Imatges de pàgina

Receive him in the Arms of thy Mercy; and give him an Inheritance with thy Saints in light.

There to Reign with thy Elect Angels, thy Blesfed Saints departed, thy Holy Prophets, and Glori ous Apostles; in all Joy, Glory, Felicity, and Happiness, for ever and ever. Amen.

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Nto thy Merciful Hands, O From
Lord, we commend the Soul Br. Cofins.

of this thy Servant, now depart-
ing from the Body.

• Acknowledge, we meekly beseech thee, a Work of thine own Hands; a Sheep of thine own Fold; a Lamb of thine own Flock; a Sinner of thine own Redeeming.

Receive him into the blessed Arms of thy unspeakable Mercy; into the sacred Rest of Everlasting Peace; and into the glorious Estate of thy Chosen Saints in Heaven. Amen.

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God the Father, who hath

Created thee;

God the Son, who hath Re

deemed thee;

God the Holy Ghost, who hath infufed his Grace into thee; Be now, and evermore, thy Defence; Assist thee in this thy last Trial, and bring thee into the way of Everlasting Life.

Christ that Redeemed thec with his Agony and bloody. Death, have Mercy upon thee, and strengthen thee in this Agony of Death.

Chrift Jesus that rose the Third Day from Death, raise up thy Body again in the Refurrection of the Just.

Christ that Afcended into Heaven, and now fitteth at the Right Hand of God, bring thee to the Place of Eternal Happinefs and Joy.


God the Father, preserve and
keep thee

God the Son, assist and streng-
then thee.

God the Holy Ghost, defend
and comfort thee.


God the Holy Trinity, be e-
ver with thee.

That thy Death may be precious in the fight of the Lord; with whom thou shalt live for -evermore.


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of the

Saviour of the World, who Visitation by thy Cross, and precious sick.

Blood, haft Redeemed us; save, and help this thy Departing Servant, we humbly beseech thee, O Lord. Amen...

THE Almighty Lord, who is a most strong Tower to all them that put their Truft in him; to whom all things in Heaven, in Earth, and under the Earth, do bow and obey; be


be now and evermore thy Defence; and make thee know and feel, that there is none other Name under Heaven given to Marn, in whom, and through whom, thou mayest receive Health and Salvation, but only the Name of our Lord Jesus Chrift. Amen.

Nto God's gracious Mercy and Protection we commit thee. The Lord Bless thee, and Keep thee. The Lord make his Face to fhine upon thee, and be Gracious unto thee.


Lord lift up his Countenance upon thee, and give thee Peace, both now and evermore. Amen.

When the Company doth observe the Dying Man to be at the very point of Death; let them then devoutly say the following Prayer.

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A Commendatory Prayer for a
Sick Person at the point of


of the

Almighty God, with whom Visitation do live the Spirits of Fust sick.

Men made perfect, after they are delivered from their Earthly PriSons; We humbly commend the Soul of this thy Servant, our dear Brother, into thy hands, as into the hands of a faithful Creator, and most Merciful Saviour; Most humbly beseeching thee, that it may be precious in thy fight.

Wash it, we pray thee, in the blood of that immaculate Lamb, that was slain to take away the Sins of the World:



That whatsoever Defilements it may have contracted in the midst of this miserable and naughty World, through the lufts of the flesh, or the wiles of Satan, being purged and done away; it may be


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