Imatges de pàgina

III. The proper Psalms are Psalm xx. xxi. ci. The xxth is a Psalm of David, wherein the people are taught to pray for his good success.

§. 2. The xxist was originally composed upon the same account for which we now make choice

The Psalms.
Psalm xx.

Psalm xxi.

of it, viz. to be a form of public prayer, to be used in the congregation for God's blessing on the prince.

Psalm ci.

In the

§. 3. The cist Psalm is a resolution that David made to be a strict observer of piety and justice both in his private and public conduct, and is appointed here to remind us, that whoever desires God's blessing upon his person and government, must diligently attend to discountenance impiety, and to nourish true religion and virtue. room of this Psalm, in king James's office, were appointed the lxxxvth and the cxviiith; but they being both chose with an eye to the exile, which that prince underwent with his royal brother, were, in the office for queen Anne, more properly changed.

The Lessons.

The first.

IV. The first Lesson in queen Anne's time was Proverbs viii. 13, to the end: but now the first of Joshua is again appointed, which was the Lesson for this office when it was put out by king James. Now indeed only the first ten verses are appointed, which contain the history of God's setting up Joshua to succeed Moses in the government of the Israelites, with the instructions that he gave him upon that occasion. Why the latter part was not continued as well as the former, I do not see; since certainly some part of it is as applicable as the former to the case of his present Majesty, it going on with the story of Joshua's passing with the Israelites over Jordan, to take possession of the land which God had given him.

The second.

§. 2. The second Lesson is appointed upon account of that part of it which is read for the Epistle on November 5, of which what I have there said may suffice.

V. The Epistle and Gospel are the same with


those appointed on the twenty-ninth of May, and The Epistle and have already been spoken to in my discourse on that office.

6 Romans xiii.

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ABSOLUTION, the power of it, in what sense
given by our Saviour to the Church, 440.
the internal effects of it, 442. in what
sense exercised in the primitive Church,
443. how far abused by the Church of
Rome, 453. in what sense exercised by
the Church of England, 439, 446.

in the morning and evening service,
how seasonably used there, 114. of what
benefit or effect, 115. designed by the
Church to be more than declarative, ib.
not to be pronounced by a deacon, 120.

in the office for the visitation of the
sick, seems only to respect the censures
of the Church, 439. what intended by
the form, 445. not to be pronounced un-
less heartily desired, 447. See also the
preface, vi. &c.

Abstinence, how distinguished from fast-
ing by the Church of Rome, 198. what
days appointed for the one and the other,
ib. no distinction made in the Church
of England, either between days of fast-
ing and days of abstinence, or between
any different kinds of food, 198, 199. ab-
stinence from flesh on fish-days enjoined
by act of parliament, 199. entire absti-
nence recommended by the Church of
England on fast-days, ib.

Advent, why so called, 206. the antiquity
of it, ib. Advent sermons formerly
preached, ib. why the Church begins
her year at Advent, 207.
Affinity. See Consanguinity.
Affusion in baptism, answers the end of it,
348. used sometimes by the primitive
Christians, ib. how it first came into
practice, 350. affusion only to be used
when the child is sick, 368.

Agatha, a Sicilian virgin and martyr;
some account of her, 56.
Agnes, a Roman virgin and martyr; some
account of her, 55. why painted with a
lamb by her side, 56.

Alb, what, by whom, and when to be
worn, 104.

St. Alban, a martyr; some account of him,

All-Saints day, for what reason observed,
190, 253. the service for it, ib.
All-Souls day, what day so called, and
why, 74.

Alms, how to be distinguished from the

other devotions of the people, in the ru-
bric after the offertory, 275. by whom,
and in what manner to be collected, ib.
Almsgiving at the Sacrament, a necessary
duty, 273.

Alphege, archbishop of Canterbury; some
account of him, 60.

Altar, in what part of the Church it former-
ly stood, 86. none were allowed to ap-
proach it but priests, ib. a dispute about
it at the Reformation, 263. how it ought
to stand, both in the Communion-time,
and out of it, 264. why the priest must
stand on the north side of it, 265. to be
covered with a fair linen cloth at the
time of Communion, ib.
Ambrose, bishop of Milan; some account
of him, 60.

Amen, what it signifies, 122. how regarded
by the primitive Christians, ib. why
printed sometimes in Roman and some-
times in Italic, 123. in what sense it is
used at the end of the curses in the
Commination, 505.

St. Andrew's day, why observed first in
the course of holy-days, and at the be-
ginning of Advent, 247.

Angels, thought to be present at the per-
formance of divine mysteries, 291.
St. Ann, mother to the blessed Virgin
Mary; some account of her, 67.
Anthems, the original and antiquity of
them, 158. why to be sung between the
third collect and the prayer for the
king, ib.

Annunciation, the feast of it, 247.
Apocrypha, when, and upon what account
appointed for Lessons, 137.

