Imatges de pàgina

that a more full and fair difcuffion would be given to it than to the measure of the land tax last year.

Mr. Buxton was forry to hear fuch harsh terms applied to the measure now propofed by his right hon. Friend; it by na means called for, nor juftified them; nor were the other obfervations that were thrown out by any means applicable to the question before the Houfe, which was merely, that the report be now brought up. He heard much ftrefs laid upon the words "inquifitorial power;" for his part, he could not fee the measure in that light; on the contrary, he looked upon it as a plan as fair and candid as a Chancellor of the Exchequer could propofe. Those who were to fuperintend its execution were alfo of the moft unquestionable charaer. They were to be drawn from that defcription of perfons to whom are entrusted the execution of our civil and criminal laws. It was not therefore to be fuppofed that men of the first confequence in the country would lend their countenance and co-operation to a measure that deferved to be branded with the epithets which fome gentlemen had thought proper to indulge in. As to the difficulties attending it, they would not be found greater than thofe which at all times embarraffed measures of fuch various and comprehenfive operations. He laft year propofed, that if a tax was to be laid upon land, a tax alfo fhould be laid on income of every fort. It was his with to see all property equally interested in the defence of the country, and equally to contribute towards the protection it received. Was not this the object of the measure now propofed, and why refift it, unlefs a fairer and more effectual one can be fubftituted in its ftead? He was as fteady a friend as any member of that Houfe to the real liberties of the country, and thofe who were friends to thofe liberties, thould not grumble at facrificing a few of their comforts in order to protect and fecure them. It is objected to the measure that its object is to continue during the war, and that it was intended to fubfidize foreign powers, in order to gain their co-operation against the common enemy. This, in his eyes, was no objection; on the contrary, he was bold to fay, that no minifter thould be permitted to remain in power in this country, who was not watchful in procuring and maintaining fuch continental connections: for this ifland, however proudly fome Gentlemen may be inclined to fpeak of its fufficiency, is and must be connected with Europe; and if any minifer neglected to keep up that connection by every poffible means,


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he fhould be pronounced guilty of high treafon, and punished for his guilt. If the powers on the continent want money, the minifter would not be a true friend to his country if he did not endeavour to fupply them. He trusted, therefore, that he would have the fpirit to do fo, and that nothing would be left untried to make all Europe, to a man, rife up and oppofe the profligate ambition of an enemy that knows not where to ftop, till he tramples upon the liberty and independence of the world.

Mr. Jones explained, and faid, that he had not the least objection to the principle of the measure.

The refolutions were then read, agreed to, and a bill ordered to be brought in in purfuance of them.

Sir Francis Burdett faid, that what he was about to ftate would not, he trusted, detain the Houfe for any confiderable time The motion he was about to offer to the House was fo unobjectionable in itfelf, that he did not believe the Houfe could fee any impropriety whatever in it; and he rather thought that his Majefty's minifters themfelves would accede to it. He should therefore read it: "That there be laid before this House a lift of the names of all the prifoners confined under the Act of the 38th of his prefent Majefty, entitled, An Act to empower his Majefty to fecure and detain fuch perfons as he shall fufpect to be confpiring against his perfon and government."

He then faid he fhould not prefs this motion now, if he was given to understand there was the least objection to it; he fhould, in that cafe, bring it forward on fome future day.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer faid the hon. Baronet had done rightly when he determined to take time before he made this motion, if it was objected to; it certainly was not a motion of courfe, and therefore the hon. Baronet would now take an opportunity of naming fome day for the difcuflion of it. The motion was then appointed for Monday.

The Secretary at War moved the order of the day, which was to take into confideration four refolutions of the committee of fupply upon the army eftimates.

The Houfe proceeded to confider the refolutions.

On reading that which relates to the fupplementary militia,

Lord W. Ruffell faid, there were fome complaints upon this branch of the public fervice in that part of the country in which he lived. The expence was fuch that the people could not fupport it. There was a great difficulty in procuring fubftitutes,

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fubftitutes, and when procured, they deferted very frequently. This became a very troublesome bufinefs to this part of the country. He wished minifters to take it into confideration, and endeavour to find out fome relief.

The Secretary at War faid, he did not know of any particular grievance that belonged to one part of the country more than another in this particular. If the noble Lord had any thing to fuggeft by way of remedy, he fhould be happy to hear it. Inquiry might, perhaps, lead to fome fuggeftions for remedies, but until fomething of that kind took place, he knew of nothing that could be done.

The refolution was then put and carried; as were the other refolutions, and a bill or bills were ordered to be brought in in purfuance of them.

The Secretary at War moved for leave to bring in a bill for punishing mutiny and defertion, and for the better payment of the army and their quarters, that is commonly called the mutiny bill. Leave given.-Adjourned.



