Imatges de pàgina

were fervices of fo important a nature as to be juftly entitled to the gratitude of the Houfe, and of this kind he thought the merits of Sir J. B. Warren.

Mr. Secretary Dundas faid, that the honourable gentleman had fuggefted what was already announced, for the pre ceding night he had given notice of his intention to move the thanks of the House, both for our naval fucceffes off the Nile, and off the coaft of Ireland, though as the House was in fome confufion, the gentleman had not observed it.

Mr. Hobhoufe faid, every Englishman must be filled with pride and admiration, in contemplating the achievement of Lord Nelfon. There were fome very important features in the character of that gallant Admiral which had not been noticed; these were his modefty and piety; his modesty, in ftating, that, when wounded, the conduct of the thip devolved upon Captain Berry, and that the fervice fuftained no lofs by that circumftance; his piety, in afcribing the victory to Providence. He wished that fome further reward were beftowed on Admiral Nelfon, fuch as in the cafe of Earl St. Vincent and Lord Duncan. He alluded to fome pecuniary provifion. With refpect to the title bestowed on him, he fuppofed it was owing to Lord Nelfon's being an inferior officer to Lord St. Vincent and Lord Duncan, that a higher title had not been given.

The Chancel or of the Exchequer faid, he was happy in feeing the cordial concurrence of the honourable gentlemen on this occafion; but they would fee, that they were only fuggefting what was already in contemplation, and perhaps, though not quite regular in the way of notice, he might ftate, that, probably the next day, a meffage would be brought down from his Majefty, for the purpofe of inviting the Houfe to make the provifion alluded to in favour of Lord Nelfon.

The motion of thanks to the gallant Admiral then paffed

nem. con.

Vote of thanks to the captains and officers, to the seamen and marines of the flect, in the ufual manner, were then paffed nem. con.

Mr. Secretary Dundas faid, that while thus expreffing their fenfe of the merit of the living officers, it was usual likewife to give fome teftimony of veneration for the memory of thofe who unfortunately fell. One of the captains of the fleet who had diftinguished himself greatly


(captain Weftcott,) had been killed in the action. He now moved therefore,


That an humble addrefs be prefented to his Majefty, humbly defiring that his Majefty will be pleased to give directions, that a monument be erected in the cathedral church of St. Paul's, London, to the memory of captain George Blagdon Weftcott, of his Majefty's fhip Majestic, who fell gloriously in the naval engagement of the fift of Auguft laft, when a decifive victory was obtained by Rear Admiral Lord Nelfon over the French Fleet off the Mouth of the Nile; and that this House will make good the expence attending the fame. Agreed to nemine contradicente.

That the faid address be presented to his Majefty by such members of this Houfe as are of his Majefty's most honourable privy council. Agreed to nemine contradicente.

Mr. Keene faid, that it was within his knowledge that the family of captain Weflcott were, in a confiderable degree, affifted and fupported by him when alive, and by his death were plunged into great diftrefs. He hoped therefore that fome provifion would be made for his relatives.


Mr. Secretary Dundas then rofe to move the thanks of the house to Sir John Borlafe Warren. He faid, that undoubtedly this victory was not attended with fuch brilliant circumstances as the former, fince the force under Sir J. B. Warren was fuperior, yet it was important to the country in a very high degree. He was happy too, that on this occafion he had an opportunity of expreffing the high fenfe he had of the diftinguifhed fervices rendered by Sir John Borlafe Warren during the courfe of the war. Some might fay, that he was a fortunate officer, but with him this was no derogation, for certainly that man was most likely to be fortunate who put himself in fortune's way. The conduct of Sir J. B. Warren on the day of the action was particularly meritorious, and the refult of the action had relieved the public mind from all anxiety refpecting the enemy's attempts on Ireland. From its extreme importance therefore, it well deferved the gratitude of the country and the thanks of the House.

That the thanks of this Houfe be given to Sir John Borlafe Warren, Baronet, and Knight of the moft Honourable Order of the Bath, for his meritorious and fuccefsful exertions on the 12th of October laft, in the to


tal defeat of a French armament, destined for the invafion of the kingdom of Ireland.

Mr. Secretary Dundas faid, that the vote to the captains would not be confined to the 12th, as feveral of the fhips were not captured on that day. He then moved,

"That the thanks of the House be given to the feveral captains, and other officers, on board his Majefty's fhips which were engaged with the French fquadron deftined for the coaft of Ireland, in the month of October laft, for their bravery and gallant conduct in the defeat of that armament; and that Sir John Borlase Warren do fignify the fame to them.

That this Houfe doth highly approve of and acknowledge the fervices of the feamen and marines on board the feveral fhips engaged with the Frence squadron deftined to the coaft of Ireland, in the month of Octo ber laft; and that the officers, commanding the feveral fhips, do fignify the fame to their respective crews, and do thank them for their goood be haviour." Both votes were agreed to, nemine contradicente. Adjourned.


THURSDAY, Nov. 22.

