Imatges de pàgina

fort of Absolution, and a perfect Remiffion of all my Sins ; and to bring me unto Life everlafting, through Jesus Chrift. A



HE Sick Person having thus made an Humble

Confeffion, of his Sins; and most earnestly begged Pardon, for the fake of Jesus Chrift: Let him then make faithful Promises, and firm Resolutions, That if God shall please to continue his Life, and restore him to his Health, he will amend and reform those wicked Practices; of which, upon a strict Examination, he doth acknow ledge himself to be guilty; and for which he doth now, with the deepeft Sorrow, Condemn himfelf.


A Penitential Vow....

My Great and Glorious From
God, I who am less than Br. Duppa.

the Grain of Dust that hangs
upon the Balance, profess seri-
oufly, and with the remorse of
a wounded Spirit, that I am a-
shamed and confounded within
my felf, that I have fo many
ways finned against so good a
God, so gracious a Father.

But what is past I cannot recall; thơ thy Mercy may for give: And I hope will forgive.

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But for the time to come, I call all thy holy Angels to witness; that I this Day, this very Hour, sacrifice my felf wholly to Thee: refolving to break off from all finful Courses, and fully purposing never to offend thee




But because thou knowest my Failings, and my Weakness is not hid from thee; I beg of thee, O my God, to shew thy strength in my weakness; and to confirm my infirm Mind in this holy Re


That so never repenting of this Repentance, nor wavering in these Purposes, which I have now by thy Grace so deliberately made; I may go on conflantly in a pure and holy Life; till in the end of my Days I come to everlafting Joys, which thou haft prepared for them that love thee, through Jesus Chrift my Lord. Amen...

What can further be done by the Sick Person, to fatisfy Himself and Others of the Sincerity of his Repentance?' Indeed, as I hinted before, the fureft Evidence of the Truth and

Sincerity of Repentance, is Reformation and Amendment of Life. When a Man doth cease to do Evil; and doth no more allow himself in those wicked Practices, which he formerly indulged; then we truly fay, He doth Repent.

But to deal faithfully with the Dying Person, this Restraint from Sin is to be understood, with respect to the time of his former Health and Vigour; and not to the present Confinement of a Sick Bed.

For whatever his Practice may have been in the former time of his Health, his present Weakness doth fufficiently convince him; That however his Inclination to fome Sins may continue, yet now that he is confined to a Sick Bed, he hath neither Ability nor Opportunity to commit them. What the former Passages of his Life have been; and how far in the time of his Health, he did amend

amend and reform, we must leave to God, and his own Soul. My present Design doth direct me to Examine; What is now to be done further by a Sick and Dying Person, to evidence the Truth and Sincerity of his Repentance. And herein I shall observe the Direction of the Church of England.

In the Rubrick of the Order for the Visitation of the Sick, The Minister is to Examine; Whether the Sick Person do Repent him truly of his Sins?

And as an Evidence of the Truth of his Repentance, he is to Admonish him, to be in Charity with all the World. And is then further to exhort him; to express this Charity in the following Particulars.

1. In Forgiving from the Bottom of his Heart all Persons that have Offended him.

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