Imatges de pàgina

ND here, let the Sick Man be assured, for his Comfort; That if he doth believe the Promises of the Gofpel, and doth truly Repent of all his Sins; then this Sentence of Absolution, pronounced by the Minister, will be ratified and confirmed in Heaven.


For tho 'tis true, That none can forgive Sins, but God only: Who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ; Yet, faith the Apostle, he hath given to us the Ministry of Reconciliation. 2 Cor. 5. 18.

For our Blessed Saviour, the great Bishop of our Souls, gave this Authority to his Church, and to the Faftors of it.

Whose foever fins ye remit, they are remitted unto them. Joh.20.23. And whatsoever ye shall loose on Earth, shall be loofed in Heaven. Matth. 18. 18.

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Viitation the


Prayers for a Sick Perfon in
danger of Death.

Father of Mercies, and
God of all

Comfort, our

only Help in time of need; We fly unto thee for Succour, in behalf of this thy Servant, here lying under thy hand in great Weakness of Body.

Look gracioufly upon him, O Lord; and the more the outward Man decayeth, ftrengthen him, we beseech thee, so much the more continually with thy Grace and Holy Spirit, in the inner Man.

Give him unfeigned Repentance for all the Errors of his Life past, and stedfaft Faith in thy Son Jefus; that his Sins may be done away by thy Mercy, and bis Pardon fealed in Heaven, before be go hence, and be no more seen.


We know, O Lord, that there is no word impossible with thee; and that if thou wilt, thou canst even yet raise him up, and grant him a longer Continuance amongst us. But howsoever thou shalt be pleased to deal with him, fo fit and prepare him, we beseech thee, against the hour of Death, whenever thy good Providence shall order it, that after his Departure hence, in Peace and in thy Favour, his Soul may be received into thine everlasting Kingdom; Through the Merits and Mediation of Jesus Chrift, thine only Son, our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

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God the Father of Hea-

Have Mercy upon him.
Keep, and Defend him.

O God the Son, Redeemer of

the World,


Have Mercy upon him.

Save, and Deliver him.

O God the Holy Ghost, proceeding from the Father and the Son,


Have Mercy upon him.
Strengthen, and Comfort

O Holy, Blessed and Glorious

Have Mercy upon him. Remember not, Lord, his Offences: Call not to mind the Offences of his Forefathers. But fpare him, good Lord, spare thy Servant, whom thou hast redeemed with thy most precious Blood


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UR Lord Jesus Christ, who hath left Power to his Church, to Absolve all Sinners, who truly Repent and Believe in him; of his great Mercy forgive thee thine Offences: And by his Authority committed to me, I Absolve thee from all thy Sins, In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

This Form of Abfolution is not to be pros nounced by any Lay-man, but only by a Prieft (or Presbyter) in Holy Orders. Who after the Absolution, is directed to say the following Collect.

Let us Pray.


Most Merciful God, who Visitation

tude of thy Mercies, dost so put away the Sins of those who tru ly Repent, that thou remembreft them no more; Open thine Eye of Mercy upon this thy Servant,


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