Apostles, others besides the twelve so
called, 95. their office not designed to
be temporary, ib.

their days, why observed as festivals,

Ascension-day, how early observed, 235.
the service of that day explained, ib.
Ash-Wednesday, why Lent begins on that
day, 219. why so called, ib. the discipline
of the ancient Church on that day, ib.
how the Church of England supplies it,
220. the service for it, ib.

St. Athanasius's Creed. See Creed of

August 1, a form of prayer for it, 519.

Augustin, first archbishop of Canterbury;
some account of him, 63.

St. Augustin, bishop of Hippo; some ac-
count of him, 69.

Banns, what the word signifies, 395. why,
and how often to be published, ib. the
poverty of the parties, or their not being
settled in the place where they are asked,
no reason for prohibiting the banns, 396.
the penalty of a minister that marries
without licence or banns, ib.

Baptism, how it typifies a new birth, 325.
formerly administered only at Easter and
Whitsuntide, and why, 231, 332. to be
administered now only on Sundays and
holy-days, except in cases of necessity,
333. the irregularity and scandal of ad-
ministering public baptism at home, ib.
why to be performed after the second
Lesson, 337. persons dying without it not
capable of Christian burial, 468.

of infants, practised by the Jews, 327.
no alteration intended by our Saviour,
ib. express testimony for it in the New
Testament, 329. proved from the writ-
ings of the most ancient Fathers, 330.

by laymen. See Lay Baptism.
St. Barnabas, his day, why not formerly in
the table of holy-days, 189.
St. Bartholomew, a remark upon the Gos-
pel appointed for his day, 252.
Bede, some account of him, 63. how he got
the name of Venerable, 64.

Benedict, an abbot; some account of him,


Bidding of prayer before sermon enjoined

by the Church ever since the Reforma-
tion, 272. the contrary practice attended
with fatal consequences, 273.
Birth-days, the days of the martyrdom of
the ancient Christians, so called, and
why, 188.

Bishops were called apostles in the first age
of the Church, 97. those called bishops
in Scripture were probably no more than
presbyters, ib. See Ministry.
Bissextile, leap-years, whence so called,

Blassius, bishop and martyr; some ac-
count of him, 56.

Boniface, bishop of Mentz, and martyr;
some account of him, 64.

Bread in the Sacrament, whether it should
be leavened or unleavened, 317.
Bread and wine for the Communion, when
and by whom to be placed on the table,
276. how and by whom to be provided,
321. the remainder after the Commu-
nion, how to be disposed of, 320.
Breaking the bread, a ceremony always
used by the ancient Church in conse-
crating the Eucharist, 297.
Bridemen, their antiquity, 400.

Britius, or St. Brice; some account of
him, 74.

Burial, Christian, the ancient form of it,

467. to what sort of persons denied, ib.
the time when performed, 474. the man-
ner of procession at funerals, ib. rose-
mary, why given at funerals, ib. the
priest to meet the corpse in his surplice,
475. and to go before it to the church or
grave, ib. in what places the dead were
buried formerly, 476. the ancient solemn-
ity of taking leave of the dead body,
485. the position of the corpse in the
grave, 486. the throwing earth upon the
body, ib. a communion at funerals for-
merly appointed, and why, 488.
Cæcilia, virgin and martyr; some account
of her, 76.

Calends, the column of them, 53.
Candlemas-day, whence so called, 247, 248.
Canonical hours for celebrating marriage,

Catechising, what the word signifies, 373.
of divine institution and universal prac-
tice, 372. as proper after baptism as be-
fore, 373. how often to be performed, 374.
why after the second Lesson, 375. who to
be catechised, 376. what care to be taken
by parents and masters, ib.
Catherine, virgin and martyr; some ac-
count of her, 77.

Cedde, or Chad, bishop of Lichfield; some
account of him, 58.

Chancels, why so called, 85. always stood
at the east end of the church, 86. how to
remain as they have done in times past,

Chimere, a bishop's habit, 104.
Choir, all divine service performed there at
first, 106. till clamoured against by Bu-
cer, 107. and altered upon his complaint,
ib. which caused great contentions, ib.
till the old custom was revived by queen
Elizabeth, ib.

Chrisom used anciently in baptism, 353.
why so called, ib. was formerly offered
by the woman at her churching, 498.
what the word should signify in the
weekly bills, 499. See White Garments.
Christmas-day, how early observed in the
Church, 208. the service for it explained,
ib. why a prescribed time for communi-
cating, 312.

St. Chrysostom, his prayer, 161. when first
added, 162.

Chronicles, (the books of,) why not read for
Lessons, 136.

Churches, the necessity of having appro-
priate places for public worship, 81. the
universal practice of Heathens, Jews,
Apostles, and primitive Christians, 81, 82.
the churches of the ancient Christians
sumptuous and magnificent, 85. the form
of them, ib. decency in churches requi-
site and necessary, 88. to be consecrated
by a solemn dedication of them to God,
ib. called by the names of angels and
saints, 90. great reverence shewn in
them by the primitive Christians, ib.

