the Law. That thou didst Die, and thereby take away the Sting of Death. That thou wast Buried in the Grave, and hadst the Victory over it. The : The Creed. That he went down into HeU. The Explication. UR Saviour's Soul being separated from his Body, did immediately go into the Place appointed to receive happy Souls after their Departure from the Body, and Resignation into God's hands? heb If we do thus interpret our Saviour's Descent into Hell, for his Soul's going into 'the Common Receptacle and Manfion of 'Souls; we shall, so doing, be fure not fubflantially to mistake. V. Dr. Barrow on the Creed. p. 404. The Creed. And also did rise again the Third Day. The The Explication. Being the First fruits of them that slept who are thereby assured, that their Bodies allo shall be raised again. The Creed. 2 armma Net sonat motion. That ye afcended into Hat 18 JAAN 533 30s c : The Explication. There to prepare a Place for The Creed. And littery at the right hand of God the Father Al mighty. The |