ceive my poor Soul at my Departure, and to conduct and carry it to the blessed Receptacles of Reft and Peace. Amen. Into thy Hands, O Lord, I commend my Spirit: for thou hast Redeemed it, O Lord, thou God of Truth. Of the Sick Man's Daily Prayers; and other Instances of his DevoLion 1. Of his Daily Prayers. W Hen the Sick Perfon is confined to his Bed, fo that he cannot conveniently kneel nor put himself into the proper Gesture of Prayer; he must not thereupon think, that he is excu fed from his Duty dagris vlod vdt ud I mention this, because I fear it is a common Mistake in Sick Persons, to fancy, That their Weakness may excuse their Prayers: And that in such a Cafe, God will accept the Will for the Deed. They say, They think upon God, and will Pray with their Hearts. And this they hope will be fufficient. To which I Answer : When the Sick Perfon is in extremis, and is reduced to such Weakness, that he is either Speechless, or cannot use his Voice without Difficulty and Pain: in such a Case let him comfortably be assured, that our Gracious God, who knows our Frame, will accept of the Defires of his Heart; and his Sighs and Groans shall be all Vocal. But whilst he hath so much Strength, as to talk to his Vii tants and Attendants, let him know 1 know and confider, that it is his Duty to talk with God. To lift up his Voice as well as his Heart, to God in the Heavens. And let him say with David. As for me, I will call upon God: and the Lord shall fave me. Evening and Morning, and at Noon will I pray, and cry aloud; and he shall hear my voice. Pfal. 55. 16, 17. However, let him not doubt, but that God confiders his Weakness. And when he cannot Pray as he would; let him Pray as he can: and the Lord accept him. Now, to make the Sick Man's Daily Prayers as easy as poffible, I propofe him this Method. T In the Morning, or when he is best Disposed, (for all Sick Persons have their Lucid Intervals;) let him say this usual Morning Prayers; and then let kim add the following Prayer. A Pray A Prayer for a Sick Person. , " Merciful Father, to whom alone belong the Issues of Life and Death. Look down from Heaven, I humbly beseech thee, with the Eyes of Mercy, upon Me thy poor weak Servant, who am grieved with Sickness. Sanctify, O Lord, this thy Fatherly Correction to Me. And grant, that the sense of my Weakness, may add Strength to my Faith, and Seriousness to my Repentance. Give me unfeigned Repentance for all the Errors of my Life past, and stedfast Faith in thy Son Jesus. That my Sins may be done away by thy Mercy; and my Pardon sealed in Heaven; before I go hence, and am no more seen. Grant, Grant, that I may take my Sicknefs patiently, and recover my Bodily Health, if it be thy gracious Will. I know, O Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst raise me up, and grant me a longer Continuance in this World. But however thou shalt be pleased to deal with Me, so fit and prepare Me, I beseech thee, against the Hour of Death, when ever thy good Providence shall Order it; That when my Soul hall depart from the Body, it may be without Spot presented unto Thee. And after my Departure hence in Peace, and in thy Favour; receive Me into those Heavenly Habitations, where the Souls of them that Sleep in the Lord Jesus, enjoy perpetual Reft and Felicity. Grant this, O Lord, for thy Mercies fake, and for the alone Me |