Church holy-days, what days so called, and
why, 89.
Churching of Women. See Thanksgiving
of Women after Childbirth.

Circumcision, (the feast of,) the design of
it, 212. the antiquity of it, ib. the service
for it, 213.

St. Clement, bishop of Rome, and martyr;
some account of him, 76.

Clergy and people, the prayer for them,
when first added, 160, 161.

Clerks, who intended by them, 154.
Collects, why the prayers are divided into
so many short collects, 155. why so call-
ed, 156. whether the collect for a Monday
festival is to be used on the Saturday or
the Sunday evening, 194. the week-day
collects not to be used on holy-days or
their eves, 196. the antiquity of the col-
lects for the Sundays and holy-days, 200.
Comber, Dr., his character of our Liturgy,

Commemorations, what they were, 139.
Commination, the occasion and design of
the office, 500. how often and upon what
occasions to be used, 501, 502. to be said
after the Litany ended, 503. to be said
in the reading-pew or pulpit, ib. the
design of the curses in this office, 504.
Amen, what it signifies at the end of
every curse, 505.

Common Prayer Book, compiled in the

reign of king Edward VI., 23. and con-
firmed by act of parliament, 25. but after-
wards submitted to the censure of Bu-
cer and Martyr, ib. upon whose excep-
tions it was reviewed and altered, ib. and
again confirmed by act of parliament,
26. both which acts were repealed by
queen Mary, ib. but the second book of
king Edward, with some few alterations,
again established in the reign of queen
Elizabeth, ib. some other alterations
made in it in the reign of king James I.,
28. and the whole book again reviewed
after the Restoration, ib. the names of
the commissioners, and the manner of
their proceeding, 26. compiled by an ec-
clesiastical, not a civil authority, 30. a
character of it from Dr. Comber, 33. See
Liturgy of the Church of England.
Communicants, the Ministers to be judges
of their fitness for the communion, 257.
and have power to repel scandalous of-
fenders, 258. when and how the commu-
nicants are to be conveniently placed at
the communion, 287.

Communion, in what time of divine service
notice of it is to be given, 270. not to be
administered to scandalous offenders,
258. nor to schismatics, 261. nor to persons
not confirmed, 262. nor to strangers from
other parishes, ib. when the Minister is
to give notice of it, 270. the care of the
Church about frequent communions,
312, 316.

Double communions on the same day, an
ancient practice, 203, 204.

Communion in one kind examined, 307.
Communion service, designed to be used at
a different time from morning prayer,
256. the order of it in king Edward's
first Book, and the Scotch Common
Prayer, 297. why to be said on all Sun-
days and holy-days, 313. to be said at
the altar, though there be no commu-
nion, and why, 315.

Communion of the sick, agreeable to the

practice of the primitive Church, 458.
timely notice to be given to the Curate,
461. how many required to communicate
with the sick, ib. where the sick is hin-
dered from communicating, he is to sup-
ply it by faith, 463.

Communion table, how properly called an
altar, 262. See Altar.
Confession, in the morning and evening
prayer, why placed at the beginning,
114. an objection against it answered,

- (private,) the state of it in the primi-
tive Church, 436. how far enjoined by
the Church of England, 437. the benefits
and advantages of it, 438.
Confirmation, a necessary qualification for
the communion, 262. of divine institu-
tion, 377. of apostolical practice, 378. its
being attended at first with miraculous
powers no argument that it was designed
only for a temporary ordinance, 379. ad-
ministered by the Apostles not so much
for the sake of its extraordinary, as of
its ordinary effects, ib. designed for a
standing and perpetual ordinance, 380.
practised by the Church in all ages, ib.
of what use and benefit, 381. not render-
ed unnecessary by the receiving the eu-
charist, 382. necessary to confirm the
benefits of baptism, 383. at what age
persons are to be confirmed, 384. to be
administered only by bishops, 385. a god-
father or godmother necessary to be
witness of it, 387. imposition of hands
an essential rite in it, 389. but a blow
on the cheek used instead of it by the
Church of Rome, 389, 390. prayer an-
other essential to it, 390. unction in con-
firmation, primitive and catholic, 391. as
also the sign of the cross, 392.
Consanguinity, or affinity, what degrees of
either expressly forbid to marry, 404.
and what by parity of reason implied, ib.
the case the same in unlawful conjune-
tions as in lawful marriages, 405. and
between bastard children, as between
those that are legitimate, ib. the reasons
of the prohibition, ib. such marriages,
why called incestuous, 406.
Consecration of Churches. See Churches.

of the elements in the Eucharist, al-
ways attributed to the invocation of the
Holy Ghost, 296, &c.

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