This day Lord Nelfon's annuity bill was brought up from the Houfe of Commons, and read a first and fecond time and committed for Monday.

The Houfe then adjourned to Monday next.



The malt duty bill paffed a committee of the whole House, and the report was ordered to be received the next day.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer brought up a bill for repealing the duties laid on the last feffion of parliament, called the Affeffed Taxes, for the fupport of the war, and for laying other duties in lieu thereof, in order to carrying on the fame purpofe more effectually.

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The title of the bill being read,

Sir Robert Clayton faid, we were to look, not upon men, but measures. If he had been in the Houfe the other day he should have been against a certain Baronet now near him. We should not have had the fuccefs we had laft fummer if we had previously diminished our navy. By their exertions, however, our fear of invafion was at an end. The public


money of this country he thought always well beftowed upon the navy; but he could not give his voice fo cordially for the army. Never would he give his confent to any fupport to a continental war, nor any loan to a foreign prince. He was against feceffion from parliament; he withed Mr. Fox [here he was called to order-Well then, he would fay he wished a certain gentleman would attend his duty in that House. It was faid, you cannot get the prefent minifter out"-true; but he oppofed Lord North for 17 years, and if they had not attended for all that time they would not have fucceeded and got him out of power. He was of opinion that the present minifters misconducted the public affairs, and if a wifer policy was not adopted, he was afraid we fhould lofe Ireland as we loft America. He was against the plan of the Affeffed Taxes; but he did not fwear off, but paid them. He bebelieved, however, that much perjury had been committed in confequence of thefe affeffments. He was no orator, and knew not how to speak to advantage; but his confcience he ought to fpeak. He was against this tax upon income; he was against laying open all the accounts of the trader, the merchant, and the banker:-it was to him a dreadful thought. But, if it must go on, he hoped fomebody would propose that only 10 per cent. fhould attach on 500l. a year, and twenty per cent. upon a thoufand, and advance the rate as we go upwards. If placemen and penfioners, fhould fupport that plan, then he would fay they were good statesmen. With regard to the right hon. Gentleman, he owned he was a very lucky minifter; for he never had to open a feffion but fome fuccefs had juft previously occurred to his advantage. Indeed the prefent minifter reminded him of a Cat: for tofs and throw him as you will, he always lights upon his feet; he is always upon his legs: he begged pardon, but he wished to declare his public opinion; he thought the country in fuch a fituation, that every honeft independent man ought to come forward and deliver his opinion. He thould oppofe this meafure in every ftage; but if the Houfe fhould be determined to go on with it, he should have a claufe to propofe relative to all places and penfions when the bill came into the committee.

The bill was then read a firft time, and ordered to be read a fecond time the next day.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer gave notice, that the next day he would move for leave to bring in a bill to amend the act of the last feffion for the fale of the land tax.



Mr. Tierney afked if the Income Bill was intended for recommitment on Friday fe'nnight,

The Chancellor of the Exchequer anfwered in the affirmative.

Sir John Sinclair faid, he hoped the right hon. Gentleman would alter his intention of re-committing the bill on that day, as he wished that the Houfe might be called over on that day fortnight, it being ufual to do fo upon the difcuffion of great questions, in order to enforce as full an attendance as poffible. The prefent queftion involved in it the moft important confiderations. The funding fyftem was the mode by which fupplies had been raised for a century paft. Any measure, therefore, which went to lay afide a fyltein that had been attended with fuccefs, and under which the country flourished, ought to be looked upon with apprehenfion and jealoufy. It would require the united wifdom of the Houfe to carry the meafure into effect, and one great difficulty would be to afcertain the fcale of the tax on income. He objected ftrongly to the tax on income arifing from the public funds, as well as that on property which perfons had out of the country. The people were feverely taxed already, and to lay heavier burthens on them might be productive of emigration, and other ill confequences that would finally render the tax unproductive. It would be better to fuffer the tax of laft year to remain; to fubftitute the prefent in its room, would be throwing away a permanent for a temporary advantage; and he feared it would have the effect of raising the price of all the neceffaries of life. It therefore would be adviseable to have all the members affembled together, as by their united wisdom fome other measure might be devifed; or this bill be rendered lefs objectionable. He would therefore move, that the House be called over on that day fortnight.

Mr. Tyrrwhit thought, from the full attendance in the Houfe when the Chancellor of the Exchequer opened the meafure, that a call would be fuperfluous.

Mr. Martin faid, he had long thought that many members of that Houfe neglected their duty very much, not that he was quite fure that the public would be much benefited if they did attend. He begged, however, to be understood as not to allude to any particular member or members of the Houfe. He meant purely to apply his obfervation to those who ftaid in the country, when nothing kept them there but


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