ons, all Diseases and Pains, are laid upon you for your Good. This we are unwilling to believe, though revealed to us by the Spirit of Truth; and can hardly be perfuaded, That to be Sick and in Pain can be for our Good. And therefore for your Conviction I must remind you, That this Promise, That all things work together for Good to them that love God, is to be understood, with respect to their future State in the other World, and not their present Condition in this. For we are but Strangers and Sojourners in this World; and are only Travelling and paffing thorough it to another Countrey; where we must make an Eternal Abode. It is therefore comparatively of very small moment, what our Condition is in this World, whether we be Happy or Miserable, provided we fe secure our main State in the next. And those Passages of our Lives, be they otherwise never so unpleasing, are certainly best for us, which do most promote our Eternal Welfare. Indeed were the Disposal of Things left to our Choice, we would always be Happy and Profperous; Rich and Honourable; Healthful and at Eafe. But God who knows our Temper, and what bad use we should make of these Mercies, how we should pervert and abuse them, in great Kindness to our Souls, he withdraws them from us. For God truly loves us. And as his Goodness sincerely designs our Happiness, so his unerring Wisdom most infallibly difcerns what conduceth to it. When therefore you are in Sickness and in Pain, submit not only with Patience but Thankfulness. And bless God that he takes takes such Care of you; that he doth not leave you to your Self; to follow your own finful Imagination; but that he treats you with Discipline; and by gentle Methods of Affliction, curbs and restrains the Excesses of your Na ture. And though such Sickness and Pain are not easy to you (for no chastening for the present Seemeth to be joyous, but grievous,) yet when you confider, that they are the effect of God's unerring Love; and that these Dispensations are laid upon you for your Good, your Reformation and Amendment, you will then bear them, not only with Patience and Submiffion, but with Chearfulness and Courage. Hearken therefore to the Exhortation which Speaketh unto you as unto Children. Observe and attend it for your Instruction and Comfort. Here Here read, out of your Bible, Heb. 12. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. And then proceed thus. HE Substance of which THE Subftan That there is the greatest Reafon why we should submit to the Chastisements of the Lord, in whatever Instance he may please to afflict us, because he is our Father (he is the Father of Spirits,) and doth correct his Children, not in Fury, like Earthly Parents, to vex and torment us; but in Judgment and Difcretion, for our Profit, that we may live, and that we may be partakers of his holiness. And that this Confideration of God's Fatherly Love and Kindness in afflicting his Children, may make its due Impression upon you, I shall endeavour more particularly to explain, How and in what manner, Sickness, Diseases, and Afflicting Pains, do work for for your Good, in the following Instances. 1. The first Benefit of Sickness. D Iseases and Pains, and the Confinement of a Sick Bed, do give you both Leisure and Inclination, to confider Eternity, and take care of your Soul. Which in the time of Health and Prosperity was too much neglected. The Generality of Men (being Men of Business, or Men of Pleasure) are so wholly taken up with the Designs of this World, that they have neither Leifure nor Inclination to think of the next. In what a Hurry fuch Men do spend the Day, is very obvious to observe. And at Night, when they should Commune with their own Hearts, and recollect the Passages of the preceding Day [What Mercies they have received, that they may thank |