Lord Charles Somerset informed the Houfe that his Majefty would be ready to receive the Addrefs at half paft three o'clock.


The Chancellor of the Exchequer brought up a Meffage from his Majefty, intimating that

George R.

His Majesty having taken into his royal confideration the fignal and glorious fervice performed by Rear Admiral Lord Nelfon, in the memor able and decifive victory obtained over a fuperior French fleet off the Mouth of the Nile, in the Month of Auguft laft, not only in the highest degree honourable to himself, but eminently beneficial to his Majefty's kingdoms; and being defirous to beltow upon the faid Rear Admiral Lord Nelfon fome confiderable and lasting mark of his royal favour, as a teftimony of his Majefty's approbation of fuch diftinguished fervice, and for this to give and grant unto the faid Rear Admiral Lord NELSON, and to the two next fucceeding heirs male of the body of the faid Rear Admiral Lord NELSON, to whom the title of Baron NELSON of the NILE, and of Burnham Thorpe, in the county of Norfolk, should descend, VOL. I. 1798. I


for and during their lives, a net annuity of 2000l. per annum. But his Majefty not having it in his power to grant an annuity to that amount, or to extend the effect of the said grant beyond the term of his own life, recommends it to his faithful Commons to confider of a proper method of enabling his Majefty to grant the fame, and of extending, fecuring, and fettling, fuch annuity to the faid Rear Admiral Lord NELSON, and to the two next perfons on whom the title of Barop NELSON of the NILE, and of Burnham Thorpe, in the county of Norfolk, fhould defcend, in such manner as fhall be thought mot effectual for the benefit of the faid Rear Admiral Lord NELSON and his family.

On the motion of the Chancellor of the Exchequer the Meffage was referred to a Committee of Supply the next day. Ordered.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer moved, that his Majesty's moft gracious meffage fhould be taken into confideration the 'next day.-Ordered.

He likewife moved that a fupply be granted to his Majefty, and that the Houfe would next day refolve itself into a Committee of Supply, to take the said motion into confideration. Ordered.

Mr. E. Coke moved, that a new writ be ordered for the election of a Member for the Borough of Downton, in the room of Sir Wm. Scott, appointed Chief Judge of the Court of Admiralty.-Ordered.

Adjourned, and proceeded with the Address to St. James's.


FRIDAY, Nov. 23.

The Speaker, upon taking the Chair, acquainted the Houle that his Majefly had been waited on with the Addrefs of the Houfe; to which his Majefty was pleased to return a moft gracious anfwer.

Mr. Lygon prefented a petition from the prifoners confined for debt at Worcester, praying for relief.-Ordered to lie on the Table.

Mr. Dickens prefented a petition from the prifoners confined in Northampton gaol, alfo praying for relief.-Ordered to lie on the Table.

Mr. H. Addington prefented a petition from Sarah Baker, praying for leave to enlarge the theatre of Rochester.-Ordered to lie on the table.

On the motion of the Chanceller of the Exchequer it was


ordered, to receive no petitions for private bills after the 15th day of February next.


On the motion that the Houfe fhall go into a Committee of Supply, in which his Majefty's Meffage was referred, .. Mr. Jones faid " From no man in his Majesty's dominions can come a more humble and fincere acknowledgement of of the royal meffage before us than myself. The victory obtained by Admiral Lord Nelfon is above all praife, and no language am mafter of can be adequate to it. The confequences are fo eventful and eventual, that, if rightly followed up (which I am fully difpofed to think will be the cafe) by his Majefty's minifters, the noble Lord may be hereafter (I think I do not exceed the mark), juftly called the Saviour of Mankind. As to the armament itself, which is connected nearly with the object of the meffage, when it lay at Toulon, I often hazarded an opinion that its deftination was India, but I could not find three people to agree with me. This, however, is only my private obfervation on the expedition; and I fhall only fay, that I am forry I was right, and that I hope fome of his Majefty's minifters, and fome of the Directors of the Eaft India Company, thought as I did, and took their measures accordingly.

"Now, Sir, I fhall pass from that long, awful, and folemn fufpenfe which the nation laboured under; I fhall pafs, Sir, with the warmth of an Englishman, to the fcene of action, that fcene of glory to the British arms, that scene of confufion and difmay to the French-that fcene of wonder and delight to the unlettered and paralifed Arab, that scene of aftonishment to the whole world!-Here, Sir, I will obferve on the immediate confequences of this victory as they ftrike me from that moment the King of Naples felt eafy on his throne, and ceafed to temporife with the Directory; the cold Ruffian grew warm in the common cause against the common enemy, the proud and ftately Porte forgot old animofities, their mutual jealoufies fubfided, their heartburnings ceafed, they fhook hands; the tacfin was rung, the warwhoop was founded through their diftant regions with the rapidity of lightning and the tone of thunder, and thoufands of armed men ruthed forth, panting to crush an expedition engendered in horrible, diabolical ambition, concerted and carried on with hypocrify under the mask of friendship, acted

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