Imatges de pàgina

An Act of Hope.

My God, because thou art infinitely powerful, and infinitely good and merciful, I firmly hope thro the merits of Jesus Christ, to obtain of thee the pardon of all my sins, the help of thy divine grace to keep thy commandments perseveringly unto the end, and the reward of eternal happiness, which thou, who art most faithful to thy word, hast promised to them that serve thee, as I am resolved to do, bys thy grace, to the very end of my life.

An Act of Charity towards God.

My God, because thou art infinitely good in thyself, because thou art my supreme and only true happiness and last end, and art infinitely good and bountiful to me, I therefore love thee above all things; I love thee with all my heart, my soul, my mind, and my strength; and for the love of thee, I am willing to part with every thing, rather than by sin to lose thee, my God and my all.


An act of Charity towards our Neighbour.

My God, the lover of mankind because my neighbour is created to thy image, is beloved by thee, whom I love above all things, and is redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ; I therefore desire to love every neighbour as myself for thy sake, as thou hast commanded me; I heartily forgive, all those that have ever offended me, as I expect to be forgiven by thee, and beg thy mercy, grace, and salvation for them, and for all mankind.

An Act of Contrition.

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My God, infinitely good, just,

and holy, because I love thee above all things, I am sorry from the bottom of my heart, that I ever offended thee; I hate and detest all my sins, because they are displeasing to thee, my good God; and I firmly purpose, by the help of thy grace, to repent and do penance for them, and never more to offend thee; but carefully to avoid sin, and all immediate occa sions of it.


Prayers for Night.


N the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen,

Blessed be the holy and undivided Trinity, now and for ever. Amen, ¡ Our Father, &c. Hail Mary, &c. I believe in God, &c.

Invoke the Assistance of the Holy Ghost, saying,

Ome, O holy Spirit! fill the hearts of thy faithful, and kindle

in them the fire of thy love. V. Send forth thy Spirit

hearts will be regenerated.

and our

R. And thou wilt renew the face of the earth.

Place yourself in the presence of God, and give him thanks for all the benefits you have received from him, particularly this day.

My God, I firmly believe thou art here, and perfectly seest me,


and that thou observest all my actions, all my thoughts, and the most secret motions of my heart. Thou watchest over me with an incomparable love, every moment bestowing favours, and preserving me from evil. Blessed be thy holy name, and may all creatures bless thy goodness for the benefits I have ever received from thee, and particularly this day. May the saints and angels supply my defect in rendering thee due thanks. Never permit me to be so base and wicked as to repay thy bounties with ingratitude, and thy blessings with offences and injuries.

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Ask our Lord Jesus Christ grace to discover the sins you have committed this day; and beg of him a true sorrow for them, and a sincere repentance.

My Lord Jesus Christ, judge of the living and the dead, before whom I must appear one day to give an exact account of my whole life; enlighten me, I beseech thee, and give me an humble and contrite heart, that I may see wherein I have offended thy infinite Majesty; and judge myself


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now with such a just severity,that then thou mayst judge me with mercy and clemency.

Here examine what sins you hove committed this day, by thought, word, deed or omission,

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Bat if nothing occurs to your mind, wherein you have offended; reflect a

gain on the chief sins of your life past.

Then conceive a great sorrow for hav,


ing offended God, and say,

My God! I detest these and all

other sins which I have committed against thy divine Majesty, I am extremely sorry that I have offended thee, because thou art infinitely good, and sin displeases thee. I love thee with my whole heart, and 'firmly purpose by the help of thy grace, hever more to offend thee. I resolve to avoid the occasions of sin; I will confess them, and will endeavour to make satisfaction for them. Have mercy on

me, O God, have mercy, and pardon me a wretched sinner. In the name


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