D A METHOD OF DEVOTION FOR Sick and Dying PERSONS. With Particular Directions, from By William Affheton, D.D. Rector of LONDON: Printed for Brabazon Aylmer, at the Illuftrious His GRACE JAMES Duke of Ormond, &c. Lord Lieutenant General, and General Governor of the Kingdom of Ireland. This Manual of Devotions Is Humbly Dedicated and Presented, By His GRACE'S Moft Dutiful and Obliged Chaplain, William Affhetons The PREFACE. H Aving formerly Published Daily Devotions, in and Devotions for the Lord's Day, with Devotions in Times of Trouble and Affliction, for the Use of a Countrey Parifh as a further Inftance of my Duty, in Inftructing those committed to my Charge, I thought it might be useful the fame familiar Manner, give fome Direction and Affi stance to Sick and Dying Perfons. ty of Age, the Weakness and Decays of Nature, or the Violence of a Difeafe, do admonish A 3 them to That when the Extremi |